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Everything posted by JamesAirsofterAgent

  1. Once I've got my airsoft gun and stuff sorted and been to skirmishes I'll go...i hope!
  2. Any good ideas on cheap chest/belt rigs? Please include a link. Thanks

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mack


      Didn't know they had a made a copy of the Haley strategic d3cr already. For £30 I may try it out myself

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I think I'll get one as well, £160 way too much IMO (well it is when I can get a WAS plate carrier cheaper)

    4. Mack
  3. http://www.amazon.co.uk/ASG-M16-M15-300-MAGAZINE/dp/B00BTHOBAI/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t Thinking of getting this for the G&G combat machine cm16.
    1. Monty


      Use the extra money for kit / BB's. The included high cap will last you a whole game.

    2. Lozart


      Wind up mag, needs a little key in the side. You'd be better of spending a few quid more and getting a flash mag instead http://www.amazon.co.uk/ASG-AIRSOFT-FLASH-360RD-SPEED/dp/B00FFX7IKC/ref=sr_1_1?m=A3L13Y02044LBB&s=merchant-items&ie=UTF8&qid=1408636444&sr=1-1&keywords=flash+mag

  4. Does the CAA M4 MAGAZINE fit the g&g cm16 carbine? (Not the raider)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monty


      Would help if you linked it. :P

    3. Qlimax


      I know which ones you are talking about they do fit and they do feed but dude they look and feel CHEAP although they ant. They are plastic and feel awful imagine tapping two plastic breakfast bowls together that's what they sound like. Awful.

    4. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Ok thanks, but I think I'll get the mags of amazon...

  5. Anyone used the website Airsoft club?

    1. Qlimax


      Yup a few times they pretty good

    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Do they have to go through customs, or are they based in the uk?

  6. Need some cheap mags that fit a G&G combat machine, preferably ones that you don't have to wind up, but any will do.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Due to my dad despising guns

    3. almurry


      www.hotmail.com set up an email address link the account to that then never use that email address again simples

    4. Monty


      Two of my mates have been using Star / Ares low caps for a year in their CM16's, had not problems.

  7. Sorry again for all the threads, very very sorry. Basically going into western tomorrow and I was wandering if there was an airsoft shop in western near the Western Odeon? One that you can go into etc... I've looked all over google but can't find a thing! (Shows you how good i am with computers.... gimme a type writer any day) Thanks!
  8. I have a toy plastic modern British issue helmet with a cloth covering. It's pretty thick plastic. Would this be ok in a .skirmish or should I stop being tight with my money lol....
  9. So I can give my aunt some money and she buys it me. Except she pays half and I the other half. This is the plan for my bday. IS THIS LEGAL?Getting worried...
  10. But if it was two toned it would be okay right? Because I think (this could be wrong) you have to be over 18 to buy ANY airsoft gun but unless it's black etc as long as it's two toned you can use it if your under 18. PLEASE. CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG
  11. Don't think he meant the mum would "sell" it to her son, but gift it to him.
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