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General election


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Everyone who wants an independent Scotland is a Provisional or a Jacobite, just depends if you're Catholic or Protestant. ^_^


I'm joking of course, wanting to be independent doesn't make us anti English, remember Wales and Northern Ireland too? They don't seem to think we have a vendetta against them lol. We're not anti anyone, just pro-Scot.

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Ironic though that England hasn't had a chance of coming out of UK


Also if you are patriotic Scot, Welsh, Irish that seems to be admired

Moment English people start being patriotic we get told to go easy to avoid offending others or appearing racist


mellow chaps - Us lot are a right ol' mish mash of Vikings, Romans and who ever else popped over to invade us from Europe

(another bit of irony I suppose if we think we are being invaded from Europe today)

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Your just anti Scottish

I'm half Scottish. So that blows that one out of the water. I'm anti Scotland leaving the UK.and their policies are some of the worst I've ever seen.

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Ironic though that England hasn't had a chance of coming out of UK


Also if you are patriotic Scot, Welsh, Irish that seems to be admired

Moment English people start being patriotic we get told to go easy to avoid offending others or appearing racist


mellow chaps - Us lot are a right ol' mish mash of Vikings, Romans and who ever else popped over to invade us from Europe

(another bit of irony I suppose if we think we are being invaded from Europe today)


If England wanted to, there's no reason a pro-English indy part couldn't appear and vote for that, though it would be ironic because it was England that formed the UK by beating the rest of us into submission ;)


I don't think that being Pro-English is racist, infact I'd encourage everyone to be patriotic of where they were from. I think the problem lies in that the British public get put second by the government in aide of keeping up appearances. For example I live in London, and I think not being able to fly an English flag or Union jack at your house because it's "racially insensitive" is absoulute bollocks. If people dislike England and find the flag offensive, why seek asylum here out of all the other countries in Europe? It's ridiculous and I know that could border on the line of sounding Racist, but to hell with political correctness, the government is too soft, and its things like that which breed racial hatred. The natives begin to resent immigrants for being catered to too much in their eyes, and the immigrants begin to hate the natives for hating them.


I'm not 100% pro indy. In my opinion, I think all of the 4 states in the UK should have "independence" to have their own national identity and govern their own affairs, I'd even go as far to say perhaps even regional government such as the midlands, south west etc. would be a better idea. We're not having to unite to conquer the whole world anymore, we need to focus on improving our lives here where we live. There's no reason we couldn't exist indepently like this but form a coalition, trading with each other, defending each other. Like a miniature EU or NATO but with more power delecated to the governments of each country. We'll never be able to escape from the fact we're joined as an Island , and I dont think we need to. Bigots are stuck in the past, the last time we went to war with each other, was hundreds of years ago.


We forget we are all people, and we all just want to live nice lives. A representational government is never going to be truely representative of the majority the way things are, scattered votes up and down the country combine and get a party in, then that party governs all of us, including those of us that didn't vote for that party. If Scotland voted on who governed Scotland, England on who governened England and so on, then that would better represent the people of that country, as we all have different needs and problems. That said, England is a big country and even Regional government would be fairer, the people in the Midlands have different lives and needs to people living in London.


Government is supposed to be of the people, by the people and for the people - In what sense that true today? Private school boys are elected with no sense of what real people's lives are like - and the reason government will never exist as I have suggested above is that the people at the top with power, want to keep the power, why on earth would they agree to sharing it, to benefit the people? I'll grow gills and repopulate Alantis with a Mermaid equivalent of Jennifer Lawrence before they do that.

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Ironic though that England hasn't had a chance of coming out of UK


Also if you are patriotic Scot, Welsh, Irish that seems to be admired

Moment English people start being patriotic we get told to go easy to avoid offending others or appearing racist


mellow chaps - Us lot are a right ol' mish mash of Vikings, Romans and who ever else popped over to invade us from Europe

(another bit of irony I suppose if we think we are being invaded from Europe today)

Beat me too it ;)

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I'm half Scottish. So that blows that one out of the water. I'm anti Scotland leaving the UK.and their policies are some of the worst I've ever seen.

Who's and what policies do you disagree with exactly?

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There's to many to list. Just most of them. The figures dont add up and they would spend spend spend and not have any control on the budget.

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There's to many to list. Just most of them. The figures dont add up and they would spend spend spend and not have any control on the budget.

