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Hi Cappa Only Shoots After Racking by Hand


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Going to ask you guys as I have had an ongoing issue with my TM DOR HI-cappa since first purchase.


The slide was always sticky and it had not shot properly since the fist time I used it. I sent it back and was told the slide was too dry and it needed lubing, fair enough (even though I did do this myself). 


But the main issue is it will ONLY fire a bb when I rack it back by hand. Every shot after that has no bb coming out from it. I can fire until the gas runs out but no bb comes up. I have tried different mags and its not the mag, its as if the slide does not return far enough to chamber the next bb. As if I rack it by hand again then I get one shot and not more after that.


Any ideas on what I can try or look for? As I cant really afford to keep paying postage to and back from the tech as its already gone back once.

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6 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

Sounds like you bought the springer version 😉

If only it was that simple, really disapointed with this gun in all honesty. I have had loads of opportunities to use a pistol the past couple of months and love using them for games but have been totally unable to use this since buying it about a year ago.

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2 minutes ago, Albiscuit said:

If only it was that simple, really disapointed with this gun in all honesty. I have had loads of opportunities to use a pistol the past couple of months and love using them for games but have been totally unable to use this since buying it about a year ago.


Yeah that is a shame and very uncommon for a Marui product. Shy of more cleaning and lubing, not sure what to suggest but hope you get it sorted.

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I can send it back (again) but have to keep paying postage is all adding up. will be almost 50% of the guns costs on postage charges if I have to send ot back again. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas to try.


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29 minutes ago, Schnakey said:

Sounds like the nozzle is sticking in the hop unit. 

This sounds like the likely situation.  If it's cycling enough for the hammer to reset but not chamber, the nozzle can't be in a position to strip a BB each time.  Perhaps when it's hand cycled, the slide is in the rear position long enough for the nozzle to snap back and chamber a BB compared to when the slide is back very briefly during cycling.


If you slowly hand cycle it, does the nozzle hang on the hop unit?  If you remove the slide and barrel and pull the nozzle does it immediately snap back?  Might be an issue with the nozzle return spring.  Or just a bad tolerance gripping the hop unit.

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I will check it out over the weekend.


The tech just emailed saying he won’t waive the return delivery as he is sure there is nothing wrong. Lol like I’m sending back and forwards for no good reason.

I really don’t know what to say in response to be honest. It has never worked since he sent it to me from new

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Perhaps send him a video showing a full mag then firing it 20/30 times and then show the full mag?  If he still thinks there is nothing wrong, never buy from that shop again as they clearly employ morons.


You have no other hi cappas to swap the slide with/know anyone local you could swap the slide with and see if the problem follows the slide then break it down to hop unit/nozzle?

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Had a similar issue with a TM M&P 9 last year.

Went straight back to CAMOraids. Manufacturing fault, tolerances too tight.

They checked their stock, all they had were the same, so they offered to polish the BBU inside and out, or a full refund. Took the polishing route, was sorted in two days, top service

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Just to mention. I have seen the pistol in the flesh and seen the issues. 


When it came back from the tech, the nozzle/bb unit refused to move smoothly and liked getting stuck in the hop unit, which meant you had to rack the unit by hand. After lubing the small hole in the nozzle/bb unit it does cycle, but not far enough to the rear and just continues to dry fire unless racked by hand.


I am quite disappointed that the retailer is acting like this. I bought mine at nearly the same time and mine has had no problems. The only difference is I believe Al has had a ZCI barrel and different hop rubber installed from the retailer. 

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Yeah I had a different barrel and hop installed on purchase.

I am thinking it might be that which is causing the issues.


Totally disappointed by the retailers response. 

i just want a working pistol ffs :( 


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Thanks to hitmans suggestion I have decided to make a vid showing 10bbs in the mag, shoot more than 10 shots into a box and show that the mag still has 9 bbs in it and see if he still says the gun has no fault and go from there.

Its still an issue that’s under warranty imo and I am happy to pay to send it back but do not want to pay postage to have it sent back to me otherwise it will be almost £50 in postage charges with the backwards and forwards of this bloody pistol. 

Will do that this weekend and see what happens. I don’t want to take it apart myself or pay someone else just yet.


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15 minutes ago, Albiscuit said:

Thanks to hitmans suggestion I have decided to make a vid showing 10bbs in the mag, shoot more than 10 shots into a box and show that the mag still has 9 bbs in it and see if he still says the gun has no fault and go from there.

