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Woodland or CQB????


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played my first CQB a few months back, and I think that I am now what can be considered as a CQB Junkie.

I LOVE IT! So much more fast paced than woodland, and when you use an MP5K & a shotgun your pretty much unstoppable!

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I like both, they each have their attractions. CQB tends to need more in the way of tight teamwork, or at the very least considering what others in your squad are doing because of the tight confines and limited firing angles, but when you get an assault right in CQB, there really is no better feeling. Out in the open, it's a bit more obvious how one can go about fire and move tactics, so less consultation is need for everyone to do their part well, which is far more important in those situations, since there are more opportunities for flanking and such. Probably cheaper to get into outdoor, since you don't need to rely on frags so much, but as I say, it's all good really.

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Late to the party, but I think the question paints it as being a bit black or white.

What I like, is good cover that's evenly spaced, and CQB typically does this a lot better than woodland, by nature of there being mostly man made things everywhere, often including the physical site itself - buildings.

I hate the uncertainty provided by thick vegetation, it often comes down to who has the more ammo or the higher rof. I might see someone through a bush, but if I engage, I only have 30 round mags. Even if I shoot first there's no guarantee BBs will make it through, and high cap users can just saw holes through things to hit me. It just feels a bit cheap.
Woodland also invariably involves a lot of "Hmm... That guy's just out of range" moments, where opposing forces are just slinging 80 tons of plastic through the air at each other, just out of range, but there's no cover between you or them in order for anyone to close the distance. People know if they move up first they're the one who's going to lose, because the enemy already have their guns up and then can see where you're going. They just need to laser beam all their shots just ahead of where you want to be and you're done.

CQB is a lot more about out thinking people, because there's ample places to go and things to do in order to cover your tracks, the cover is generally BB proof so there's no uncertainty, and high caps offer no advantages because there's good cover for reloads, tactics and angles of exposure can be utilised a lot better for getting team mates to protect you on reloads, and it's often single shot only so people have to learn to lead their targets.

That said, there are good woodland sites, but I find that they're often paintball sites first, airsoft sites second. Paintball is played in fast paced game modes in small areas with lots of cover, so you rarely get instances where people are out of range, the cover's always good and well spaced/planned out, but airsoft guns have better accuracy, so you can play the angles a lot more effectively.

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CQB is definitely more fast paced, short rounds but much more action. Woodland most of the time, you spend walking around looking for people if its a big area rather than actually shooting at people. However when you do run into some people I think the firefight is more rewarding :)

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I honestly think the game is what you make it. You can be fast-paced in woodland, or be sneaky in CQB (within reason for both of course, you're always going to be limited by the layout of the Site & routes you can take).


Check out my videos, the first is Woodland and the second is CQB. Make your own mind up on the subject :-)


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Airsoft-Ed just sumed up my thoughts on woodland games.


"Woodland also invariably involves a lot of "Hmm... That guy's just out of range" moments, where opposing forces are just slinging 80 tons of plastic through the air at each other, just out of range, but there's no cover between you or them in order for anyone to close the distance."


I much prefer CQB fields but there are not that many in NI... :(

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The two best CQB areas of sites I have played are The Sandpit near Bluewater, and the now closed South West Wargames. I've played the school (Watford) and it was ok, but at the time overcrowded so was a little crazy having 20 people huddled on one side of a door and 10 on the other.


The Sandpit works because of the random shapes, sizes and layouts of the rooms, some in total darkness some bright light and everything in between, in the kill house but it has lots of space outdoors and involves actually assaulting the building. The place is way to big for you to simply pyro everything and lends itself to actually using proper CQB assaulting. There are multiple entrances which means that it very rarely remains in the same hands for long, with assault followed by a series of counter assaults.


South West Wargames (IVYBRIDGE) has now closed which is a shame, they had simply taken over a large warehouse and built a series of simple wooden boxes and more complex buildings with corridors and rooms. Many of these small rooms could be moved around between games or left, meaning even between rounds on a skirmish day the layout could be modified. When I was there they basically had 4 rows of "buildings" with 3 "roads" between There are Videos of their setup on youtube (but I can't post links so simply search their name) show tyre walls, temporary barriers and a car. They used mostly speedball type games, short and sharp which were highly entertaining but high energy. They varied games and threw in curve balls even in the middle of the games which made things interesting. Also there were never choke points in their setup which means the games didn't revolve around the same two or three high contact areas, which made it so much more dynamic than some of the other CQB sites where battles focus around the one or two stairwells or doorways leading ultimately to a stalemate or the excessive use of pyro.

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