But there must be a few your really against


scrapping trident?

Ring fencing NHS budget?

Keeping higher education free?

Using the money we get from North sea oil the same way Norway does?

Investing in renewable energy?

Letting people that live in Scotland decide who runs our affairs?

Not getting involved in needless wars?


Or is it breaking up a 300 year old Union that was forced upon us?


the UK government has a massive hole in their budget that's why the UKs borrowing has doubled in the last 5years. the fact we're facting cut after cut after cut and industries are struggling because of lack of investment. Investment creates jobs bringing people off benefits or moving people away from poverty reducing the burden on the state.

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Like it or not Scotland wouldn't survive without the rest of the UK. You don't have the resources And it would cost you a fortune for a defence budget what you going to do be a defenceless country? what happens when the north Sea oil runs out? It wont last forever. You can decide who runs your affairs just like the rest of the UK can decide who runs their affairs Scotland isn't unique in that respet. I kind of wished Scotland would of gone independent last year then Snp wouldn't be trying to form a coalition with labour.

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I'll also add I used to work for a company based in Glasgow. They do most of their business south of the border and would find it increasingly hard to do business should Scotland be independent. That's reason enough alone for me. Infact you'd find hundreds if not thousands of businesses relocating to England. Taking thousands of jobs away from Scottish people.

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Or is it breaking up a 300 year old Union that was forced upon us?


Well this started out as a General Election but can we cease the Scotland/England bollox that this has started to turn into

I'm not gonna bother answering or argue with all the previous bits but shall comment on the above one though.....


Forced upon you ???


You had the chance to vote - the people of Scotland and them alone were given the chance to DECIDE THEMSELVES

Subsequently - anything after that day the votes were counted.....


It is from that day forth that the people of Scotland and them alone had decided to stay in the UK


Now if anyone thinks Scotland is being forced to stay in UK - BLAME YOURSELVES

if you was lied to, deceived, fooled, brainwashed - whatever you may wish to say


BUT - Scotland voted - so now if they can't accept the result at least accept the fact that the people of Scotland voted to stay in UK

300years of history is way in the past....


Present day - if anybody forced Scotland to stay in UK - it is the Scottish people themselves


No offense to any UK people - yes even North of the border but can we just chill a bit.


I hate some of my neighbours - no they ain't scottish, I think they are English but I will call them British to be safe

reason why I dislike my neighbours - one of them has got a cat that $hits in my garden and another parks his car like an ignorant c*nt

(I'm sure they love me - well who wouldn't ???)

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I'll also add I used to work for a company based in Glasgow. They do most of their business south of the border and would find it increasingly hard to do business should Scotland be independent. That's reason enough alone for me. Infact you'd find hundreds if not thousands of businesses relocating to England. Taking thousands of jobs away from Scottish people.

Yeah the rest of the UK wouldn't deal with a company based in a different country :D. Most big company's are based in London anyway and what would a company gain by leaving Scotland?remember B&Q came out and said they would leave Scotland well they are anyway they are shutting a lot of stores. Our economy isn't based just on oil. What will Westminster do when the oil runs out? Leave Aberdeen to rot the way it left the coal towns of Scotland and the North of England to rot that's what they will do.To answer your other post Scotland would have a army similar to Ireland because that's all we need. We don't want to go into war with afghan farmers because the USA said so and london doesn't have the backbone to say no to war.

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Well this started out as a General Election but can we cease the Scotland/England bollox that this has started to turn into

I'm not gonna bother answering or argue with all the previous bits but shall comment on the above one though.....


Forced upon you ???


You had the chance to vote - the people of Scotland and them alone were given the chance to DECIDE THEMSELVES

Subsequently - anything after that day the votes were counted.....


It is from that day forth that the people of Scotland and them alone had decided to stay in the UK


Now if anyone thinks Scotland is being forced to stay in UK - BLAME YOURSELVES

if you was lied to, deceived, fooled, brainwashed - whatever you may wish to say


BUT - Scotland voted - so now if they can't accept the result at least accept the fact that the people of Scotland voted to stay in UK

300years of history is way in the past....


Present day - if anybody forced Scotland to stay in UK - it is the Scottish people themselves


No offense to any UK people - yes even North of the border but can we just chill a bit.


