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    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    I saw some of those little S&S blades t'other day and was tempted, just for the coolsies... but in the end I had to listen the the wallet quietly weeping with the Balshoy Bolshevik Bash coming soon. Plus I recently bought this too, just for the s&g's:

    ...which actually has a spring-loaded blade so it's illegal
    But I'm pretty sure that not only would plod have to be in a really bad mood with me to bother, but there's a good chance that they wouldn't even notice. Strangely enough I got it from fleabay, doubly against their policies on knives and illegal items, but what i found pretty funny was that it came from an Israeli fleabayer who also included a couple of heart shaped sweeties and a really tacky looking miniature torah on a keyring! Oh the irony
  2. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to AirsoftTed in What are you listening to?   
    I apologize for our similar taste in music one more for you

    Tried to play this in Ed's Diner today and it hadn't come on by the time I left so I missed it
  3. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent got a reaction from AirsoftTed in What are you listening to?   
    I know have a whole playlist of this, ww2 funny ones (Oblige with a Bren) and luke kelly. Im gonna run outta money for CDs damn you!!
  4. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to TacMaster in AFUK Gaming Get Together (PC)   
    How does some Gmod tomorrow night sound?
    My steam name is sandvichstrikeforce
    Totally not suggesting Gmod because that's the only game I have of those...
  5. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to TacMaster in Joule creep!   
  6. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Airsoft-Ed in Promoting sales threads in "Recent Status Updates"?   
    Wow, the overall vote is for "no"?


    It's a personal status update. It asks you to type, "What's on your mind" so if that happens to be, selling your shit, type it out. The space is for whatever you want it to be.

    If you're trying to sell something, why wouldn't you advertise it? When I'm selling my stuff I put it on 2 forums and at least 5 massive Facebook sales groups. The more places it is, the more likely and the faster it's going to sell.

    I'm struggling to think of anything wrong with doing it, apart from that it sends other updates off the page. But that's hardly the end of the world, and even regular, non-sales related updates do that. If people's updates were so important that having it pushed off the main page by a sales related update was annoying, or a problem, then why not make a topic out of it instead of an update?

    Or am I missing something?
  7. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Shortenhauzen in Zombie Experience   
    I have got tickets for The Mall one @ Reading and really looking forward to it. Going with my son-in-law elect. Does look good and just need to pick a date now
  8. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Mack in Gun picture thread   
    Changed the TM Block II M4 into a MK18 Mod1

