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Favourite gun.

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Whats your favourite gun?

Just wondered, reasons behind it can be anything.

Please include pics and names :)


I'll start off with this, the best of the best, the beuty of the beauty of the beauty-ist:





The Lee Enfield bolt action rifles. The best!

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One of my teammates used to have an airsoft lee Enfield. I'll see if I can find a picture.


My personal favourite is the UMP45 (hence I'm buying a G&G UMG next month)

*pic for reference*





EDIT: Found the pic. It's a gas Lee Enfield and it was leaking due to the cold that day, so there was a bit of gas leakage. Looks awesome like!


Edited by DX115FALCON
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Dunno what I admire more - the gun or the ol' geezer's loadout

Think it is called the South London Dodgy Car Dealer loadout

I love it :) :) :)


'ave some of thaaaaat !!!! (in a Mike Reid / Eastender voice)


Come to think of it I reckon it was the farmer who owns the land

and all this lot are trespassing - and that is a REAL gun.....


"Get orf my furkin land you barrsturdssss" - in an Emerdale voice

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Dunno what I admire more - the gun or the ol' geezer's loadout

Think it is called the South London Dodgy Car Dealer loadout

I love it :) :) :)


He says that it's supposed to be a "French Liberation Front" loadout- he actually sold the Lee for £1.5k earlier this month to a collector who is now using it as a wall mount. He now uses an MP40 in order to more realisticly portray the FFI

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I don't really know why, but there is something about the Sturgewehr 44 I like about its appearance. Definitely an important gun in-terms of the history of rifles. The father of classical assault rifles. Im lead to belive it wasnt the greatest gun from a practical standpoint rather unreliable, however the design was innovative for the time and its obvious to see where Kalashnikov got his ideas from...



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Have to agree with the SMLE.


Theres just something about having all that wood and steel. The way that the front of the rifle doesn't taper to just the barrel at the end like the K98 and other rifles of the era, just makes it look more rugged and the bolt it just so much easier to work than most rifles. The Bayonet for it just adds a huge fear factor


I can't wait 'til May when I can get replacement mags so Matilda can shoot again.

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I have always been partial to the Barrett .50 Nothing says EFF YOU like .50 caliber of love. Want to reach out and touch some, at a mile away, here ya go.



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I am also a big fan of the Sten


It's not the best gun in the world or anything but it did the job and was so simple to construct. It's pretty much the embodiment of British ingenuity. If your army loses all it's equipment in France, the Sten is the perfect sub machinegun to replace lost gear quickly. It's also a perfect weapon for resistance fighters due to it's simplicity and ability to use the same ammo as an MP40.

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love the scar H.... love it! Also love a DMR, good fun. So why not combine the two together?!

IK thats an L in the picture, but you get the idea...




I'm sure there are better pictures out there, but this looks like so much fun!

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PPSh-41. Like the bastard child of a Thompson and an AK, it combines the coolness of both of them. I know the drum mag was a bit prone to jamming if you dented it, so the stick mag was better, but along with the T34 and some good old fashioned guts, it nevertheless kicked the Nazi scumbags arses from Stalingrad all the way back to Berlin, and then tore them a new one when they got there. Both the tank and the gun proving that cheap and cheerful in large numbers beats technically superior and complex in lesser numbers any day of the week.



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PPSh-41. Like the bastard child of a Thompson and an AK, it combines the coolness of both of them. I know the drum mag was a bit prone to jamming if you dented it, so the stick mag was better, but along with the T34 and some good old fashioned guts, it nevertheless kicked the Nazi scumbags arses from Stalingrad all the way back to Berlin, and then tore them a new one when they got there. Both the tank and the gun proving that cheap and cheerful in large numbers beats technically superior and complex in lesser numbers any day of the week.



Funniest airsoft review ever:

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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