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Savezone Shooting Glasses


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  On 21/03/2016 at 06:52, Twice19 said:

Goes to show that even in that 'Safe' Zone, eye pro is a good idea. I know a few people who wear Shooting Glasses in the SZ. After this I'm thinking it'a good idea to do the same.

All it takes is one accident.


At the mall yesterday, I had to ask a ~15yr hire (holding a gun by the grip) to remove the magazine and I asked someone to re-angle their gun because my head would have been in front of the muzzle when I opened my bag. I also failed to clear my own gun at least once - though I don't touch my own guns in the safe zone after putting them down - but that does not necessarily mean I set them to safe either - I rely on trigger discipline more than the safety.


I've also been shot at while in a safezone, thankfully the kid's (13) gun was flat on the desk at the time, destroyed my lunchbox though - he thought the safety was on and as far as I can tell, pulled the trigger while trying to change the hop.


I'm looking for some shooting glasses brands to consider that will be good enough for game play (ballistic rated to =>3J), cost not more than £55, but which I will only use in the safezone/going to chrono. I could just get a £10 mesh mask/goggle, but I like to cool down in the safezone.



What do you guys think about Twice19's comment about wearing light eyepro in the safezone? I think it's an excellent idea.

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  On 21/03/2016 at 13:16, Sacarathe said:


At the mall yesterday, I had to ask a ~15yr hire (holding a gun by the grip) to remove the magazine and I asked someone to re-angle their gun because my head would have been in front of the muzzle when I opened my bag. I also failed to clear my own gun at least once - though I don't touch my own guns in the safe zone after putting them down - but that does not necessarily mean I set them to safe either - I rely on trigger discipline more than the safety.



I am surprised as mall usually insist guns are dry fired once mags are out when you walk past them..


I dont think eye pro should be mandatory in a safe zone.. Its the once place I can actually take off my eye pro and rub my eyes / de-mist goggles / wipe sweat out of mesh etc.. I wouldnt want to have to go outside at the mall every time I needed to take them off as I find wearing eye pro an annoyance personally.

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  On 21/03/2016 at 13:23, Albiscuit said:

I am surprised as mall usually insist guns are dry fired once mags are out when you walk past them..


I dont think eye pro should be mandatory in a safe zone.. Its the once place I can actually take off my eye pro and rub my eyes / de-mist goggles / wipe sweat out of mesh etc.. I wouldnt want to have to go outside at the mall every time I needed to take them off as I find wearing eye pro an annoyance personally.

That's how I found out. :P I said "it is clear" and then promptly hit the marshal with a ricochet.


I totally agree, and no one is saying it should be.

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They got 2 rooms at the Mall - one could be gun room but be bitch to drink a cup of tea with full face on - lol

anyway on public days it would be heaving so they need both rooms anyway


if using the toilet with full face mask on think it would get pretty steamed up squeezing one out


Sorry couldn't resist lowering the tone and derailing threads as per usual - uhm carry on with more constructive comments

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I always wear my eye protection in the safe zone, can't trust people to not fuck around with their toys.



those are the glasses I wear for everything but extremely close CQB, your mileage may vary but they fit my face great.

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I have some old ESS shooting glasses but also some BetaFit safety glasses.


Both are issued as range safety glasses at work, the ESS the old style and the BetaFit the new issue. Oddly enough I find the BetaFit more comfortable and less prone to fogging. No doubt they are the cheaper option too if they replaced the ESS. :-)


I too will now be wearing them in the safe zone, as will my daughter. It only has to go wrong once.




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Forgot to add that the ESS survived a point blank shot from CO2 GBB Pistol as I stormed up some stairs in CQB. The second shot hit my face and hurt like billyo. Got to love blind firing!



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  On 21/03/2016 at 13:23, Albiscuit said:

I dont think eye pro should be mandatory in a safe zone.. Its the once place I can actually take off my eye pro and rub my eyes / de-mist goggles / wipe sweat out of mesh etc.. I wouldnt want to have to go outside at the mall every time I needed to take them off as I find wearing eye pro an annoyance personally.

I wouldn't (personally) wear my Full Face in the SZ. I have a bulky Hockey Mask style for game play, but I've a pair of Shooting Glasses I'll be putting into a pouch for swapping into after the game.

It never really occurred to me before reading the Word of Warning thread.


The ones I have are (old) Guarder ones. I played a few times in them and never had any issues. They are a little gappy around the temple, but that could be me having an odd shaped head.

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I've always had a bit of an "accidents can happen" and "there's always idiots around" attitude even when in the safe zone. I wear goggles and full face during the game, but in the safe zone always swap to my ESS glasses (I used the wear them playing, until a richochet off my tooth made me move to full face!!).


In the summer and outdoors I use the smoked lens, and if it's dull or indoor I use the clear.


I wouldn't wear the full face, but feel a bit safer wearing the glasses.

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i have no glasses but just keep my goggles on most of the time, tempted though to do the same as probably more comfy and have thought about it a few times for chrono time, even though people are pretty safe, it takes just one to forget or some over rowdy guys on a stag do to do something by accident and you could be the one hit....i only take them off when i get to my car.....

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How about something like these - not too Tacticool, not expensive, should be up to the job - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Carhartt-Billings-Safety-Glasses-EG1ST/dp/B00JGF0QS6

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I have certainly felt the need and worn goggles on certain sites where I didn't feel safe in the past. Its so critical that marshalls check these things on entry to the safe zone reliably but the Mall when I was there a year ago was certainly one of those places, it was the best marshaled site I had ever been too. Its surprising to hear a loaded weapon got through there, they were super hot on that.


Billericay is one of those places where I mostly feel safe due to the Marshalls standing on entry and requiring a dry fire on entry to the zone. But I have had to talk to a couple of players who were dry firing in the safe zone or worse loaded in the magazine just before we headed out, they didn't seem to appreciate the danger.


If you are on a site where you feel the need to wear eye protection in the safe zone its time to explain the problem to the marshals and hope they will fix it and if they don't leave the site and don't go back. Sure you can wear glasses and get a decent chunk of protection while you clean up your full seal and prepare your kit but its always going to be this nagging fear of getting shot somewhere you are meant to be safe and knocking out a tooth or getting hit with a 500 fps from a few metres and actually "getting shot" and picking a BB out of your body or a trip to hospital with a deep penetration (maybe you could die from a BB to the neck). I don't like unsafe sites and I write about the issues with safety I had at the places I go to as I think its one of the most important aspects of any airsoft site. You don't need to do much but you need to do it consistently and reliably because human beings make mistakes.

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  On 23/03/2016 at 14:00, BrightCandle said:

trip to hospital with a deep penetration (maybe you could die from a BB to the neck).


Slow down there mate, they're just BB guns... it takes a LOT of force (more than 2.3j) to get through the carotid artery or the trachea, no way on earth could an airsoft gun cause a life threatening wound, if that were the case people wouldn't be allowed to shoot each other with them.


MEDs are imposed by sites (not insurers) for the comfort of participants, not their safety.

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