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hi all, new to cqb :)


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hi all,


ive just started to get into airsofting, currently plying at a cqb site in derby.


im looking for a good gbb rifle for about the 200-250 mark.

ive seen a few m4's and a few g36c's about. but wanting the oppinions of people who have been around alot longer then me.


also any good cheap reliable retailers would be brilliant,



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Id stick with an AEG for your first gun, GBBRs are expensive to run and there are generally more AEGs about, so theres more people to help if and when you have technical difficulties

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Yeah one of the first bits of advice people have is to stay away from gas as your first gun. Personally I don't think there's much that could go wrong but you do need to be prepared to maintain them a lot (much more than pistols I guess) and pay for gas which is obviously more expensive. If you take a look around on the forums you'll see a lot of people recommend the G&G Combat Machine M4s for a beginner's first gun. So you're looking at ~ £150 with a battery and charger.

Cheapest GBBRs I've seen are about £150+ although that said I don't know if the KSC Vz61 / WE SMG-8 are more classed as pistols rather than rifles. GHK G5 is £225. Then WE M4A1 ~ £270.

Also the G&G Combat Machine GBBRs are said to be bad despite the fact the electric ones are so good.


It's also said it's impossible to get a good AEG under £100, which, whilst true in the UK, isn't if you buy from somewhere such as Polish retailers, TaiwanGun or Gunfire. Providing you have a UKARA defence of course. I've recently seen a load of Cyma and JG guns on sale from 80 to 100 euros on TaiwanGun (+ £12 shipping)


Some good retailers I can think of, off the top of my head:


Pro Airsoft Supplies (Excellent customer service)

Patrol Base (very good service again)

Airsoft Zone (lots of stock and good prices)

Zero One (very good amount of stuff for sale, free skirmish voucher with gun, but two-tone paint service is bad)

AirsoftWorld (I think some people said they're bad but overall not bad store)

Redwolf UK (great, some unique products, alright pricing)

Land Warrior Airsoft (generally good, some stuff can be found cheaper elsewhere but lots of stock and things)

Fire Support (haven't used em but I know a lot of people have and no problems AFAIK)


Hope this helps and welcome to the forum :)

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  On 11/11/2014 at 17:25, Airsoft_Mr B said:

It's also said it's impossible to get a good AEG under £100, which, whilst true in the UK, isn't if you buy from somewhere such as Polish retailers, TaiwanGun or Gunfire. Providing you have a UKARA defence of course.

Will these retailers ship to the uk, if so do they charge much for shipping?

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  On 11/11/2014 at 18:27, Steelrain said:

Will these retailers ship to the uk, if so do they charge much for shipping?

Yeah I've ordered from TaiwanGun before. £12 or so for shipping (edited the post now)

There is a thread on both of em you should read as well,

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Welcome aboard. Nothing wrong with going for a GBB rifle of course, but if you are new to airsoft, I'll echo what others have said about it probably being wiser to go with an electric gun.


But, it's your money. Just be aware that AEGs are generally a hassle-free 'work straight out of the box solution', whereas GBB weapons can take a bit more TLC to get the best out of them, notably my GBB MP5K. To give you an example of some of the things you have to be aware of with GBBS, I bought three brand new MP5 GBB mags a couple of weeks ago for my MP5K, and all three of them needed the seals fixing upon arrival, not one of them would hold enough gas for more than aboutt three shots. Now to be fair, this is a reasonably common issue with large capacity MP5 GBB mags, so I was expecting they might need sorting even though I bought them new, and it's not that hard to fix when you know what you are doing and have the correct tools and such, but it is an example of the maintenance you sometimes have to get into with GBB weapons. AEGs on the other hand simply require you to remember to charge the battery. Then again, you might like the 'armourer' aspect of loking after guns, and if that is so, then don't let me or anyone else stop you from getting a GBB, although you do also need to be aware that their performance can be quite severely affected by temperature and air density.


Balancing against those more labour intensive aspects of GBBs, is the fact that they are more akin to real firearms in both action and operation, and in the fact that the 'firepower' is contained in the magazines rather than in the rifle, making changing mags a more satisfyingly realistic affair.


I'm sure if you have been playing CQB a bit, then you will already know a few of the plus and minus points of it. Notably that a quieter gun is a bonus, a shorter gun is also a bonus, and that whilst high magazine capacity is a bonus when in a close fight, the rattle which high cap mags make can give your position away. You are also far more likely to clang your gun into a wall in the close confines of CQB as oppsed to when outdoors, so metal barrels and flash hiders are also a bonus, as plastic tipped barrels and flash hiders can easily break.


With all that in mind, shortened carbine variants of the Armalite rifle, such as the M4 and AR15 are good CQB choices, as are shortened Kalashnikov rifles such as the AK74U, the U standing for Ukorochenny (shortened), as indeed are various MP5 variants, particularly the MP5K, the K standing for Kurz (short).


Having said that, pretty much any weapon with a folding or collapsible stock, or a weapon which is not overly long will do for CQB, including pistols, although if you like realism, don't use a G36 rifle with the stock folded for CQB, since the real G36 cannot be fired with the stock folded without damaging it, i.e. its folding stock is designed for storage purposes and to make it easier to get in and out of APCs. Anyway, back on pistols, you could also consider dual-wielding pistols, which might be kind of fun. Either way, a pistol is quite handy to have as a back up to your rifle, and is vastly more usable in really tight CQB spaces, so is absolutely worth considering, and, since GBB pistols are more common (and cheaper than rifles for the most part), this might feed your hunger for a GBB weapon even if you get an AEG rifle, i.e. you could get a GBB pistol and something like a G&G short M4 and probably stay within your 250 quid budget if you shop around a bit.

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Welcome to the forum. As mentioned a GHK G5 would fit the bill provided you don't necessarily mind using a made up gun. Regardless, go with a trusted retailer - I know next to nothing about gas blowback rifles but GHK and WE are always recommended.


The main consideration to make with a gas gun is that the mags are considerably lower capacity. Some players would balk at the idea of using a mid cap(give or take 120 rounds) whilst GBBRs tend to be 30 rounds.


Personally I would suggest all new players get an AEG as their first gun. G&G combat machines and top techs(their more expensive line) fit the bill, primarily because they are reliable and just need a battery plus a wide selection of mags before you are good to go. Gas blowback certainly has it's appeal but the lower mag capacity will be punishing for most newer players.


Anyway, I'm mostly repeating what has been said above. Make sure you do a lot of reading, and if possible go into a shop and hold the gun you are after to get a better idea if it is right for you.

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