I hate some of my neighbours - no they ain't scottish, I think they are English but I will call them British to be safe

reason why I dislike my neighbours - one of them has got a cat that $hits in my garden and another parks his car like an ignorant c*nt

(I'm sure they love me - well who wouldn't ???)

It wasn't me who brought independence up but it seems to be a weapon used in any debate now.


Scotland voted no because there was a fear campain ran from westminister. Something that was promised before the referendum wouldn't happen.


And the union was forced upon Scotland and I'm sure Wales also.

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And the Germans bombed my fish n chip shop probably

but that was then n this is now


Further more for every arguement there is always a counter arguement eg:


Tax the rich more - well yeah some bankers are just w@nkers but be careful.

Plenty of talk of investment from Goverment - uhhm we are trying to save money remember


Ok if Goverment ain't gonna chuck money at investment & growth - who else then may invest & create jobs

Oh yeah the richer bastids - yeah they might be the one to take a risk and start up/create investment

Oh no - they cleared off to live abroad and foreign investment has dried up due to plugging tax breaks and loop holes


Oh well suppose some local criminal in hard hit run down poverty area can start up a new crack den ???

ergh nah perhaps that is not a wise enterprise to start up.....


It is all about a balance - a balance of everybody together - it will NEVER be fair - but that is life


Divide the UK up, north/south/east/west - add in different countys if you like but consider this also....


If say counties up north say are hardest hit with higher percentage unemployment, more seeking benefit of income support or housing

Just how the hell is that county gonna fund all that if a higher than average people are not employed and paying taxes etc...

Just how is that place gonna pay for all that higher percentage of support than say a more affluent county down south ???


Oh well the rich can pay more - nope they f*cked off months ago remember when you said they gotta hand over 60p out of every pound


END OF SILLY EXAMPLES - for now.....


Thing is all the parties are saying this and saying that - think they are more stupid than the people they are trying to fool

especially if they - let alone us, think it is gonna be so easy to fix and answer everybody's prayers

They know it ain't - but they the politicians are just trying to bull$hit us that they have the solution


Fact is ALL their manifesto's will create just as many problems as they try to solve


The whole Staus Quo - not band making yet another comeback, the whole of this balance will always be:


Some are rich & some are poor, but that is just the way it is - it will never be fair

The richer people/companies that have the money are the ones who will invest and create jobs & growth - NOT THE GOVERMENT

The Goverment haven't got any real control and they can't create an economic solution with investment out of thin air

Well they can borrow I suppose and spunk money - uhhm ergh nah maybe not coz we ain't paid off the last debt yet

Oh well lets just go & ask Wonga for a sub shall we


It is a balance like everything and though I am full of $hit, the politicians are overflowing with $hit telling people they can make it all better

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If you had one inkling of a notion of history then you would realise this:


The Union wasn't forced on Scotland. The Scottish were broke at the time of the Union and REQUESTED that it happen to save themselves.


As for the Referendum I wish that you lot had voted Yes, it would have been fucking hilarious watching the country implode under an SNP government without the financial backing of the rest of the UK.


Oh and I am Irish not English in case you raise that one....

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If you had one inkling of a notion of history then you would realise this:


The Union wasn't forced on Scotland. The Scottish were broke at the time of the Union and REQUESTED that it happen to save themselves.


As for the Referendum I wish that you lot had voted Yes, it would have been f*cking hilarious watching the country implode under an SNP government without the financial backing of the rest of the UK.


Oh and I am Irish not English in case you raise that one....

How exactly would Scotland fail?


And it doesn't matter if your English or Irish i don't think I've been anti English. I've said I don't agree with being run from London and how the UK is run to suit London.

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Haha pissed myself laughing.

Maybe its time to drop this thread its meant to be an airsoft forum after all.

This is a sub forum to discuss anything so barring anyone coming on giving it Braveheart or football factory for the English it's fine
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How would Scotland fail? Bankruptcy a la Greece?


Look, as much as I extol and even support Scotlands right to be independent there were a number of problems with their arguments:


1. Firstly, the assertation by the SNP that they could share the pound with the UK without political union was just bonkers. You cannot have monetary union with out fiscal union, just look at the current mess of the Euro where a central interest rate has been shoe horned to try and fit different economies. This is why the UK left the ERM in the early 90's. Political Union is needed.


