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First Load-out

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I'm looking into building my first load-out, as iIm new to building loadouts. I would like some advice on what to get like gun accessories and scopes.


I'm planning to start the loadout by buying eye and lower face pro. Has anyone bought from https://www.pyramydair.com/ I am looking into https://www.pyramydair.com/s/a/Swiss_Arms_Wire_Mesh_Mask_Goggles/7449 , just wondering about the quality.


Gun wise I was looking into L85A1  found one on https://www.airsoftworld.net/two-tone-army-armament-r85a1-l85a1.html however never heard of this website, just wanted to make sure I'm not being scammed.


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airsoftworld are a good company, purchased a few items before 


in regards to the gun I feel there are a lot better options for that sort of price.


g&g arp9

g&g firehawk

g&g raider


plus decent guns can be had for under £200 second hand, check freeads and forum classifieds 


other companies to try with good rep:






plenty others



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You might want to sort out your UKARA registration, so you don't have to get a two tone gun.




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The L85 is a decent gun, but it's got a couple of faults that you should be made aware of.

The biggest fault is the blowback feature, It's prone to breaking.
The other major fault is some models have a pre-cock system that causes problems if used incorrectly and needs a tech to fix.

As such it's a hard first gun to recommend.

You also have a few issues with regular sights, The L85 doesn't use the standard 20mm rail system it has a dovetail rail. So  you need an adapter rail to be able to use regular optics.

Most of the guys I know with that model have the pre-cock and blowback disabled. It's a job for an airsoft tech to perform.

If you can pay someone to do the work on the gearbox then they make very good guns.

Personally I wouldn't want the hassle for a starter gun. I'd go with something that has solid externals and a decent gearbox from the get go, But none of the extra features that are known to have issues. 

You also don't have a Ukara defence, so I wouldn't go spending £200 on a two tone gun. It'll have no resale value, and after you have your Ukara and can buy a realistic gun you will never want to use it again. So you then paint it, and have to live with the paint chipping and showing the bright colours! It's a never ending frustration. There is no best solution where two tone is concerned.


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You don't need to call it a "load-out" unless you're itching to be a Walt.  "Gear" or "stuff" is fine. ;)


I've never heard of that Swiss Arms eyepro, and am not sure why you'd be looking at a US site.  Brand-wise, Bolle and Revision are the common suggestions, although you'll likely go through a few sets of eyepro before you find one that works for you.


Face mask, go One Tigris or go... well, go One Tigris clone.  Fabric sides really do help to get your face down to the sights.


Airsoftworld are fine, they run the UKARA licence registration scheme.


+1 to the aforementioned G&G guns.  They shoot well out of the box.


Huh, I see that you're 14 (or thereabouts) and were previously considering G36Cs and M4s.  So in practice you'll need to get someone 18+ to buy and gift / lend you a RIF or IF.


On that, Alpha 55 has a rather peculiar piece on facepro: " If you are under the age of 18 by law you have to wear a full face mask, unless you have written consent from a parent or guardian. "


Utter rot.  There's no law on it, and if there were, a note from mum wouldn't void it.  Given that gibberish, I'd wonder what they mean by "full face mask", whether that's a single piece mask like a Dye I4, or whether they just mean eyepro and a lower face mask.  You'd have to ask them, and I'd do so before spending any money.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

You don't need to call it a "load-out"


This is what pisses me off most about the Airsoft sub-reddit.


Hundreds and hundreds of threads:

"rate my new load out"

"Awesome photo of me in my latest load out"

"Load out".

"Load out. Load out. Load out. Load out. Load out."

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6 hours ago, L3wisD said:


This is what pisses me off most about the Airsoft sub-reddit.


Hundreds and hundreds of threads:

"rate my new load out"

"Awesome photo of me in my latest load out"

"Load out".

"Load out. Load out. Load out. Load out. Load out."


Its "map" that gets me...


Plenty of noobs at the Mall going "I dont know this map"!!!  



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On 07/07/2018 at 09:05, Rogerborg said:

You don't need to call it a "load-out" unless you're itching to be a Walt.  "Gear" or "stuff" is fine. ;).

Face mask, go One Tigris or go... well, go One Tigris clone.  Fabric sides really do help to get your face down to the sights.


If a player has put together a full set of correctly linked kit , BDU/plate carrier/guns/etc then I think Loadout is a valid turm of description , it’s just the miss use by the CoD brigade that’s bolloxed it use for most players ? We’ve all seen them “look at my am bestas SEAL/delta/SAS loadout !” To which you reply “no it’s not , that’s a set of MTP with a shitty viper LA SF vest , a horrible quality army off 2 skull mask , Nike trainers and a puke green G36 !” 🤦‍♂️

Did chuckle to my self at the “one Tigris clone” comment ,  there clone’ers them selves !😂😂

Then reminded me of years ago when Pantec tried suing another knock off company for ‘copyright’ infringement!😳


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