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  1. I took a trip down to not-Worthing for once and headed to Dogtag today with a whole host of Worthing regulars (I know @Badgerlicious is on this forum and he was also there, but I don't think any of the others are); always good to get out to a new site with the boys, especially since due to team balance I usually put myself on the other team from them at Worthing so we're not all on one side and just stomp. Most of us had never been to Dogtag, so we were experiencing the site for the first time, myself included. Therefore I will give the most balanced overview as I can on how it went. We rolled up early to make sure we got a table under some cover, as the forecast was a bit confusing. Said it could've rained all morning, so we wanted to make sure our kit was under a roof. We got there pretty early, but some of our guys had got there earlier and we took some tables down the end of the safe zone. Pretty much as soon as we got there, the rain started easing off massively to the point where it flat out stopped raining as we were getting our stuff ready, which was really nice. However, first issue I had was the m14 wasn't feeding properly, so I'll have to give it back to the tech and ask him to fix that (hopefully he won't charge me too much because I haven't actually used it since I got it back from him). Good thing I brought the m700 as well, as I swapped over to that, the mac11 and the mk23; my go-to "I can sort of do everything" sniper setup. Ummed and aahh'd about whether I wanted to ghillie up and decided to, which proved to be the best decision I made all day, but more on that later. We got through chrono and eventually got out to our first game, a rolling assault from a fort type base all the way to the other side of the site. Apparently we were playing on the paintball site as the airsoft zones were being rented to a private paintball event, but this worked heavily in my favour as I had sight lines for days, and with the weather being warmer my m700 was performing flawlessly. So first game. I took a concealed position in a fallen tree and got some lovely long shots, but as I ran out of ammo in my first mag, by this point they had managed to push up close, so I... went to ground. This is why running the ghillie was the best decision I made all day, as I had enemy players taking cover on the other side of the fallen tree shooting over my head as my team mates were returning fire, a hail of BBs about 1 - 2m above my head. To be clear, my ghillies are capes, I don't like running the all-over bush suits because they snag when I'm crawling and I just don't like them, so while parts of me were ghillied, there was a lot of MARPAT visible with how I was sitting. I had turned around, facing the same way as the enemy team ready to shoot them in the back, but... this is where my first criticism of the day comes in. Hit taking was laughably bad. I shot 6 people in the back with the mk23 after they pushed just past me, all separate instances as I was only picking isolated people off so I wouldn't give away my position, but the longest shot was about 20m, shortest was about 5m. None of them took the hit, not even the 5m guy. Fortunately, none of them saw me either, not even the group having a conversation on the path with 2 of them looking in my direction. The adrenaline high from these moments is one of the reasons I do the whole sniper thing. Spent the rest of the game following the enemy team, but breaking off to the opposite flank to where their spawn was as I didn't want to spawn camp them, so I just made people who went on the other flank very, very confused by shooting them in the back. Towards the end of the game it pushed into a very thick bushy area and as I was planning on going in with the mk23 to continue harassing them, I realised one of my mac11 magazines was missing, so I retraced my steps and eventually found it, but the game was over before I did, so I headed back to the safe zone. This is where my 2nd annoyance comes in; going back to safe zone after each game, especially with how boggy that path was. One of the guys in our group aptly described it as "it's like the Somme" because of how wet and boggy and horrible that path was. Anyway, after a longer-than-it-needed-to-be trip back to the safe zone, we went back out and swapped over, so we were now attacking. We pushed pretty well, clearing the first few fields quite quickly, but then got bogged down in a large open field and the bushy bit after it so we didn't complete it. I heard a lot of people grumbling about hit taking here, but this wasn't the worst part. The worst part was there was a guy on defense who kept going out of bounds to retake ground and shoot everyone in the back. He did it on multiple occasions through this game and eventually got thrown off the site after it was caught on camera and shown to the marshalls, so good on the marshalls for actually sorting that out. Apparently the guy is a regular and well-known for doing this kind of stuff and has a youtube channel where he uploads videos of him doing it. Would've said good on him if he did what I did in the first game where nobody found him, but he got caught red-handed sneaking out of bounds and then coming back in, so yeah. Cheating, caught and called out, dealt with, done. Then we broke for lunch and I didn't want to pay £5 for a burger, so I just made sure my kit was all good. It was at this point I realised I had lost one of my m700 magazines, so that's a neat £50 down the drain. Going to need to get that replaced as I can't run 2 magazines really. 