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Everything posted by ItsAJ

  1. Thanks maybe worth spending the extra then on the promy
  2. A guy wore Flecktarn at my first skirmish I sware he was on my team and literally a few metres away from me under a tree and I didn't see him the whole game, he just sat with an MG4 or something like it getting everyone that tried to flank us, not one person could see him and he never moved a muscle nor had to.
  3. Haha yea the same feela was trying to sell me a dboys scar saying it wasn't that bad compared to the tm scar, so fair point! Looking at the prometheus line now and yup the prices are scary! Will take a look at the other options like madbull like you said I think before I do anything I need to chrono my aeg to really know what I am working with. Yup would seem so, to be honest I half dismissed it as it didn't add up in my head either, but glad you guys can set me straight. When you say a firefly hop set, is that just the bucking? Also I see hard and soft ones, what would I be needing and how does this affect the gun etc? So many brands and info thanks alot for all that, going to have a proper look into these, I didn't realise the inner barrels were as expensive as they are! Would all the above be better than a stock then quality wise ?
  4. So at around 328 everything else stock would be fine then ? I'm just wondering because I seen the special recoil springs on eagle6 and it seemed like a good idea. Basically trying to get as best a 1j aeg as I can. See I always thought that, but then I opened a can of worms at the nearest shop when I said that. They said to me no a wider bore is better for fps as there is less friction while a tightbore is better for accuracy at a slight cost to fps. In my head I though well a tight bore means less escaped air pressure for a higher fps but he didn't agree with the friction taking away from it. Well I did watch a few vids and it is alot easier to change a barrel than the spring so whats the best barrell then I could get? Also when you upgraded yours did you put on the barrel extender and have the inner barrel running right up or did you just stay with the smaller stock size?
  5. The Walther PPK it was so reliable and I loved it. Thats like 15+ years ago haha
  6. Hey guys, out of curiosity I wondered if you could upgrade the scar with just a m90 spring. I know alot of people and threads say if you upgrade a TM Recoil it normally needs new shims etc but would you need all that just for a m90 spring? It's not much of a jump and I can't imagine the stress would be much more. I am asking as if I could have my scar shooting at 328fps or close it would be swell, maybe it would be the wrong spring strength? Let me know what you think. I know eagle6 do specific recoil shock springs
  7. 1948 Velocette Was my Grandads then my fathers. Don't have a pic of the bike but here is one from the internet
  8. The new TM automatic toothbrush .
  9. Hello Al, I'm Al just thought I would say hello! Nice to meet you
  10. If you don't have a solder and need a cheap one I can say this would do the job http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111281635379?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I bought one for doing some small electrical work and its easy peasy and even comes with a booklet on how to do it. If you don't do it right you can just keep trying.
  11. Replacement TM scar working PERFECTLY ... 3rd time lucky! Yay lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lozart
    3. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Where did you get it this time? :P Nice to see that it's finally going for you.

    4. ItsAJ


      Wolf armouries gave me this replacement haha, I know it's been one thing after another, think I'm out like 60 quid postage or more but screw it lol


  12. Hey, just seen this now, I'm using the emerson low profile boggie goggles. I actually have decided not to use them as they didn't seal my cheeks and the nose bridge was very uncomfortable. As for the cordura face mask its great but yes it does send the air upwards
  13. I a millionth everyone saying to keep saving! Just skirmish as a rental if you want to and forget the side arm for now, or for good! I had no money and saved up slow and decided not to buy much cheaper guns that looked cool and get a Tokyo Marui which was what my heart was really set on. Impatience leads to short term solutions that nearly always lead to you making the correct choice you should have the first time.
  14. Unless you live in Northern Ireland
  15. I have terrible luck, after two faulty scars, and lot's of trouble getting a rfund from the first the second company now doesn't want to send a replacement because they hear no rattle and the fact a part was missing can be replaced. That's not the point! I spent 500 quid, it should be PERFECT. If not a perfect one should then be sent.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ItsAJ


      It's all right guys I got my replacement in the post with a bit of pushing and a lot of calls, I did look up what you had said about the recoil mechanism the only thing that made me think it was something else was it moved sooo much, like it rolled or slid for quite a distance, It sounded like the brass ring that should be in the hop up unit sliding down the barrel, but either way its gone and a new one is in the post, 3rd time lucky boys? I wouldn't say they were bellends, one seemed...

    3. ItsAJ


      like he didnt want to be there, the other couldn't replace without permission so the manager was called in. They were NOTHING compared to FIRESUPPORT. These guys are paying for the postage and were civil! I won't even order bbs from them because of how they treated me and they are the only place I can find TM perfect hits in the UK.


    4. jcheeseright


      I guarantee the next one will make the same noise. like a slide... thud, back and forth as you tip the gun.

  16. Second the discharger if your that worried. I certainly wouldn't blank fire a gun excessively.
  17. Think my aeg is being held by Customs? Tracking says National hub, arrived and processed all day and it's well over 24 hours since sent on 24hour postage.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ItsAJ


      Just to England, London but its there now , least I can claim half the postage back :D


    3. Monty
    4. jcheeseright


      yeah, customs don't touch anything unless it's entering or leaving the country.

  18. No too far for me, http://www.conflictzone-airsoft.com/#About%20Us Some vids on youtube and a Facebook page too.
  19. I think I actually have figured out what I think the noise is, I wonder is it the brass ring that should be over the hopup bucking rubber , it should be slid over barrel and the rubber and pushed into place has came out and is sliding up and down?
  20. Looks pretty sweet, breaks up the outline well!
  21. That is really nice of you mate, no need to do anything like that though, I'm sure they can't be too hard to find and if you ever sell your gun the fella might ask where has it gone. Appreciate that alot though
  22. Thanks , pretty much settled my mind then! It didn't affect my shooting as far as I am aware and the rest I can live with while the missing part can be bought anyway. Leaving really only the rattle which really boiling down to it is maybe me being picky because I spent so much and the last one I had never had it.
  23. Okie dokie! You happy with you gun? Rattle ever worried you or not?
  24. Welcome to the forum lad
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