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Pistol with binary trigger


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Hi all, 


I'm new to the forum and would like some advice. 


I'm looking to build my first setup and would like a pistol with a binary trigger (yes I know not everyone likes them) and possibly a hpa gas system. 

My question is can you put a binary trigger on any pistol or are there only certain ones? 

If there are only certain ones how can you tell which you can add them to and would there be a best choice? 


Thank you in advance


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not that i've spent any time looking, but can't say i've ever heard of it for pistols. the systems on rifles tend to operate electronically and whilst it's technically feasable to do in a pistol i've never heard of it done.


assuming this is for a cqb environment based on the want of hpa in pistol form i'd wager a lot of sites wouldn't be so keen on a binary trigger anyway.


you might be mistaking people using conventional triggers and just spamming the hell out of it, which is a great way to win friends on-site.

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Might be possible on an electric pistol but no gbb or nbb pistols are made to or have any aftermarket ways to do that. There's a few with 3rnd burst but they are mainly collectables. 

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I’ve made binary triggers for gbb rifles, first by accident, then to see if I could, but it’s nothing that I would ever show anybody how to do, way, way to stupid and dangerous.


I can’t envisage a way to make it work on any of the pistols I’ve worked on. Bound to be possible though

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I went to an airsoft event last week and there was a guy there with a pistol that had a binary trigger (at least I think it was binary with the rate it was firing as full auto is banned) and a gas bottle kit attached, I'll go back and ask him what sort it is as I'm honestly not sure but it was an immense setup

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Any 1911/2011 has a relatively good trigger with a short reset and most whom like that sort of hpa speed soft thing use 2011's. I imagine it's that rather than a binary trigger.

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11 hours ago, Troggy said:

I went to an airsoft event last week and there was a guy there with a pistol that had a binary trigger (at least I think it was binary with the rate it was firing as full auto is banned) and a gas bottle kit attached, I'll go back and ask him what sort it is as I'm honestly not sure but it was an immense setup


That'll be what we call a "wanker gun".

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12 hours ago, Troggy said:

I went to an airsoft event last week and there was a guy there with a pistol that had a binary trigger (at least I think it was binary with the rate it was firing as full auto is banned) and a gas bottle kit attached, I'll go back and ask him what sort it is as I'm honestly not sure but it was an immense setup


if your first thoughts on playing with a semi-only rule is to ask "how do i bypass this as much as possible" then i fear you may have picked up the wrong impression of the hobby.


whilst there isn't anything intrinsically wrong with hpa'd pistols, there is a certain subset of players (like, by the sounds of it, the one you met) who use those capabilities to excess, and a lot of folks ain't so keen on that, after all it's why auto is banned for most cqb sites in the first place.


some compassion for the folk you're shooting at goes a long way.

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1000% this☝️, its all very well wanting to win, but taking the piss or inflicting unnecessary pain on your opponents can be detrimental to the game overall, & sometimes can bite you in the arse 🤜🤛

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13 hours ago, Troggy said:

with the rate it was firing as full auto is banned




That's a wanker gun, used by wankers.  Unless you're playing speedsoft at a site full of similar overshooting spam-gibbons, please don't try to emulate it.


My local CQB site runs a 3-shot-then-pause rule, which they actually monitor and crack down on.  There's no need to be sending solid streams of BBs in CQB.


I mention that rule actually being enforced because airsoft is rife with things which are "banned" but still happen regularly.  For all you know, that bloke's ripping off full auto bursts and nobody is pulling him up on it.

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14 hours ago, Troggy said:

I went to an airsoft event last week and there was a guy there with a pistol that had a binary trigger (at least I think it was binary with the rate it was firing as full auto is banned) and a gas bottle kit attached, I'll go back and ask him what sort it is as I'm honestly not sure but it was an immense setup

I would say that either:


1) They used a mode against the rules

2) They are fast on the trigger 


Bounce, multiple modes etc are/were prevalent in paintball


True ‘bounce’ is the physical or electronic double firing per trigger pull:

For example recoil, a worn sear or badly adjusted trigger/bolt system cause an occasional second shot

With micro switches etc a circuit could still have low power come through and be misinterpreted as another pull

Therefore you get a ‘debounce’ setting to fine tune how sensitive the circuit is for the next shot


When you restrict full auto, burst etc and the rate of fire of an electronically controlled trigger then when players are up against a semi auto mode or mechanical trigger then a player can pull their trigger as quickly as they like, and provided the bolt etc and next round is ready then a human being can pull the trigger more quickly than a restricted electronic mode


In my opinion binary triggers and bounce modes are worse than full auto or burst modes


In semi I have to keep pulling the trigger and everything stops when I stop

Even in an ‘assisted’ semi (ramping in paintball) I would need to achieve a physical rate of trigger pull, then as long as I keep pulling the trigger then a mode kicks in and fires at a preset maximum rate of fire 

In burst then for example a burst if 3 shots are fired when the trigger is pulled

In full auto a constant rate of fire continues until the trigger is released 


With a binary trigger you have lost control of your shooting:

Pull - it shoots

Release - it shoots again


I could fire one shot, then see something that makes me stop.  I cannot release my finger without firing another shot 





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Thanks alot for the info guys, yes the guy absolutely peppered me hense wanting the ability to reply in kind 😂. But from what your all saying he looks to be a minority and not the way to play. I'll still look at a hpa as the videos I've watched say it's more consistent than green gas but with a semi auto possibly a 2011 from the advice above. 

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As a pistol player I much prefer to use standard size green gas mags. A good gbb pistol will work well on green and most are capable of rapping off shots relatively quickly. Personally I prefer the freedom of not being tethered to a line and a massive bottle on my person or having a big stupid unwieldy mag of some sort.

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2 hours ago, Troggy said:

yes the guy absolutely peppered me hense wanting the ability to reply in kind


Most decent sites will have a prohibition about over-shooting.  Some of them might even mean it.  I'd have a friendly, constructive word with them about the incident, not making a big issue of it, just asking what their position is.


It might turn out that the chap is a Marshal's Mate or the site owner's nephew or similar, and they'll shrug it off.  Or it might be that he's a serial offender who's on his last warning.


Either way, you'll know the site's actual policy on wanker-gunnery.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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