50 shots is just not enough (in total, they're about 25 each!). Bugger. I'm trying to not spend too much, but that's something I can't just ignore since I use my gas m40a5 and m700 all the time. We then went out after lunch and did an attack and defend at the fort area we started the rolling assaults from. Defenders had 3 lives (one in the first field, one in the 2nd field and one in the fort itself) and attackers had infinite. We started on the attacking team and I didn't really get too much done, partially because the sun was out (which was lovely) but since it's still February it was fairly low in the sky and I couldn't see anything with it glaring in my face. A few lovely shots, but the wind had picked up and I was noticing my shots curving hard. Shot in another direction to make sure it isn't my hop up coming loose and going to one side and it definitely wasn't, as the shot with where I thought the wind was going went incredibly straight. We then swapped sides immediately without going back to the safe zone, which made me rather happy. I elected to take a relatively far back position after refilling my mags and went through most of one mag with some lovely shots again. It's been a while since I played at a site with long sight lines (basically, last time I went to Driver Wood because Worthing isn't good for snipers with all the coppices around) and it was great to let my m700 do its thing. Eventually got hit by a spray where I don't think they knew exactly where I was, but shot enough in my direction where one hit my cheek, so I headed back behind my team and used my first respawn, lying prone behind a barricade watching a flank and an opening to the field. Went through my 2nd mag here with some long shots which made me happy and when the game was called, I stood up and waved at all the people who were trying to work out where I even was. Gas sniper rifles are deadly quiet and I love them for it! That's where I called it, as I was starting to feel very tired and needed to work out how I was going to pack all my stuff away, as well as change out of my very wet and very muddy kit so I didn't get back into my friend's car with muddy trousers on his seats. There were a few games after I stopped, a team deathmatch in the super open field, swapping sides, and then a zombies game at the end. I'm going to ache tomorrow with all the walking and crawling I've done, but I did enjoy myself a lot. Will I go back? Maybe. If the lads are going, I'll tag along, but I won't make an effort to get back. Worthing and Driver Wood (once I get a car, hopefully this year), will be my main sites for skirmish, as I enjoy myself at those two sites more and they seem to have less issues. I think my day would've been worse if we actually played in the airsoft fields, funnily enough, as some of those looked very questionable for me running my bolt action rifle; the paintball sites were really good for my bolt action, however! So, TL:DR pros and cons... Pros: + I had fun, and at the end of the day that's the main thing that matters + Marshalls were friendly and did act on a cheater. Could've done more on the hit calling, but with how few they were it's hard to police. They can't be everywhere + Even though we used the paintball sites, the games were good and they flowed well. Cons: - Laughable hit-calling that wasn't really addressed - Needed more marshalls for the number of players and size of the site - £5 burger (I know having a burger included with walk-on is a nicety at Worthing, but I'm willing to spend on a burger. Just not £5 for what it was...) Pros and cons that the site wasn't responsible for: + Weather was amazing. 14 - 15 celcius, low wind for the mostpart and sun was out. It was great! - Out-of-bounds clickbait youtube cheater (not the site's fault because they dealt with it and sent him home) - Lost a £50 gas rifle magazine 😢 - Almost lost another £50 gas SMG magazine 😌 - Goggles fogged a bunch because the site was incredibly wet and humid, while the temperature was pretty good - M14 didn't work 😠 Overall, it exceeded my expectations, but my expectations were very low as I'd heard a lot of bad things regarding Dogtag. Some of it is definitely justified, but I still had fun doing my thing. Now I'm going to ache tomorrow and my washing machine is going to have a task ahead of it once I muster up the willpower to unpack my bags Also, we had a team photo. I'm the tall bush on the left who isn't in a 360 degree bush suit (and showing way more forehead than I usually do as the balaclava wasn't done up properly at this point!)
  2. Spring twang can also simply be caused by the spring itself. Some are just twangy. If it bothers you, you can try to fix it, but the twang itself isn't doing anything harmful.
  3. Love the green Barett. As an ex PzGren (mechanised infantry) we used to wear green Baretts and we were immensely proud of it (even though we were anything but an elite unit)
  4. I agree with your points but think the attitude of we'll deal with it (the shit hitting the fan) when it happens is short sighted. If nothing else, anything that brings some community spirit and promotion, or even positive PR to the wider masses is a good thing. Saying all that, I'm still a newbie so maybe I'm looking for something to make me feel like I belong or some feeling of being a part of something that will work in our favour.