  9. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Mike636 in Don't be a knob :)   
    Treat your RIF like your genitals, don't get it out in public, don't wave it about where neighbors can see and don't be a dick! The only time you should have it out is when your in the woods with strangers.
    ....Oh no this metaphor was a bad choice
  10. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Deva in New Player Guides & Info   
    If you're new, please take some time to look around the forums and view pinned topics. There is a lot of useful information. As a starting point..
    Finding a place to play:
    New and looking for somewhere to play? The law and Airsoft:
    Our UK Law Forum The "Violent Crime Reduction Act" in Full Popular UKARA Related Questions Beginners Guides:
    Beginner Guide to Airsoft  
    Ian's Guide to Noobism on a Tight Budget AF-UK App with useful stuff:
    AF-UK App Guides forum containing lots of useful info:
    Guides Forum Chances are simple questions will have been asked before. If you can't find anything on the above links then please search:
  11. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Lt Earholes in Airsoft related jobs for 14 year old   
    Tbh so do I, when I was 14 I did nothing. Now I have a full time job I would still do this if I didn't do so many hours and had some spare time.
  12. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to M_P in Airsoft related jobs for 14 year old   
    His house.
  13. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Lt Earholes in Airsoft related jobs for 14 year old   
    Saying that I remember when I was young I used to go the local market on a Friday before school, buy loads of cheap out of date sweets, drinks, crisps and the like and I used to treble my money, spent a fiver, got 15 quid back by the end of the day.(I can always remember a sour sweet/drink thing called a brain licker was the best seller)
    Up until the school found out and threatened me and my mate with being expelled if we didn't stop :/
  14. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Colonel Kurtz in Airsoft related jobs for 14 year old   
    Hehehe add some dubiously aquired stationary to the equation and that was one mine too
  15. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Del Monty in WW2 airsoft for dummies   
    Awesome guide .. being a ww2 player myself its always nice to have a guide to give to people curious about the hobby .. nice one Russell.
  16. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Russe11 in WW2 airsoft for dummies   
    No-one really cares what gun you use as long as its correct period. It's accepted that guns are expensive so if you play British and German and use a sten for both thats fine. In fact Germans had a copy of the Sten that was issued to their equivalent of the home guard and the Sten was copied off a German sub machine gun anyway. Just don't turn up to a WW2 game with a Systema
    If all you have is a 2 tone M4, just wrap hessian around it and take off any red dots, lasers etc. It's accepted that it takes time to get everything together for WW2 airsoft and generally it's preferred that people go to the games rather than sit at home until they have all the gear.
  17. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Chock in WW2 airsoft for dummies   
    Whilst that is generally true, later in the war (i.e. after 1943) the MP-40 was actually issued more widely to regular troops. That was a direct response to encountering the Russian army using sub machine guns in larger numbers than most other WW2 forces. Ironically enough, this led the Germans to develop the StG44, which the Russians then used as the inspiration for the AK47 after WW2. However, in spite of the German's desire to hand out the MP40 in larger numbers, unlike the PPSh41 and 43, of which over eight million were produced, the MP40 wasn't produced in the truly massive numbers necessary to make that possible (i.e. only a fraction over a million units according to most records), so whilst it is true that there weren't enough of them to hand over to everyone in the Wehrmacht, the Germans did actually want to do that, particularly in light of their experience against the Russians, who of course had the Germans retreating because of that much better weight of firepower. Thus the Germans did so as much as they could, and there are certainly quite a few instances where entire units were equipped with the MP40 in the closing stages of the war, it's just that it was not the norm for most army units.
    If you want a truly ridiculous example of MP40 usage however, nothing beats Mary Ure, Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood's MP40s in Where Eagles Dare, which aside from appearing to be loaded with armour-piercing incendiary ammunition, judging by the amount of damage they can do, also seem to be fitted with special high capacity magazines capable of holding hundreds of rounds.
  18. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Albiscuit in WW2 airsoft for dummies   
    The day an american movie is historically accurate will be the day they actually win a war
  19. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to kerby91 in What are you listening to?   
    Listening to funeral for a friend and fightstar today...helps I'm seeing them both live soon haha
  20. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to xXAfterBiteXx in What would you print with a 3D printer?   
    Hi all, sorry for reviving an old thread but I did some 3d printing for airsoft on my Reprap Mono Mendel. I printed about 20 risers which worked well and we're sturdy. They were printed using ABS and a 0.5mm nozzle (which isn't the best haha, I'll be upgrading to a 0.3 or smaller soon).
    The parts turned out well, the only issues I had was the surface finish (could be fixed with a file but that's just plain tedious), I had to tap all holes by hand as the printer is only capable of making rough large diameter threads and clearing away support material is a pain.
    I also printed a glock 17 extended mag catch which my friend tested and said it says a good fit and functioned as intended, obviously it would be a better fit with a smaller nozzle. And a mock suppressor with perforations (honestly, it amplified the noise rather than muffling it) for my G&G Xtreme 45 which screwed onto a plug which push fit into the end of the barrel.
    I do plan on adding additional extruder, one for PLA support material, one 0.3mm nozzle for printing and the 0.5mm for rapid infill. I will also be making a chamber to trap the heat from the bed to stop warping and a liquid cooled metal hot end to stop it from overheating...
    I also plan on getting a lathe which I will convert to cnc control for finishing up the parts with a good finish. Then a little once over with acetone should give a good, smooth finish.
    I'll try add some photos later if I can find the parts
  21. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in Gun picture thread   
    Don't worry about the size of pics, mate: it's a picture thread and basically, if people can't afford broadband, they can't afford airsoft
  22. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to DEDSEC in Gun picture thread   
    No not yet, but now that I have a Contour and GoPro set up I'm going to start and hopefully get a channel going.
  23. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to DEDSEC in Gun picture thread   
    Full LMT setup done! Contour attached, SRS sight, ASCU V2 and R-Hop installed. Taking it out next weekends skirmish to see how she performs.

  24. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to M_P in Vetting Procedures / Photo's of Airsoft   
    No different to a company checking out a person's Facebook page before deciding to employ them or not in my view, I think it's fair enough. It's a pain yes but a lot of people in the country don't like anything gun-shaped, so always something worth keeping on the quiet side, or at least changing the privacy settings to keep hidden.
  25. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Airsoft-Ed in Gun picture thread   
    Been a while since I even visited this thread, let alone posted a photo.

    Just packing the kit for tomorrow and thought there was something immensely satisfying about the compactness of my SCAR, and I thought it looked pretty boss from this angle too.

    So here's an unbelievably high quality shot from my toaster:
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