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Airsoft LMGs - Any good?

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I've always loved LMGs. The thought of just laying down masses of fire with the recoil kicking you for miles excites me. (Example)


Now I've never used an airsoft LMG myself, but from what I've seen and heard, they don't look very impressive. No kickback, no feeling of great power. Just a regular AEG but a bit larger. So is there any point in getting an airsoft LMG, or are you better off buying a 5000 round drum mag for your M4?


Anyone know if a GBB LMG exists? Or maybe an electric blowback system?



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Not really. As you mentioned they perform just like your typical AEG except heavier and bulkier. Not to mention the price tag. 


Don't get me wrong, they're cool as all hell and I'd love to own one myself but I wouldn't ever buy one. An M4 with a box mag will do the same job, you just don't get the aesthetics. 


I know you can get GBB RPKs and M249s but as I've never used one I can't comment on how well they perform. 



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The Airsoft LMGs make you play in a different way. yes you can stick a box mag on an m4 but you have a light gun with semi auto with an LMG like an m249 it's heavy and you only have full auto you have to hang back and actually play as a support gunner. when i had an m249 i could go through 6000 rounds and maybe not get one single kill because that's not the point of a support gun you give cover to allow your team mates to move and get the kills. there is also an intimidation factor with an actual LMG  that you don't get with an m4 with a box mag. finally there is a mechanical difference most LMGs have beefed up gear boxes and in the cases o the m60 or m249 they have large proprietary gear boxes that can handle being shot consonantly full auto where as  standard AEG needs up grading or will die much quicker if you have a heavy trigger finger you'll feel the heat coming of the motor through the pistol grip. like Sniping you can do it with any type AEG but using the the correct gun gives you more of a feel for the mentality you need for that role.   

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Yeah SAWs are useless in airsoft, a standard AEG with a large high cap magazine does the job just fine..


If you want to feel the recoil, try fitting a Daytona kit into a 249 or any other LMG/MMG, but prepare to dish out exorbitant amounts of money..


Last time my team played I mainly played as a support gunner role, I used my m4 with a 1200rnd electric winding magazine and it was really effective in keeping the enemies pinned down..

Plus I was mobile enough to rapidly switch positions to engage from different angles and disorientate them.

Thing you can't really do with a lmg replica unless you're extremely fit.


Even marines are switching from 249s to m27s, which are basically assault rifles..

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The only blow-back I know has been mentioned: DG M249. Very expensive and a pain to set up but genuinely still my favourite gun. Not hugely competitive but they do make noise that makes it feel like you're doing a better job of keeping people's heads down than you perhaps are. Thing is the kind of players who tend to be able to hit you consistently are generally unphased by the sort of thing and they'll just peak out between hails of BBs. So I don't generally find LMGs to be that much more effective than your usual rifle (or any other AEG). If you're buying it for that then I wouldn't bother.


A bit more on the DG stuff here:


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Had a couple, 249 para & an m60, definitely have a different playing style, great for spraying the sh*t out of the other team while your buddies move up.

regarding box mags, many sites don't allow them, unless your gat has a "real steel" equivalent that utilises a box mag, so your prob wasting your money if you just slap one on an m4 etc.

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Most of the sites I've played at insist on short bursts of fire, usually  trigger pull of a few seconds however a support gun with bipod deployed can shoot unrestricted. So thereally are places where the support role has benefits but much like sniping you need to learn the role for it to be effective.

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I used to own an airsoft M60 and it was a lot of fun. However, it was full auto only, meaning I could only use it in open areas so not ideal for CQB. That being said, deploy the bipod on top of a building, wall etc and you have ~3000 BB's of suppresive fire to help defend an objective. The fact that it was full metal didn't help much as it was about 8.5-9kg fully loaded which made carrying it around more of a chore than any fun. It was good to see people dive for cover once you opened fire but I think there are more negatives that positives to having one. If you find someone at a game day that has one that is willing to let you try it see if you like it. It's all personal opinion at the end of the day :)

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Played a milsim once where box mag size & how people used lmg's was a real bone of contention, finally agreed on 3 second bursts only & no running an gunning, you had to take a knee or use cover as a support when firing.

as an example star para m249's are very light, lighter than most full metal m4's, so it was easy fire when literally on the run.


anyone that says their no good, total bs, they can change scenarios massively, they have a great team morale factor & if your not like a greyhound on the field of player, especially players who are "mature" or carrying injuries, they mentally give you purpose & focus.

i wish I'd never sold my star 249, awesome gun once I'd sorted a couple of basic niggles.

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I love using my M60, but the weight is a problem. Games are definitely played differently when a Support gun is in play. We went to a site that is rife with non hit taking( won't name it as I know people like it) as soon as the support is on field it diminishes, because 20 RPS at anyone is going to make you take that hit.


The Support role is a huge advantage to the team it's on, but it can be had with a M4/AK with a box mag, it just doesn't put the fear into someone like an LMG does.

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The best LMG I have used is an LCT RPK. Lightweight compared to other LMG's, nice long inner barrel, steel bipod and can take any magazine that fits an AK. I ran mine with a 2500 round CYMA electric drum magazine and had an absolute blast. I had an A&K MK43 before it and found it too cumbersome, even with a sling attached. 

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