    • Wanted
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    as titled. not fussy about brand or anything cheers


    - GB

  6. Tylzaaa

    LCT PP19 Wolveriene

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    Here is my PP19 that has a Wolveriene Gen 3 inside Completely custom you don't see many PPs with anything other than a polarstar jack in as they are hard to do Comes with Holywarrior EO tech and magnifier Also comes with RK5 Zenitco grip 10 mags all 100 mid caps message me for more info Doesnt include Torch or RUNCAM


    Scunthorpe, South Yorkshire - GB

  7. Hello everyone, I have signed up for my first ever Airsoft event. It is a 3 day Milsim and I also signed up for a helicopter mission and an undercover “JTF?” mission. I have read all the info that was sent to me, uniform and safety rules. Can anyone here explain to me how these things work? Any advice so I’m not running around being “that guy!”? Thanks
  8. Doing an external clean on my Specna Arms SA-E15 I noticed I've shed a hex screw from where the two halves of the RIS are joined together at the point next to where it joins to the receiver. Annoyingly, SA don't include a parts list/diagram like TM do in the manual & I can't find anything either via Google or their website. Can any of you wonderful people enlighten me? (See attached photo).
  9. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • Wanted
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    Anyone have a TM AK47 type 3 going? preferably with real wood but will consider anything.


    - GB

  10. Used new marui pistol today! So much better than anything else I've got, even stock it just works 😂

    1. strykerles


      m9 albert o1p model, I've been using a WE m9 mostly but loved the look of the marui.


      so much more accurate and efficient, just doesn't like WE mags

  11. For just general m4 mags and playing assault, I have a kombat trojan chest rig. You can't change anything on it, but it's got enough room for everything I usually carry (4 mags, three pistol mags, two grenade pouches, admin pouch, and radio). It's held up for the last three years, no signs of coming apart at all, and I tend to drag it around on the ground when I play. I also recently got the bulle mle that @Tackle posted for my sniper loadout to sit under a ghillie. I also have something similar to what @Duff Beer posted, but made by bulle (I believe it goes by "lightweight chest rig"), that's crafted and goes on the outside of a ghille. Both of these are specifically so I don't have anything on my front, and I can lie down without mags digging into my ribs. The velcro on the top panel/pocket of the lightweight rig is coming apart so it's kind of annoying to use, but eveything load bearing is still holding up fine. These are all super cheap rigs, so I say they've easily made up their value.
  12. The rotary hops on the g36s seem ok, you might need to shim them but they aren't bad. My src has a cast one which is nice when shimmed and I've a we999 which has a plastic one which again seems fine. They are different to accommodate the src magwell tube which 999 does not have. Ive aquired a metal one for the 999 which didn't require anything doing, but it's source is lost in the mists of time.
  13. ha you can knock one up for yourself buddy more time than anything else oh and a good workshop access 😊

