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New Moderators 2018

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  • Head Moderator

Thank you to all those who put forward their names as candidates to become Moderators, it is good to see that forum members are willing to volunteer to help keep it functioning.


The two new Moderators selected are @djben9 and @L3wisD


I hope that you give them your support as they learn the dark arts of forum moderation. 



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5 minutes ago, L3wisD said:

Happy to give it a go. :)


My rates are:

£1 for edits

£2 for thread locks

£10 for bans 😎


Congratulations on your new appointment!


So if I send you a tenner, will you ban yourself 😀

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  • Head Moderator

There is only one strong enough to wield the Ban Hammer...


Ban Hammer.jpg

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5 minutes ago, Sacarathe said:


But who will wield the grammar hammer.


*lurks in the shadows*

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  • Head Moderator
3 minutes ago, Sacarathe said:


But who will wield the grammar hammer.


me will tha grammer wheeld



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5 minutes ago, L3wisD said:






Said in jest, I know being a mod is not easy.

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12 minutes ago, MisterG said:


Said in jest, I know being a mod is not easy.


That's what they want us to think. In reality it's just hanging around with the other mods in the secret porn sub-forum and occasionally popping out to swing the banhammer menacingly.


*Awaits appropriately humerous ban for revealing the truth FIGHT THE POWER!!!!

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  • Head Moderator
3 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

and occasionally popping out to swing the banhammer menacingly.


*Awaits appropriately humerous ban for revealing the truth FIGHT THE POWER!!!!




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3 hours ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

No fuck em.





3 hours ago, Sacarathe said:


But who will wield the grammar hammer.




Isn't that e-card misspelt  ???


Surely it is arrogant not not arrogent ???


Image result for surely stop calling me shirley


first dibs for grammar nazi mod - nah bollox my posts are app or ling 




yup it should be gist not jist


often it don't matter $hit, but sometimes we should check how we spell/pronounce stuff.......


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