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First gun purchase?

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Hey all

so I get UKARA registered soon and will be purchasing my first gun. I was planning on getting a pistol but I have read the helpful guides on here and it says to not buy a pistol as your first gun.


The reason why I was thinking of getting a pistol is because my local site is a cqb site, which is extremely close, literally just corridors and small rooms. So distance isn’t really an issue, I was thinking a pistol would be more beneficial in the tight spaces.


what would you guys suggest? Would a smg be a better choice in the long run? Or would a short rifle get more use in the future?




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A shorter length gun would suit the area you play in better. Easier to corner and such.


Not saying you can't use long rifles indoors of course. I've got an M4 with a 15" barrel and occasionally get into CQC with it. Just forces you to play a bit differently that's all. 


Typically I'd say go for an AEG as your first gun but there's nothing stopping you from picking up something like a TM Glock and just running that. Bullpups are also an option.


See if you can try out a few different guns and get a feel for what it is you're looking for. 

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7 minutes ago, rocketdogbert said:

an electric SMG will probably be a better bet, more versatile and less maintenance


What he said, don't rule out a short(ish) M4 or similar either as it will give you a fairly decent gun for when you get into more open arenas and fields... but an AEG will be easier to start with than a pistol, more rounds per mag so less swapping and reloading (plus more shots without having to gas up assuming you were thinking a gas pistol), and don't forget the joys of full auto and burst fire!

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4 minutes ago, Nick G said:

Cant go wrong with an MP5 😁 That said , first RIF I bought was my WE G18 !


My partner has an older TM MP5, cheap, utterly reliably, deadly accurate, great little gun

Of course, if you want to go mad, buy a gbb Vector lol434A4913-3D41-46CD-A90F-4BBED4304C9F.thumb.jpeg.01af8e333e02489f133def2654ab2c84.jpeg

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As ubiquitous as it is, the G&G ARP-9 is probably the most effective and efficient little CQB shooter you could get, doubly so for a low-maintenance gun for the first time buyer.  Or if you want super-duper universal mags, the 556 version of the same gun.

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Yeah, the ARP9 shoots like a laser out the box with 0.3 bbs on semi, 3 round burst or full auto. Stick a drum-mag on it and it's ridiculous.


Very good range, you can snipe the Snipers.... lol :P

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17 minutes ago, Immortal said:

Yeah, the ARP9 shoots like a laser out the box with 0.3 bbs on semi, 3 round burst or full auto. Stick a drum-mag on it and it's ridiculous.


Very good range, you can snipe the Snipers.... lol


Meanwhile back at the OP's requirements...


If you want a pistol, get a pistol.  Plenty of folk run them as primaries in CQB, and they can make a few shots that bulkier guns can't.


Short AEGs also work in most cases though.  MP5K squad represent, or a FireHawk or an ARP9 (dammit) or...


Heck, grab a cheap tri-shotgun as a backup as well.  It's all good.


What have you been playing with up to now, and what's your budget?

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Having just bought a JG Mp5SD for less then £100, I am utterly impressed and pissed off how great it is compared to things I have paid more then twice the price. My mate bought a JG MP5J at the same time and he feels the same. 


Its a no frills, solid as heck gun. It just works, impressive rate of fire even with the supplied 8.4v NiMH battery. 


In addition you can get cheap mags in my edit below!




200 Round GSG (Cyma High Cap) MP5 mags. £5 each brand new from action hobbies. They fit perfectly in my new JG MP5. Appears to feed well. 




I bought 9! (Between two people :P )


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I have recently been through the process of buying my first RIF and bought wrong-ish. I play at a woodland site so I bought a Krytac SPR, I love it but there are some buildings that if we are playing a game that requires us to clear them I struggle. I should of bought the CRB but I’m a sucker for a long boi.

Theres nothing wrong with a pistol, I have one which now I have fixed it I will use but an AEG makes a lot of sense, more firepower as well as things like mags being cheaper would swing it for me.

Saying that, a JG mp5 plus a couple of mags and a half decent pistol and a spare mag would probably come in at the same sort of money as an ARP556. Best of both worlds and more guns = more fun!

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Just now, Rogerborg said:


You'll struggle to get through a couple of MP5 mid-caps in an indoor CQB site.




You haven't seen me play. Couldn't hit a barn door mate!

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My local site is first and only the vault.


after reading your replies, I am now leaning more towards an aeg, but I still want to keep it cqb based as I can see myself enjoying it more than woodlands, even though I haven’t played skirmish yet.


Realistically my budget is £150 but I could probably push £200 if I can get around the fiancée 😆


I do love the look of mp5’s though, takes me back to the years of modern welfare.


thanks again for all your replies






Also to meantion that the site I play at is a single shot only site, just in case that impacts my options



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Where are the best places/sites to buy from?


also my brother sent me an old broken gbb pistol today to see if it’s any use to me.

it has a broken slide which has a crack running through the back of it towards the aiming sight. I was hoping to identify the pistol and see if I can find a replacement slide.


however I’m having trouble trying to find the brand/make of it. I shall take some pics and upload them to see if any of you guys can help me out




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I have had a look for a kwc and sigma replacement slide and I can’t find anything.


just curious, what sort of force/stress are the slides on CO2 guns under? Would patching up the crack be an option?

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Plastic slide? These were prone to self destruction on CO2, the metal ones were better. The plastic slides were for green gas, but even then they had a habit of failing. Getting a new slide in either material will be hard, you'll have to find a boneyard item if you're lucky. 


Gluing it will likely see it fail again very quickly, plastic welding might see it last longer, but again it's a known weak point of that gun.


All the new CO2 ones have metal slides for that reason

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We I’m in the automotive trade so plastic welding is right up my street, maybe worth a try first and see how long it lasts.


that metal slide looks promising, what is it like buying from America? Are there any laws in place?

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