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high end aegs

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I own quite a few diffrent makes of gun g&p, classic army, we, jg, king arms, to name just a few and all have needed money spent on them to make the really good. I dont really enjoy working on guns dont mind doing maintenance but thats where it ends for me so im after a gun thats really good out of the box dont mind the price just after somthing that i dont need to up grade any in put on this would be great and would have to be a m16/m4 platform 

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Have a search of the forums. Top 2 that will come up are TM recoil and Krytac. There are more but these are the most commonly known.

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Surprised you feel you needed to up-grade G&P and classic army to get the best from them , were they new or 2nd hand ? 

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a mate of mine has got a krytac and hes spent bucket loads on it surely there must be an aeg out there thats an absolute beast. 


i have done quite a bit of reading on vfc and at the moment they are a strong contender failing that il get somthing pre up graded from a reputable shop seems the only way to go 

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TM Recoil is probably the pinnacle of what can be achieved with an out of the box AEG

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Until a manufacturer has the sense to use a proper barrel and bucking from the factory, a slightly tuned gun will always be miles ahead of an out the box gun. 


Guns that are considered ‘top tier’ are


Tm recoils

VFC Avalon series




all of which are just good bases for upgraded guns but can be made much better. 

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Just go TM recoil. Great out of the box.

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13 hours ago, Wo1f said:

a proper barrel and bucking


Thing is, one trip to two pages on ak2m4.co.uk will sort you out with a new hop unit, rubber, nub and barrel.  Put them together, swap them in as a unit, that's about as simple as it gets.

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A lot of us long term softers will agree I'm sure, that all guns are mass produced and as such some are not as great as others, CA and ICS I'm looking at hop wise, but for the most part the high end AEGs are made much more consistently.


The thing you are really paying for with a TM is that hop unit.

And for the most part that is the be all and end all of BB launching.


The others listed above are equally or even better constructed, use nicer materials, and support higher FPS than the TM, but all those areas are less important than the hop, of which you can go out and buy x y z 'upgrade' parts for the other brands but just remember they are not always an upgrade!


There is a huge amount of trial and error, testing and parts compatibility combinations you'll want to test out if you really want to 'upgrade' it.


In a nutshell if you want an AEG and your happy with a realistic 40M range then any of the above suggestions will work, but further than that you have to concede to the fact that upgrade work is needed to shoot further :)


Even sniper rifles are the same.


TM MWS is the only gun standard if come across that shoots 55 out the box.

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