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MagPul PDW/R

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I can't find the other thread for it again...


Just wondering if anything else has been worked out like a release date or if it's been scraped (Hope Not)


(I'm Gonna Try to Compile every little bit i can find in this Post too so if anyone has a link i haven't found Yet Please post it)






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I'm not a fan to be honest, though I used it on BF3 the other day, for the first time and I absolutely dominated with it haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
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It is what they Originally said on their facebook and in the E-Mail Reply i got But yes they were out today or atleast shipped to retailer's

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It was said to be around the 300 mark, not sub 300 ;)

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it's alright my Philosphy has Completly changed so it would only be a Pointless wall hanger so i'm just gonna have to wait until some one break's one and can't repair it :)

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Looks impressive, but as there is no real steel version in use by any military we don't know how the design (ie ergonomics, magazine release, safety system) feels, as it hasn't had any reviews by third parties heavily using it as part of their job.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why not?


Its got a long barrel, probably the same hop as the other magpul guns, and a decent fps.

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