I think Ian's hit the nail on the head, we don't want any for of legislation for airsofting that is going to lump it in with gun control. Currently, as long as we all do what we love, airsofting at recognised sites,and not running around in public places with RIFs, then I'm pretty sure ACPO and the CPS will let sleeping dogs lay. But it took Dunblane to ban hand guns. I'm not saying that someone will go on a killing spree with an airsoft gun, but if there is a specific high profile incident or series on indcidents, involving airsoft guns, then I'm sure the do-gooders would feel compelled to act.
Our current system may not be perfect, it may be full of holes, it may be easy to circumvent, but it works for us, so let enjoy airsofting! If you're really in to it, then three games over two months is bugger all and you can soon be registered on the UKARA database, if that's what they want, that's what they'll get!
Smile and wave boys, smile and wave!