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New - love it - CONTACT REAR!!!

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Alright everyone,


New to the forums.


Played my first game Sunday there at Section8 glasgow/shotts and had the best Sunday ever.


After stumbling across some random youtube video of airsoft (had never heard of it before) I instantly thought, that looks the business, how do i get involved.


Showed a few mates some videos and we were all interested.


After buying all our kit and not listening to a word of advice ( rent and see if you like it first ) the 3 of us went to Section8 on Sunday there.


Absolutely superb is all I can say. 


I took my go pro and recorded pretty much all of it, met some amazing people and had a blast, as did my 2 mates.


Nicest bunch of people I have met ( and craziest. One guy on my team had the biggest pony tail and kept blowing this huge f@£k!ng horn randomly during the game when we were attacking the other team, hilarious ). Honest bunch, everyone calling there hits, everyone helping teammates out with magazines, medics, cover etc. Just a fantastic group of people to be around.


I will be back there most likely every other week and recommend Section8 to anyone who plays this sport.


We are all booked into the depot for some CQB in 2 weeks.


I will be around the forums a lot.


Just saying Hi!



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Welcome Liam 😁

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Welcome :).

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Glad to hear you and your friends enjoyed it :)


Now you are hooked say goodbye to your bank balance ;)

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  On 08/08/2018 at 22:59, Hilldo87 said:

After buying all our kit and not listening to a word of advice ( rent and see if you like it first )



Well, if you had any sense, you wouldn't be paying to get shot in the face.  What gear did you splurge on?



  9 hours ago, Hilldo87 said:

We are all booked into the depot for some CQB in 2 weeks.



Let's see if that ups your standard for Best Day Ever.  It's a different experience, more intense, and with more potential for comedy team kills. If you've not found Silver Fox's channel yet, it's well worth a watch.


I'll be there on the 19th.  Tan kit, MP5K, or if someone team kills you with a grenade, it's probably me. ;)


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Nice mate glad you enjoyed it.

I had a mate who didn't listen and bought a shit load of gear.

I'm looking forward to playing at section 8 on the 16th September.


Oh and P.S get someone sensible to talk you out of getting every gun under the sun, when I started I wanted everything (still do but now I space out my buying) and spent over £3000 in a month.

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Wow, that's some major route changes! Can see the police station becoming a bottle neck if they hide anything in it now...

Although the dirt might stop me slipping around upstairs quite so much. 

Sadly I won't be at the depot untill October at the earliest 😭🤯😭



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Glad you enjyed it.


Welcome to the forum.





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