Its still an issue that’s under warranty imo and I am happy to pay to send it back but do not want to pay postage to have it sent back to me otherwise it will be almost £50 in postage charges with the backwards and forwards of this bloody pistol. 

Will do that this weekend and see what happens. I don’t want to take it apart myself or pay someone else just yet.



Just on the off-chance.... Hi Capa mags are fussy about about how you load the BB's. Any gaps and there's a good chance the next shot won't be pushed up to the feed-lips. Not that is it?

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This is rubbish service, what happened to ‘the customer is always right’? 

Any chance we may know the retailer or is that a no no?

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Lube the gas router and push it down into the mag. sometimes they add too much friction to the slide and stop it fully cycling. Worth a try


But definitely the retailer is responsible to fix or repair under law including any postage costs

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On 05/10/2020 at 20:53, Dogsbody100 said:

This is rubbish service, what happened to ‘the customer is always right’? 


Not commenting on this particular case but in airsoft there's no way a retailer could work on that basis. Imagine Mummy buys little Johnny an AEG, he takes it to a skirmish and gets a jam but carries on firing in an attempt to clear it, ends up breaking it. Takes it back to the retailer demanding a replacement. Is that the customer always being right?


Also full-disclosure, the "little Johnny" story may have been stolen from @Armourpiercing who worked for retailers, investigating what went wrong and how it happened.

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On 09/10/2020 at 13:03, Cr0-Magnon said:


Not commenting on this particular case but in airsoft there's no way a retailer could work on that basis. Imagine Mummy buys little Johnny an AEG, he takes it to a skirmish and gets a jam but carries on firing in an attempt to clear it, ends up breaking it. Takes it back to the retailer demanding a replacement. Is that the customer always being right?


Also full-disclosure, the "little Johnny" story may have been stolen from @Armourpiercing who worked for retailers, investigating what went wrong and how it happened.


Retailers by law have to work on that basis. Unless they can prove the customer did the damage, then in the first 6 month, no questions asked they must, repair, replace or refund. Consumer laws apply to airsoft the same as all other sales

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2 hours ago, MadMole said:


Retailers by law have to work on that basis. Unless they can prove the customer did the damage, then in the first 6 month, no questions asked they must, repair, replace or refund. Consumer laws apply to airsoft the same as all other sales

99% sure it’s an act not a law. The onus is actually on the consumer to prove there was a fault from point of purchase. The case can be argued in a small claims court if it is felt that the item has not lasted a “reasonable period of time”. That’s commonly seen as a few years (5-7) for white goods but it gets super murky with grey goods. Frankly, I’m surprised they’ve been dicks as it’s massively beneficial to the retailer to not call their client a liar, you know, if they want to see that customer again...


If it’s within 28 of the initial purchase, if you bought it online you’re well within your rights to pursue a full refund thanks to the distance selling regulations 2014


That’s probably your best bet when dealing with tools

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23 hours ago, Alimcd said:

99% sure it’s an act not a law. The onus is actually on the consumer to prove there was a fault from point of purchase. The case can be argued in a small claims court if it is felt that the item has not lasted a “reasonable period of time”. That’s commonly seen as a few years (5-7) for white goods but it gets super murky with grey goods. Frankly, I’m surprised they’ve been dicks as it’s massively beneficial to the retailer to not call their client a liar, you know, if they want to see that customer again...


If it’s within 28 of the initial purchase, if you bought it online you’re well within your rights to pursue a full refund thanks to the distance selling regulations 2014


That’s probably your best bet when dealing with tools


Distance selling is 14 days. https://www.gov.uk/online-and-distance-selling-for-businesses


Retailer has to PROVE it wasn't faulty in the first 6 months "You must repair or replace an item if a customer returns it within 6 months - unless you can prove it was not faulty when they bought it." https://www.gov.uk/accepting-returns-and-giving-refunds

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I’m gob smacked about the distance seller time frame only being 14 days but I’m certain that it’s the consumer’s responsibility to prove the fault. Here’s a snippet from a Which mag guide who are firing at this from the consumer’s side.


“If your claim under the Sale of Goods Act ends up in court, you may have to prove that the fault was present when you bought the item and not, for example, something that was the result of normal wear and tear.”


It’s all a bit murky, even the legal advice from our retailers association can differ case to case. The best solution is always to come to an agreement before something ugly happens


with social media and google reviews, the retailer should really be trying to find a mutually acceptable solution before coming to blows

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