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Airsoft 101 (JustBBGuns)

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So the overselling chaps at JustBBGuns are having another go at their 'CQB' site in Wokingham... (http://www.airsoft101.co.uk)


Think it'll count as a warcrime to bring a TM high-cycle to this small warehouse officespace filled with spotty 14year-olds and their bright orange BB guns? Should i insist they handover their lunch money before returning to the spawn?


I'm practicing my nelson 'haw-haw' in preparation...


The horror...

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Oooooohhh yea... Might have to hit up their 18- games, would love to see how they two tones react to my M4 with the UGL :) Care to do a 2 v all?

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seems they'll have 5 vs 5 games, is it evil to picture a squad of seasoned airsofters giving it a proper pyro filled storming vs the forementioned spotty kids?

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Ooo ooo can I come please sir :)


We'll box them in and just throw bb's at them, far better than there rifles


but I'll leave my spotty 14 year old son at home as he'll show the other little dinlows up

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  On 11/03/2015 at 15:15, Colonel Kurtz said:

So the overselling chaps at JustBBGuns are having another go at their 'CQB' site in Wokingham... (http://www.airsoft101.co.uk)


Think it'll count as a warcrime to bring a TM high-cycle to this small warehouse officespace filled with spotty 14year-olds and their bright orange BB guns? Should i insist they handover their lunch money before returning to the spawn?


I'm practicing my nelson 'haw-haw' in preparation...


The horror...


Go in. Fuck shit up. Get banned.


Sounds like a plan!

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I'm also guessing the 'extreme' CQB means it's extremely close-quarters rather than an indication of experience

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Lets put together an AFUK team and blitz it, ive got my G5 ready to sneak up and scare the shit out of some newbies and my BFG to test how young you can be to suffer a heart attack


Someone needs to show these sprogs the difference between airsoft and COD... Focusing mainly on the literal pain of failire...

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  On 11/03/2015 at 19:04, TheGrover said:

Lets put together an AFUK team and blitz it, ive got my G5 ready to sneak up and scare the sh*t out of some newbies and my BFG to test how young you can be to suffer a heart attack


Someone needs to show these sprogs the difference between airsoft and COD... Focusing mainly on the literal pain of failire...


Wait, so a raid? But in real life?

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  On 11/03/2015 at 20:21, Mr Monkey Nuts said:

Then you realise you are playing against a team of equally seasoned trolls from zeroin, who have had the same l33tist ideas; while jambow sits back counting all his moolah!



Haha, where did you get that pic from? xD

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May turn up and "forget" to take the 12gauge base off my TRMR. Pretty certain it would make an impression haha


Edit: Hit "post" whilst typing. Hate touch screens sometimes...

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  On 11/03/2015 at 21:08, Mr Monkey Nuts said:

http ://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g254/ZakDaMack/jambhead_zpsafbd888e.jpg :ph34r:

Ahhh, forgot I put that on Photobucket :D


And Metile, just a bit of banter

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That Jambwow poster is the best thing I've seen in a long time. Gotta love the tactical demonstrations. Can't review a shotgun without vest and cap.

Although, we all started somewhere, I guess stores and sites like this one are good for people who just wanted a taste of the hobby and sport or want a cheap way to connect with it.

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  On 11/03/2015 at 21:40, Lord_Metile said:

I'm not trying to start a war but holy crap this thread is the epitome of elitism.


How dare you say such a thing ;)


p.s. Might be getting same MX5 MS1 as you now firesupport have them back in stock, damn fine gun just deciding if i really need another

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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