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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. I actually have only used it twice I think. I don’t like long guns and mainly use SMGs, And no, no idea on the mags. I ended up with some cheapo mids I went half on a box with a mate. They were a bit iffy but I picked up some other cheap ones which worked
  2. I wish I had space for a cabinet in the house but all my stuff is in various bags and boxes in the garage. I have dragged it ALL out today to organise and is currently taking up all of the living room floor and two sofas Unfortunately it’s going back in various bags and boxes though minus a fair bit of crap I have chucked out and a whole box of spare rigs and pouches to sell. I would be interested in seeing if you find something though, I Havant have one of my own but I appreciate a tidy storage cupboard due to my ocd tendencies
  3. I recall my SPR had a problem with certain mags. But that was feeding all of the shots not every 6th or 7th. £150 is a cracking price, I’m about to list mine and hope I get a fair bit more for it
  4. It was right outside the safe zone, you must have walked past it a dozen times
  5. Only thing I will add is there was a small hand sanitiser station, but otherwise pretty spot on. A really fun site and a decent day airsofting, like most of my other review comments I just wish it was a little closer, I could see me going more often if it was.
  6. Sounds a bit rude to me OOH ERR MISSUS
  7. Mine looked like that on Sunday (diff silencer and a drum mag though) before it blew itself apart and my god it was fun to use. I LOVE smgs and was stupidly impressed with it like that until it went pop so yeah I DIG!!
  8. Hi caps for me all the way where possible, I tend to only use semi and two hi caps can last me all day. Also means I don’t have to had 8 mags strapped to me. But then I’m all for lightweight stripped back loadouts rather than having everything including the kitchen sink strapped to me. And as mentioned the noice is only an issue when running and then stealth goes out the window so it’s a moot point. Grab some of each and work out what you prefer though. Shame my gas mp9 and mp7 mags don’t come with a hi cap version though
  9. So my hammer melted today and smashed itself apart using full auto and drum mag. Whilst I have it open and am replacing it what else shall I put in? I am also keen on a metal threaded outter barrel, do they exist? cheers
  10. Finally got my box of mk5s ready to chuck around over the coming weeks. Despite a couple of shops point blank refusing to post I received them via a DPD delivery within 2 days so chuffed. Picked up an extended glock mag for the AAP and a rubber knife to replace the one I lost about 3 years ago
  11. Good stuff. The Airsoft map was great for the short time it seemed to be running. I toyed with the idea of setting up a new one but couldn’t be arsed
  12. The gun up thing makes sense. At The Mall I have lost count of the amount of times someone has come into a room with me in it maybe shot a mate and I had no chance so called myself hit before I got shot. likewise I managed to clear a small room or two without having to take an actual shot. But then that was all down to player choice, we agreed to surrender/call hit before getting a stinger in the knackers. It wasn’t an actual site rule but made sense for all involved and caused no issues for the players involved or the game as a whole. And regarding my dummy grenade mention, I have seen vids where an unprimed BFG gets posted through a door with a shout of “GRENADE” so all in the room are aware and stops people getting confused with old mk5s lying around. I still think it’s easier for people’s ears, cheaper and easier than priming hard nades after each throw and stops the costs of second hand TRMRs going through the roof
  13. I personally like the Americans idea of a hand on the shoulder is a ‘knife kill’ and your out. Or similar to when someone suggest a barrel tap in the shoulder, works in the same way as far as I can see. If your close enough to do that then the opposition should be out imo. I amsaying this as I wouldn’t want to be shot from such a close range and would be happy to call myself out of someone was sneaky enough to get close to me but didn’t have a rubber knife for whatever reason. Im also keen on the other American thing I have seen with a dummy grenade (trmr which doesn’t go bang or even a prop grenade) being dropped in a room and killing everyone. mostly because I’m too tight to carry and use a load of paper pyro (even though i have just bought a box and loading the trmr after each use is a pain in the arse) it’s just another simpler way for EVERYONE to partake not just those who can afford a grenade or lots of pyro
  14. Fair points, I didnt realise it was such a PITA. I considered driving up to Airsoft Zone, but its a 2 hour round trip and I wont be anywhere near there in the forseeable future for me to plan a trip in. The annoying thing is I am pretty close to the shop next week on a work trip but as I will have 15 kids with me and using trains and public transport its not going to be easy to swing by the store whilst up that way I have found somewhere for doing 100 for £233 and they are in stock and able to post so worth doing that as fuel and my time are worth more to me. Thanks for the advice peeps!
  15. thanks for the recommendation, they are not as cheap as I have found them though. I find it annoying that the store I want to but from are just blanket banning posting pyro when other places are able to post and lets face it they are delivered to the shop somehow. I wouldnt mind paying a more for delivery. Also weird they are turning down a £200+ order also with whats been going on and the state of the economy but hey ho. Oh well.
  16. Your right, they wont deliver
  17. A range in the woods out the back of my mansion on my private island
  18. I have the Tm and it’s my fave gun. Brings a smile to my face each time. I don’t care it’s not 1:1 and once your holding it it’s not an issue, doesn’t feel small to me. I couldn’t recommend it enough
  19. Cheers guys, will check out the recommendations and take the advice on board
  20. I potentially want to buy a lot of MK5s as I am fed up of not being able to use my impact nade in woodland, does anyone have recommendations for stores? Airsoft Zone have 100 for £199 that seems the best I can find unless anyone knows of anywhere?
  21. Some of the kits from that manufacturer are gorgeous... I really want a load of them
  22. that is a nice kit, the AAP looks out of place in it though.
  23. Haha, Its heavy, and I cannot use it as a side arm with that attached. I just want flexibility until I can pick up a second
  24. I dont have any glock mags at all so will pick up some WE ones, they are cheap enough for me to grab 2 normal ones for when I dont fancy running the drum mag. Cheers
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