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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. I dont blame you, Hell I want to build one that looks the same I guess all the stupid camo options on COD have ingrained a dislike for weapons which paint jobs. Although I am looking at a grey/black multicam loadout and that gun would look awesome with it
  2. Awesome bit of kit Qilmax..... but im gona put this out there and say I much prefered it unpainted. Thats not to say the paint job is no good, just seeing the before n afters, I prefer before tis all!! Like you said, not to everyones liking. Hardware wise though its one tough looking gun and would certainly turn heads at a skirmish so salute!!
  3. It has been in my mind to do some LA gangbanger type loadout.. Baggy jeans, Timberland boots, jewelry, cap etc.. AK held sideways Wouldnt be too hard to pull off. Kind alike the idea of a fancy dress skirmish
  4. Not in MDF you wont.. Algerian blue pine wood or nothing less!!
  5. Will you be making the shelves.... I'l get my coat!!!
  6. This is me, always reminds me of 90s cop shows or the X-Files
  7. Bunker 51 had riot shields lying about, I always used to get told off for picking them up and using them.... DONT LEAVE THEM IN THE SITE THEN Grrrrrr But havent seen anyone at any other site using them. Think they could be good fun to use though. Imagine getting stuck in a corner pinned down by loads of fire hiding behind some clear perspex, I would be shitting myself waiting for the inevitable grenade rolling in...
  8. could have wiped your arse first though... eurgh!!
  9. THATS where I have seen you before hehehe The pink frenchies really didnt suit you!!
  10. My next piece of advice would be eye pro and boots
  11. I wouldnt normally ask but I need sponsorships.. I recently completed The NUTS Challenge (The UKs HARDEST obstacle course) located in Dorking (anyone skirmished there would know) and it was the most physically demanding thing I have done.. I am still a bit off my target and all the money is for a great cause.. Please take 2 mins to click and read and hopefully show your support. Thanks, Al.. https://localgiving.com/fundraising/alanhopson

  12. You mean to say you dont already have them in your loadout?? Newb....
  13. Russell that is a handsome looking bandolier!!
  14. Cant remember.. Almost bought a foam poleaxe for 80 quid though..
  15. The new shop attached to The Mall had some LARP ninja stars for sale last week, was very tempted
  16. Next time her mates are over walk about in just your pants with a helmet on rubbing your gun calling it "precious" and see how much of a lunatic they think you are then :op
  17. I find one player gets shot a lot if rushing a room in my local sites. Dont get me wrong im happy to rush into spaces trying to A) take one or two enemy out - or encourage the rest of the team standing around going "the baddies are in there, if I go in ima get shot"... to rush in and help clear the room. I had a right go at my brother the other day at The Mall as there was 10 seconds countdown left on the game, the ONLY way for our team to win would be to defuse the bomb, a group of us rushed forward on 7 and he refused to follow. Afterwards he was saying "I didnt know where the bomb was and I would have got shot" and my reply was along the lines of, we had 10 seconds to try to win, if one of us moved the bomb its worth the other 8 getting shot just go for it.... But he couldnt understand my thinking and I couldnt get his... Just different approaches I suppose. I tend to slink off and hang around spots where the enemy are complacent and take out groups and move on, I try to avoid the hotspots where I know the action usually is and get the enemy on their way to these spots...
  18. I would have thought they would have been available over there... Like Grover said though, couldnt you just spray the ends of all of them orange as a temp solution? Or better yet use Orange insulation tape (Or painted masking tape) etc??
  19. Low n Slow is me.... No point rushing to the battles.. In CQB the action tends to be spread out in little pockets, so low n slow gets me to the action then I skirt around the edges, I tend not to rush doorways or bottlenecks as unless loads of people join you in the rush you WILL get picked off and not take the room, so I like to stay on the fringes and surprise groups on their way from spawns to the action or loud groups wandering around
  20. I would say its just you... Having been 8 times or so now I can say it normally seems an even split to me
  21. I was Orange actually.. Spent the whole game in the basement, then ducked out before the end as the rest of my mates had given up by then and I was the driver lol..
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