    • For sale
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    TM 416 Titan mosfet with programme cable Piston, head, shimmed, gears, tbb, rubber, basically anything that can be upgraded has. Six mags and an eotec clone £600, not looking for trades need to get rid of a few


    Solihull, Warwickshire - GB

  15. Theoretically I can get my Milk Float (actually a 40kW Leaf) to my mum's house using anything from 3% if I'm being boring, to 26% if I make full use of the available tarmac and use the (software limited annoyingly) 89mph top speed. Funnily enough the heater makes next to no difference, but a wet road or cold weather makes a mahoosive difference. Would love to hack the management software and get some more angry pixies flowing. Hyper-miled my 3 tonne Transit van once and got something like nearly 700 miles out of it instead of the usual 380. It was a very tedious week of driving.
  16. My question would be why? They get sweaty, in summer they get very sweaty. That sweat will encourage your glasses to fog (assuming you don't wear mesh) and can cause pressure headaches. They can get hot and quite uncomfortable, they also can act as nice little targets behind trees, hedges, bramble patches etc. that are hard to conceal and make you an easier to spot target. Unless you make them look great (and each style that is something different) then they can be pretty dorky/brand new airsofter look. They aren't generally rated, so while anecdotally they help in a tumble, walk into a branch, bashing heads on windows while climbing through, they can also cause these by adding an extra inch or so to your height. If your answer is you want to wear nods or you think they look cool or you want that extra security they bring, want to mount a face mask, all are valid but the recommendation of what is likely to change. The PTS flux is brilliant, owned one before and sold (regret it), have a genuine ops core carbon at the moment but just picked up another pts flux as they very good for the money. They can suit big heads 60cm plus, so if you're smaller, then they can look a bit spaceballs helmet esque (google if you're too young to get it). They are nice and rigid so do the protection thing well, they look cool, don't need a lot of dressing up to look good. But there is little to no ventilation, smaller headed players look silly, they aren't cheap and accessories (ear attachments, covers etc) are harder to source and more expensive. Real opscore carbon/bump. They're super comfortable, light, ventilated, rated for bumps, knocks etc, come in a variety of sizes to suit. but they are expensive, £150 plus second hand if you're lucky for an old bump, £350 plus for carbon. New prices are silly (£600+). Legit accessories then add on as well (cost wise) FMA do a good set of clones, they come in multiple sizes and colours. Haven't owned one so can't comment anymore but heard good things, if the cheap mtek flux didn't just come up then I'd probably have got one. I think getting a UK source isn't easy. I have owned Emerson and dragon red(no longer exist), if you have a larger head, then they'll be tight. Anything cheaper than £50 and I'd probably avoid to be honest.
  17. Another great day at RIFT Airsoft's "the Battery" CQB site not far from Stansted Airport. Echoing much of what @Jacob Wright said on the previous page, the session had the expectedly good organisation from the staff. Since the first weekend, they were true to their word about listening to feedback about what worked and didn't work as the site had been updated to balance the games as the initial layout of defences, walkways and barricades did create an imbalance. Now it's much more balanced. It started with a full house of 70 players, split evenly into 2 teams - later in the day, a few players left ahead of the scheduled end of game play but the teams were rebalanced. As he mentioned, pre-emptive and suppressive firing aren't allowed so players wouldn't be discouraged from pushing forward. Doors were opened up by marshals during the day to mix things up and present more avenues of attack and defence. Similarly, lighting can be turned off in alternating or all rooms to change the style of play further so having a gun/body-mounted torch is recommended. The timing and variety with the missions was good as there was enough to be engaged without anything feeling repetitive. The host was clear in pointing out not to argue with opposing players if they didn't call their hits, just report it to a marshal and they'll judge accordingly. It made for a lot less bickering and actually some fairer play as I recall one marshal disagreeing with a shooter's claim he hit the opponent but the marshal had a clear view of this not being the case - the same marshal instructed another player later in the day to call a hit, giving him the benefit of the doubt that he may not have felt it on his plate carrier but the marshal saw the hit on him. There was a raffle with 2 prizes available. 1st prize was a Lancer Tactical (LT-35 if memory serves but it was definitely an ARP9 style AEG) and 2nd was a Raven EU18 GBB pistol. It's a shame that it will be gone in about a year's time but I'm glad I had the chance to play a few times there. I heard a few players had travelled at least 3 hours to play and the Battery lived up (or surpassed) their expectations.
  18. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Wanting a cam870 for a display piece, preferably used. Anything considered. willing to travel for the right one.


