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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Holy crap..................(lost for words in a good way)........ :D :DPlus the in love smiley but not sure how to do that. Dayum, that's even better than an m4......
  2. There aren't any review of this place so just thought I'd pop up a topic about it. Anyone got a review post it and I'll change the description to that review. Thanks.
  3. Just been reading up a lot about spartan airsoft and prices and other airsoft places and averages of prices etc and Spartan is only 24minutes away and looks amazing!!!!!!!!!

  4. Was listening to it while playing COD with my mic!
  5. Ggiimmmeeeeee!!!!!!! good luck with it
  6. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FsynSgeo_Uo http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u8I-OIduoEU Try these ones
  7. I've tried finding out in this forum, and by emailing pro airsoft supplies, but what would be the best pellets for the G&G combat machine cm16? With some airsoft videos I've seen and stuff I've read up on I think some people use .23's and .25's in skirmishes.
  8. Sleep sleep dream..spartan airsoft..sleep sleep dream...spartan airsoft.....sleep sleep dream.....You get the point? Why couldn't I find out about this before I thought Nerf was the only thing like it!!!! Noooooooo rraagggeeee

    1. Lord_Metile


      It's nerf or nothin.

    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I'll choose nothing. And choose airsoft...

  9. http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/egc-16p-car-bnb-ncm-gg-combat-cm16-carbine-aeg-sports-line-rifle.html#.VAo3wNq9KSM Wtf! £149 there and £117 on pro airsoft supplies or £99 for transparent one!!!
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Monty


      It definitely isn't flimsy.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      They use nylon fibre reinforced polymer, it's not a cheap plastic they use. Yeah that's those 'bbgun' websites for you!

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Yeah I just put in a review on there website about proairsoftsupplies etc but I doubt they'll put it on...

  10. One day, I'll be able to buy a GBB pistol...... And that day better damn well hurry the hell up!
  11. Dayum, it looks awesome! I prefer that sort of look to the combat machine (like an m4a1 out of mw2/3 ....cod softer....) But really looking forward to going to spartan airsoft!!!!
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Desperate is an under statement...I've meet a couple of nice people at school (moved up in the three tier to the final one) who like airsoft but they don't have a clue about this or sites such as proairsoftsupplies. I think they have caught the disease I had: Jbbg, obbg and the rest. I had that until this site cured me...

    3. team flex

      team flex

      i think they just resell, so when you buy an item from them they will order it from that company for you

    4. team flex

      team flex

      never stock anything

  12. Why cant I have your budget and get all the World War Two stuff!!!!!!!!! Rraaggggeeeeeeeeee G&G combat machine you can have semi auto, full auto. But with a 350 budget then look up or down not this comment...
  13. I've seen that done before...And looks great mate!
  14. But this is a link to the starter pack: http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000001.pl?WD=pack%http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/22792-g-g-cm16/&PN=cm16_transparent_starter_pack%2ehtml#SID=239 You can change the rail things. I think...
  15. The m4 one looks nice but I really like one thats selling on here: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/22792-g-g-cm16/ Just looked and I think it's sold but not sure..doh
  16. Just doing what a lad should be, playing the proclaimers songs on the piano and doing some airfix....(happily excluded the bit about homework...)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Why the hell would your sister steal your keyboard...I like guitars just not as much as piano lol...

    3. Lord_Metile


      Because she wanted to play it.

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Fair enough..well, not really but....

  17. I emailed them and they are just waiting for the battery stock to come in which will be ready by October very latest!
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