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Everything posted by ItsAJ

  1. The gun failed on the bbs supplied by the manufacturer once I opened the gun. My bbs were only used after they ran out, the gun was therefore broken prior to using mines.
  2. I payed over the phone Monty using my visa debit as soon as I got my UKARA I was just so excited about ordering it.
  3. Firesupports famous best customer service is terrible. Can't even abide by the law.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ItsAJ


      I know he spent two hours on it though I had never asked for it to be fixed, always had tried to pursue a replacement and ultimately in the end the avoidance of a replacement ended up me feeling a refund was the best option or safest.

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Yeah I would want a new one as well mate I agree. Hope it gets sorted out alright. I've never heard owt bad about them so I was a bit surprised at this.

    4. ItsAJ


      Well things worked out in the end, Firesupport have agreed to a full refund of the gun and the mag, not the postage however which legally they are bound to pay for BUT I will not look a gift horse in the mouth, take my loss and walk away.

  4. Their reply. Alan, the mag is scratched so I will not be refunding that, I will look over the gun later today and get back to you. If it is in as new condition we will work something out for you. After 3000 rounds through it I can assure you there is nothing wrong with it. Bad pellets cause all sorts of problems and now I test it as thoroughly as I have done I can only suspect your pellets, as seen by the debris in the barrel. I will let you know how I find the rifle when I get chance to look over it later, but if it has been gamed with and therefore picked up scratches and damage etc I will not refund it. I am puzzled as if you simply use good pellets you will have no trouble at all with it? John See Firesupport News And mine. John I had noticed the magazine was scratched where it enters the gun at the top, that was only caused through test shots and nothing more, the gun has not been on the field at all. Bear in mind I also only had this gun for a matter of days. Another reason to give me reason to have no faith in the product. I have no reason to bring a faulty gun onto a field to become effectively a sitting duck. I have no doubt in your workmanship, though my mind is settled I only want a refund. That is it. Alan
  5. My reply is as follows. Dear John as much as I appreciate your efforts to fix this problem I have now lost all faith in the product, consequently I feel that a full refund would be the only acceptable outcome. This being mainly due to the product jamming straight out of the box with the bbs supplied by the manufacturer. Regards , Alan
  6. This is what I got today, the first problem i had straight out of the box was jamming mag with the tokyo marui pellets in the box. Twisting things to suit himself now. Alan, Apologies for the very basic nature of Frank's e mail, I did specifically ask him to explain what had gone on with your gun as I had tried to call you, I was off on Thursday and felt you may have needed it back for the weekend. In light of your reaction I tried to call again to discuss but with him e mailing as he did I am not surprised by what you put as you haven't actually been told anything at all! I have tried to talk to you about though to explain whilst I was working on the gun. Basically what I have found, and this has come up before, is your pellets have left a residue inside the barrel, and most likely the magazine, although that seems less obvious. The residue is plastic in nature and builds up at the muzzle causing all sorts of issues with accuracy and hop as the pellet hits the residue and picks up spin from it. I knew something was not right from the moment I fired the gun as it shot terribly. The residue needs a solvent to literally melt it from the brass barrel and clean it out. As a precaution I have changed the hop rubber and stripped and cleaned the mag. Now I expect most of your reaction is because Frank can't make the time to explain the problem to you which I am now doing. I have only put on the invoice the shipping cost ( which we subsidise anyway as per the original dispatch) and the cost of the hop rubber. I have used 1 and a half bags of ammo now testing it and spent nearly 2 hours fixing it, cleaning the barrel etc. Now I feel we have been very reasonable as the problem is down to the ammo you have used. Most shops would have charged for the labour, and whilst it isn't your fault of course that your site sells the ammo it sells, it isn't our fault. The gun is not faulty, we tested it before it left so we know it was ok, and now I have cleaned it it is perfect, as new. This is why I sent you ammo, as it is so unusual for Marui guns to play up, particularly on known ammo like the excel we sent. Hopefully we can talk today Alan and hopefully this doesn't come across as stroppy at all, I did ask Frank to pre empt this by e mailing you in some detail rather than how he did! I feel we are being very reasonable and hopefully this e mail helps explain why I would think so, but as i say I would rather discuss it to be honest. Reagrds
  7. WTF actually? Ok I take my words back, maybe they are open and maybe they were on holiday or something but the guys beside didnt even have a clue about them. If thats the case maybe I will get using it after all !
  8. Just letting you know mate the one in Ballymoney is closed, I live around the corner from it and went down to book my birthday at it in June and the place was empty, asked all the shops beside and they hadnt seen anything in a long time. Save yourself the diesel. There is mid antrim paintball and airsoft that have a killhouse, I think it might even be the biggest in Britain but the killhouse isn't played when rentals are on.
  9. Thanks straffham, yea I know my rights and I will persue them, I'm not going to settle for a fixed TM after 500quid of money being spent. They can sell it for spares its their problem now as far as I'm concerned.
  10. I have asked for a full refund of both the gun and my postage back to them. For help to anyone else in a similar situation this may come in handy. "Where the goods are returned due to being faulty the consumer is entitled, under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended), to return the goods within a reasonable time after purchase and claim a full refund plus any other losses that have been incurred as a direct result of faulty goods being supplied, such as the costs of postage. Where faulty goods are returned the refurbishment charge, and/or delivery charges cannot be deducted from the consumers' refund."
  11. Guys I sent the gun back, cost me £16.40 to post, then this is what I get sent today after I asked would I just have a replacement. I would have thought I wouldn't be paying anything! The postage to there was bad enough never mind this. I only bought the gun a week ago. Hi Thanks The guns has been sorted The cost is £21 (£16 postage and £5 hop rubber) Please can you call us, John is here from 10am tomorrow
  12. I got sorted thanks, the one from helmetworld was an emerson. To be honest I would rather get it sooner, have a warranty, and be able to return it easy than pay less.
  13. I was hoping to have it for the 9th, just impatience really so I can have it for my next skirmish haha. I did see this on his website http://www.helmetworld.co.uk/airsoft-mh-type-ops-core-fast-base-jump-helmet-multicam-mtp-with-arc-rails-30794-p.asp but I can't tell if its got the knob at the back or the double chin strap the picture doesnt say much lol
  14. Hey guys looking for a multicam ballistic helmet in the UK, I really particularly am looking for the Emerson ballistic in multicam but I cant find anywhere in UK that do them, but someone must stock them. If any body has any help let me know thanks PS not the cheap version but the one with the turning wheel at the back to tighten
  15. Hey and welcome I'm pretty new too, both the sport and the forum. Great bunch of guys on here with lots of info on almost anything.
  16. Too far away from me lads, but if yous are ever thinking going up to mid antrim airsoft round Ballymena let me know
  17. ItsAJ


