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This seems like a worthy cause

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  • Root Admin

I feel that's somewhat different - this is more of a straight donation for a guy's wheelchair than buying airsoft grenades. Aren't MAS still updating their FB regularly with development though? It's just taking far far longer than it should have.

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I feel that's somewhat different - this is more of a straight donation for a guy's wheelchair than buying airsoft grenades. Aren't MAS still updating their FB regularly with development though? It's just taking far far longer than it should have.


I was really interested in that MAS grenade, but I knew from the start it was going to be a flop. Something about the way it was presented and a lack of other completed projects just put me off. I really hope it does come to fruition and works as it should. You now have companies like Zoxna who are starting to get some really good kit out.

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what has that got to do with helping a guy in a wheel chair play airsoft

I don't think people are stating there is anything wrong with that, far from it, theres been a ton of media on this and airsofters have given great support and feedback.


The point about Monelux is that a load of people funded something which was due in a few months and have been out of pocket a year or so. The comments are more geared towards these kinds of funding websites and the frequency in which people get stiffed over them.

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I don't think people are stating there is anything wrong with that, far from it, theres been a ton of media on this and airsofters have given great support and feedback.


The point about Monelux is that a load of people funded something which was due in a few months and have been out of pocket a year or so. The comments are more geared towards these kinds of funding websites and the frequency in which people get stiffed over them.

Thats the entire point of these websites, you're funding an idea not buying a product. There is an element of trust/risk kind of like investing on the stock market. i think a lot people dont understand that concept.

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I think donating just a few quid to this guy is a very noble thing to consider....


1 - it is helping somebody have some sort of enjoyment or sense of freedom from a terrible disease who let us be brutally honest

There but for the grace of what ever faith you may/may not/karma believe in could go any of us....

So a warm helpful feelgood factor you could say


2 - people like this are without doubt a real inspiration to others including ourselves when just basic trivial crap gets us down and we think life sucks

Taking a brief moment to think we quickly reflect wtf have any of us got to moan about ffs so pull yourself together.....


3 - this is the kind of stuff our toy gun sport needs and if fellow airsofters assist another less fortunate player then that can only be good for both all players and the sport. Or we could just let loony MP's think we are trainee terrorists and armed criminals in the making - jeeez


Yes - many of us are aware of "The Tank" and his inspiration as well as him seeking to upgrade his vehicle maybe

But now I feel that maybe, well more than maybe - "yeah you know what - f*ck it, good on ya I reckon you deserve a few quid m8"

Think we should all consider a small donation but I'm not here to tell you what to do or how to act.....


But at very least we should all wish him the very best of luck and count our own blessings as well as our guns n crap we all have

(please don't flame me - not getting on morale or charity high horse but just expressing my reaction to this poor sod & his determination is inspiring tbh)

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  • Root Admin

I'm sorry but we have two extremely incompatible examples here: One is basically a donation for a guy's chair and no one is expecting to see that money returned to them in the form of anything physical at all. The other is a business startup/your more classic product kickstarter.


I don't even think I'd consider this an 'idea' or attribute any sort of risk to it. This is cash for a guy with a physical ailment to spend on a wheelchair. Damn, people.

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I've donated :)


I don't think there was bickering, I was just noting why Molenox got brought up :P


I've see so many video's of this guy, it's quite impressive when you think there's people who won't go to a game who are fully capable, just because it's wet.....And this guy rocks up lol

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Sounds good I am donating to help the guy out.


You miserable sods can carry on bickering of whats right and whats not but I am off to try and get some good karma back.


you need all the karma you can get to help nurse ya foot better :)

soz - 101% with you sir


Just about to fire over a donation but only CC or debit cards with security code

which you have to do anyway I know....

Then reading up a bit - gofundme is legit but they can it might appear take some higher fee's than other fund sites


Was wondering why can't fire over some paypal dosh but they stopped accepting paypal on gofundme

Think I'll fire over some paypal dosh + fees or something rather than give out CC details and them nick some charge from this guy

I've gotta dash off but if anybody can look into alternative payments for this guy or stuff on his facebook page

I'll gladly fire over paypal gift or something

or look into it in the morning - but yeah think we should stop making excuses and help a chap out

(uhm ergh not making excuses coz I will donate without question but prefer paypal gift tbh)

no worries if not I'll do the flexible friend in the morning just thought most stuff loved paypal etc...


Further edit - not more excuses

Missus just pointed out some stuff as she is switched on more with money stuff

Paying by credit card into euro's you may get high currency charge by them bastid companies as well

where as paypal they just tell ya what you pay upfront


FFS - why is so much skimmed or nicked from others or stuff like that - its just f*cking greed on top of charity :(

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Quick afterthought....


Reckon they should do some sort of morale patch & say £1 or something goes this guy

Something like:


a pic/silhouette with words...


Support Gunner ???



please excuse if in bad taste but reckon if it helps the guy's funds then it all helps in the end

(yes donations are best but thinking of further funds/promoting it further to assist his maintenance costs etc...)

just wondering if stitch me up or places would be interested in doing a small-medium run if it is ok with others

ahh well off to work

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They've already reached the target afaik; I was at the charity game organised for this and they took in about £2500 if I'm not mistaken.


But feel free to donate still if you like! You might help fund a .50 for the new tank! 😉

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I was really interested in that MAS grenade, but I knew from the start it was going to be a flop. Something about the way it was presented and a lack of other completed projects just put me off. I really hope it does come to fruition and works as it should. You now have companies like Zoxna who are starting to get some really good kit out.



Someone I know has the mini Zoxna grenade launcher and enjoys it. Although it is low FPS, it is really for close quarters blasting only!

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