2. Scotland simply wouldnt be able to fund itself, the argument that they would use North Sea oil revenue is fatuous, the oil price has plummeted and North Sea stocks are diminishing.


3. They refused to take on their share of national debt, the thought that Scotland could get away with that was laughable. The basic fact is the current system of allocation of money to the consituent parts of the UK heavily favours Scotland


4. As a quasi Socialst party the SNP would inevitably spend more than they could ever possibly generate


5. Entry to NATO and the EU was not a guarantee. As a member of the military the suggestion that an Independent Scotland would take back all the Scottish Regiments and aircraft based there was roundly scorned.


I could go on and on but you get the picture, and bear in mind I support Scotland fucking off to save the rest of us the taxes from supporting you lot.


Oh and Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon just get on my tits, not sure why think its the inherent smugness.


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How would Scotland fail? Bankruptcy a la Greece?


Look, as much as I extol and even support Scotlands right to be independent there were a number of problems with their arguments:


1. Firstly, the assertation by the SNP that they could share the pound with the UK without political union was just bonkers. You cannot have monetary union with out fiscal union, just look at the current mess of the Euro where a central interest rate has been shoe horned to try and fit different economies. This is why the UK left the ERM in the early 90's. Political Union is needed.


2. Scotland simply wouldnt be able to fund itself, the argument that they would use North Sea oil revenue is fatuous, the oil price has plummeted and North Sea stocks are diminishing.


3. They refused to take on their share of national debt, the thought that Scotland could get away with that was laughable. The basic fact is the current system of allocation of money to the consituent parts of the UK heavily favours Scotland


4. As a quasi Socialst party the SNP would inevitably spend more than they could ever possibly generate


5. Entry to NATO and the EU was not a guarantee. As a member of the military the suggestion that an Independent Scotland would take back all the Scottish Regiments and aircraft based there was roundly scorned.


I could go on and on but you get the picture, and bear in mind I support Scotland f*cking off to save the rest of us the taxes from supporting you lot.


Oh and Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon just get on my tits, not sure why think its the inherent smugness.


You had a decent argument until you said the rest of the UK supports Scotland when infact that is not true. If you read what was said we were going to take a % of the national debt if we kept the pound and if we never we would walk debt free but really if we wanted to keep the pound it was up to us.

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I'd like to see this thread ease up a bit really....


The continual thought that Scotland and the North Sea oil keeps the UK afloat also wears a bit thin

Maybe back in the Thatcher years the North Sea Oil really saved Maggie's financial ar$e - that is deffo factual

But that is not the case no more - especially with current oil prices but also they found a massive oil reserve around Gatwick / Sussex

But still we import like most of Europe our oil & gas.


in fact a lot of places around Surrey Kent Sussex have potential - largest one appears to the recent Gatwick field

But due to the enviromental issues and low oil price most likely they ain't bothering just yet to fill the SE up with drill rigs - yet !!!

(don't agree with the whole fracking crap - if Cameron still thinks it is safe then let them drill his back garden is my view)


The North Sea is not as easy & fruitful as it was say 30 years ago but to some they are still believing it is supporting Maggie

(she has kicked the bucket & maybe in thousands of years other generations might be using her as fossil fuel)


The free university for people in Scotland - note not Scottish people, you just need to live in Scotland for xxx years to meet criteria

not gonna be racist but shall we say the more finacially astute ethnic minorities have cottoned on to this


But anyway that aside the free uni and prescriptions is all well & good as a great little treat to be proud of......


But do the families of a hard hit run down estate in Glasgow think that is gonna make mutch of crap of difference to them trying to make ends meet ?

I mean really - just how super duper is them free uni eductation places for some of the hardest hit families trying to keep their heads above water


I just tire of the Scotland stuff, you wanted a vote, you got the vote, you decided, but still they ain't content

jeez I thought all this was settled but still goes on - like this thread


The only other thing that keeps going more than this thread or my waffle - is ALL the politicians bull$hit pledges

and the way they try to brainwash us all - they blame everybody else and never wish to admit they screw up

The first thing they the politicians need is INTEGRITY - but they can f*cking pay for that - I ain't funding it

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I agree with all that sitting Duck and evilmonkee have said above. I don't have anything to add to it. I'll bow out of this thread now otherwise we could be going round in circles forever. Jambo I'm sure you're a nice guy. I don't agree with you political view but I'm sure we'll agree on stuff airsoft related.

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