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Everything posted by Albiscuit

  1. I have the same boots, wish I could say the same for the guns
  2. I fancied bagging one, but the above is kinda worrying.....
  3. Grabbed me 2 in gold, stupidly forgot a multishot base too which was the only reason in getting one haha.. UPS collection pointed it too, "what the mrs doesnt know...... wont nag me about"
  4. Bit the bullet and got myself two hard grenades. Been looking at them for ages, just the thing I need to finish my cqb loadout methinks
  5. @Immortal good choice, love those stocks. I stuck one on my SPR
  6. Lose the pop up sights for a start, not needed and probably wont/dont line up with your sights?
  7. I loved customised vectors, not too sure about the ace stock on there tho, but the front looks awesome!!... That M4 looks dreamy
  8. @L3wisD Had a similar issue with an old sling of mine. Managed to wiggle and twist it enough to click on, not realising it would then never come off Hacksaw done the trick, but then the sling was knackered
  9. Seconded... Im buying another in the new year to akimbo my MK23s
  10. Will be sending off a rifle and pistol at some point, have an idea but it seems its already been done
  11. That vector is stupidly sexy.... And I never thought I would hear myself say it, but yeah that AK is tasty too....
  12. I found lining up my magnifyer was a pain, it now sits in a drawer
  13. would certainly get the adrenaline going
  14. Been rinsed with the KSG by someone on here when playing the yellow box game before. I bagged a point by sitting there but looked like I had measles afterwards
  15. @Jedi_Master Disgusting!!! You better be on my side next time we are at the mall together
  16. Any regulars heading to Battle Lakes on sunday?

  17. Not sure they go with the boots pictured tho clumpy....
  18. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY too clean... especially the boots
  19. This is why I stick to my couple.. nice an easy to pack and work out what to use
  20. Loving the mini M4 with the long suppressor and the DMR
  21. That holster is a strange one, it takes a while to get used to clipping it off and on, it really needs to be on the side where you can look down at it, at least until your used to it. I HATED it my first game, I could never get it back properly the first time and even dropped it trying to click it back in. The more I use it the more I love it though, super handy and easier than lifting the gun up about 2 foot to pull out of a traditional style holster. The bottom pic you posted if you angle it slightly so the suppressor is facing towards the right (as in the pic) a couple of clicks, that's how I run mine, not being too tall it has hit the floor as I favour going to me right knee often (its worse outdoors with roots and uneven ground, spent ages getting mud out of it once haha)
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