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Everything posted by cavninja

  1. Forest camo ice hockey stick tape for my grips! only £3.50 on Amazon! mmmmmm.......
  2. Looking good! Am I missing something? What's "pimpmygun"?? And why is the eotech on backwards in the image?? Guess my ignorance come with bring am old fart?! Lol
  3. Love it! I did something similar for my son in his room, from a vid I found on YouTube called "Forest fire camo"
  4. A very good point on lubrication Russ, i always prep mine with a little spray silicone oil, is that the best to use?
  5. It took me a while to build up the courage to spray paint on my baby, so i did a few trial runs on a card board box to refine my technique, (That does sound very odd reading it back, but i can assure you no euphemisms or double entendres! lol)
  6. Cheers MP, i figured as much, it's all Charles's law and Boyle's law, but i do get some wildly varying fps's, until the mags and temp bed in. I must get round to getting a propane adapter and saving some of my hard earned pennies!
  7. How did you get the bolt on the left??!! Good to see us lefties being catered for! Whatever next?? Gingers??!!!
  8. Cheers Warrior, i used Khaki (Tan) , OD,FG and dark brown. When the L96s replaced the L42s (Yes! I'm that old!!) we would cam them with the green tape as in monty's photo and then break up the green just using cam cream! Then the barrel, scope and body would be scrimmed so as not to interfere with the operation of the weapon.
  9. I am deeply devoted to GBB, I love the realism and the functionality, it's as close as it gets! I love my WE HK416 and have lovingly tweaked its barrel and the hop and fitted and NPAS, as it's natural position is to run a "tad" hot! However, I do find that the mags a quite inconsistent, depending on the ambient temperature, the amount of gas in them etc. Is this just the natural way with gas mags? I've got my NPAS and hop set to shoot at about 330 fps and I do find that prior to chrono-ing, it's a good idea to run a mag or two through my gun to settle it in. I use WE green gas, would propane be more consistent as well as cheaper? I don't have these issues with either of my pistols. I regularly use maint. gas and never leave my mags un-gassed, all my kit is new and less than six months old, so any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I guess it depends on what "look" you want to go for and how much time/effort/money you want to expend. There are some fantastically detailed and probably quite time consuming and pricey camo schemes, and they're very impressive, but I wanted a realistic look and so I tried to go for a spray camo that would be applied by a unit on operations. 4 different colours of krylon ans some leave to mask and about an hour in the garden left me with this. For a sniper weapon, how you "scrim" it is far more important, Monty makes a very good point, quick and simple, Good luck!
  11. Having to hang up my guns for the moment, duty calls and heading abroad, but in the words of the big guy - "I'll be back!"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      Lucky bugger lol, have fun!

    3. AirsoftTed


      Oh and stay safe!

    4. cavninja


      Cheers mate, will do, and at least the beers is cheap and cold and the senoritas hot!


  12. Hmmmm...... perhaps when the only pistol available was a Webbley .45?! Time's have changed my man!
  13. I'm currently using Fabus holsters, they sit very comfortably and are stable on the hip and are easy to draw. The only draw back (no pun intended!) is that your plate carrier can interfere slightly. I have been advised a "duty rigged" holster, sitting just below the belt is the ideal solution and one now used in many competition shooting practises as the standard. Very interested in Ed's layout, could be the way ahead for me! I've tried drop leg, i wouldn't touch viper or web tex gear with a barge pole, saw them used in afghan and most broke just from the weight of a pistol! I had borrowed a very expensive Blackhawk cordura rig and it was very good at retention, but leg rigs are a bit "marmite", and I wouldn't go back to one. Chest/plate carrier mounted I have not tried, but I feel it would interfere with my primary and sling. Great discussion thread, thanks for starting!
  14. Expendables 3, awesome!!!!! Pure Gun Porn!!! take ypur kleenex fellas!

    1. JamesAirsofterAgent


      Gotta see that! I fact.. I am!!!!! Yippeeee next Wednesday!

  15. Thinking of rejoining, anyone on here on FTRS?

    1. jcheeseright


      now's the time to do it, withdrawal from afghan is about to make life easy!

    2. EvilMonkee


      LOL famous last words. Ukraine, Africa, Syria broader Middle East? Plus we are moving to contingemcy ops - shorter tours but more frequent

  16. I got a good one from patrol base for about £20, looks the part and does the job! Sorry, can't remember the brand name
  17. Welcome aboard Bro, spot on with the advice on here, it's top dollar!
  18. BBC3 "Our World War", the story of thr first battle, the battle of Mons, amazing, humbling, heartbreaking, never forget the sacrifices of our forefathers

    1. clumpyedge


      amazingly filmed and well thought out, strange term to use but i loved every minute of it

    2. Del Monty

      Del Monty

      It was an amazing program, really felt connected with the characters and actors who played them .. felt soo sorry for Godley defending the bridge alone.

    3. clumpyedge


      yeah that was horrendous! i was shocked when seeing that he survived his injuries! i recently saw an article in the *cough* daily mail *cough* at a battlefield site i went to when i was 13 and it still looks the same and im 27 now.


      obviously thats 100 years since it was used as well!

  19. Ohhhh! How about an L42??!! The first sniper rifle I ever used! Proper job!
  20. I figured out how to use the imgur site, I uploaded my pics to there, then right clicked to copy the url and past in to the box that opens up when you click on add image, if that makes any sense?!
  21. Well that's alright then, we only need to worry when he starts going about girth!!!
  22. Del Monty, gutted to hear your news mate, really terrible, I'm sure you'll fight it as hard as you play and hope to see you back on here and one day to meet you on the field. You know you'll always be welcome, stay strong brother, you can beat this! Even with a pink M4!!
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