    Haha yea I really only play it in the bad weather, winter or when the Tv is full of crap. Is an awesome game though, storyline wise, graphics don't do much for me, I still love my medal of honour frontline for the ps2 as much as the day or year I bought it lol Tetris, god I hated that game. He or she must be minted! Do agree though shooting those plastic balls gives so strange sense of realism, big kids and their toys ehh.
  18. Will keep that useful info in mind if it happens when it comes back so thanks, but for the mean time I am just going to send the lot back and let them take a proper look so they can't say its been tampered with or anything.
  19. Here is the email I just recieved guys. "Hi Alan, looks like it will have to come back to us to be honest, I have no way of swapping via a courier as you suggest and i would like some of your pellets if you can when you send it back to figure out what has gone on as we know it was perfect when we tested it. My major concern is that the pellets may have damaged the rubber and sending you another doesn't really do much to prevent it happening again, if the rubber is damaged it is a very quick fix anyway but then firing it again on your pellets gives us more confidence going forward, hopefully that it is just a one off type problem? It isn't the easiest solution for both of us, which I appreciate but feel if we deal with it properly, rather than easily, it is for the best. Parcel force 48 hr would be adequate I think but most couriers do not like "firearms" so I would suggest it be sent as a toy. We will of course sort something out for the trouble if it is a faulty gun Alan, but to have a faulty mag from marui is rare, to then have a problem with the hop seems improbable and it does suggest ammo, but I cannot point a finger until I know for sure of course, Hope thats ok and we will sort it out the day it gets here for you, Sorry for all the trouble though, John" Don't really know what to think of it, I was using three bb brands in the tests, I had used cyber gun high density 0.20g, madbull match precisions 0.25g, and then some rockets I had left over from a skirmish, then they sent me 1000 excels which still jammed the mag occasionally. All did the hopup problem as stated earlier. It is going to cost me a fortune to send to send back to England, nightmare.
  20. If you were to hydro dip a AEG what would you actually need to do in preparation? I have an Tan gun would that do without having to put a base coat on? Surely the water would be terrible for the gun so you would have to block the barrel and all up?
  21. ItsAJ


    Wow that's a blast from the past haha, jeeze theres my child hood in one screenshot lol. Yes the same franchise just 15 years later haha. I'm only finding out it's online. Downloading this now without a doubt. You gotta play more man, that's only the start of the game which is a bit crap and drawn out, once you play a few hours your in real proper gameplay. It is such a compelling story well worth the play if you have it!
  22. Yip that's how I was seeing it, I have the scope and it is way to good to part with, the optics on this thing are crystal clear its amazing! So for the sake of a tenner I just thought well why not It would look badass on my scar too haha. Is that for rings? I forgot to mention that the scope I have its mounts are dovetails, so that would be a 11mm dovetail to 20mm picatinny, what would be best those or the scope rings?
  23. Great little article with lots of good relevant info, I have used the sale of goods act a few times some with sucess other times not but definitely good to know your rights. Will let you guys know tomorrow what happens, I should have an email from them by then.
  24. Yea we have spoken alot already, the fella I think said something about it costing me if I have to send it back, but I will definitely say to him spent that amount of money and had a bit of hassle with the gun so would be the proper thing to do.
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