    , East Yorkshire - GB

  19. The currents in aegs aren't usually very high so the perun is fine. I haven't done anything to the gearbox grooves other than check the piston slides properly. Perhaps I should. I'm trying to be mechanically sympathetic to the gearbox and using the lowest spring stiffness I can.
  20. Don’t know if it’s entirely useful information, but I run a Warhead Standard Black on a base set of gears and a 9.9v LiFe and it’s pretty bloody snappy and very efficient on battery life. For me, before everything a Warhead Motor is now the first upgrade before anything else
  21. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    Hello, up for sale we have 2 real mystery helmets. First one is a PASGT clone, Italian I think based on the inside stamps, made of kevlar or similar laminate composite fibre which has been fitted with a new USGI PASGT liner and chinstrap. Looks to be approx 57-58cm sizing if the inside stamp is to be believed. It's got a fair few scuffs and scrapes and a lot of aftermarket parts and screws and I'm 99% sure it was painted black over the original OD green. Need this gone, so just as long as we can cover postage and Paypal fees, I'm happy. Next we have a steel M1 helmet, fitted with a real USGI Woodland M1 helmet cover, a brand new headband, chinstrap and helmet band. The liner is plastic and I'm reasonably sure is just a repro. The helmet itself is a real steel (literally) helmet, so if you could source a nicer liner this could be be repurposed quite well for just about anything from WW2 onwards. The accessories and mounting hardware individually are pretty hard to source these days, this one has everything. Looking for around £20 for this one plus postage


  22. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Purchased on a seperate E&C M16, immediately removed and swapped for a version without the markings (my personal preference). Has not been played with, fired, or anything of the sort. Comes with 2 rear barrel mounts, QD forward mount and pic mount as pictured. Can't guarantee exactly which barrel nuts the barrel mounts will work with, one is for old school TM AEGs and one is for standard barrel nuts that have the same teeth style as RS. Can always swap to the pic mount and attach it to literally anything with 20mm rail underneath though - AR or otherwise. Far as I know right now this is possibly the only way to buy a standalone 203 with colt markings since FS only sell the plain version by itself; certainly close to the only way.


  23. Vini


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    Selling this OPS MRP Pistol Don’t really know anything about it. It seems to be a copy of TM Hi Capa. Mate give it me years ago cause he knew I was into airsoft. This bit keeps popping out the grip. Might be worth something to someone. Just gathering dust here. Shoots ok. Worked a lot better with my HPA set up than the green gas. One of the standard mags leaks a bit. Any questions please just ask. cheers Vini price includes Postage


    - GB

  24. The dark alley treatment is too good for that piece of lowlife scum! I’ve also reported his channel. I cannot for the life of me think what goes through some people’s heads that makes them want to do anything like what he has done/said. A lot of mental health issues out there! Don’t comment or react to his video, as that’s what these pieces of shit thrive on! Just a nice silent report to YouTube and hopefully he gets removed, until he makes another channel. Hopefully karma issues him as awful a fate as poor Ollie has been dealt.
  25. Bought a G36 EFCS from on here but want to change the outer barrel length to the Kurz variant. Only thing I’m struggling with is finding a diagram showing how the barrel attaches to the gun. Anybody taken the barrel out, know how it affixes or anything that would help? 😂
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