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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Pro airsoft supplies do a starter pack: http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/cm16_transparent_starter_pack.html I emailed them and they'll be in stock very soon! However, due to feedback on here I'd get another mask.
  2. Damn they LOOK good but I'm gonna resist lol, after what's been said about the combat machine, woah, they decisions easy!
  3. These dont tie into airsoft but I love model railway building and Second/first world war modelling on a tiny board I have in my room. Love playing the piano and cricket. But I think I spend a bit too much time at the weekends on my ps3 with friends...I love running and cycling! Wish I had a bike like the one Russell has or the para one!
  4. Other than that, a "friend" told me he knew a guy who played and got shot where the sun dont shine and was in pain for many days. He's a big bullshitter but wanted to be safe lol.
  5. Guess your part of the PC (non) master race?
  6. Back to school, so I'm sure you will (i repeat WILL) miss my "Bestest m fwour" threads. I've persuaded my mum to take a look at spartan airsoft so that's a start...

  7. Do you peeps wear anything to protect your meat n two veg? :S
  8. Bloody hell, look damn well complicated! You must be a very clever lad!
  9. If you ever want to sell it..hint hint...
  10. These all look damn fantastic! If anyone has a pic of a beretta m9, luger po8 or Walther p38 then please put them up!!!!!!!!!
  11. Cant stop listening to the proclaimers: I'm gonna be 500 miles. Can't stop playing the damn thing on piano either....
  12. Also one tiny weeny thing that makes me want to get the G&G combat machine cm16 is because you can pull back the charging handle while saying:"Yippee ki yay"
  13. School tomorow...bugger...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Fugi94


      yeah im back on Thursday :)

    3. JamesAirsofterAgent


      I'm moving up school, here we have the three tier. I cant remember where my tutor room is....sh*t.


    4. b1n0gHo5t


      Glad to get rid of all the pestering kids..(in general) lol

  14. I've seen people use the word/abbreviation "imo" quite a lot just wondering what does it mean?
  15. I got battlefield 4 a few days ago, found out about that annoying bug the hard way so had to delete all my progress.then I played on it a bit yesterday and the day before and all was fine then today i go on and for some reason I've lost all my progress! Damn!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Love being in a jet on bf4...

    3. Lord_Metile


      Just watch Angry Joes review. Sums up my opinion perfectly.

    4. Esoterick


      Yeah we are friends in origin, amusingly origin has also had outstanding friends list bugs for over 2 years.

  16. What were the metal mags you used? Could you post a link?Apparently the metal ones are better than the plastic ones?
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