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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. OK - here is the breakdown on this........ It is a SRC Dragon despite being lead to think it was a good buy with metal gearbox I bought this: https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/SRC-M4A-E-OG-The-Dragon.html BOLLOX - it is a PLASTIC gearbox with METAL thin crappy gears doesn't even have plastic bushings let alone metal bushings or bearings The gears just spun on holes in the flexible plastic gearbox It didn't last very long and threads stripped on the gearbox as it was lame ar$e plastic when I attemped to strip it down and investigate why this pile of crap broke - easy it is crap Now some Dragon's I have heard do have the mk2 metal SRC gearbox but they are probably the £100 ones but even that is $hit - plastic green bushings (6mm btw) - so not even metal bushings or bearings at last metal - but it still pi$$ poor metal On top of that my dragon had a plastic outer barrel which was f*cking BENT !!!!! It always shot right and had to swing the rear sight almost to the left limit to get it kinda firing straight - ish where I was aiming Oh and another thing - these SRC's are "slightly" qwirky in the way their receivers and or gearbox's are not quite 101% TM compatible - SRC goes in there but try and shove in another box or replace the receiver and it don't quite all align up 101% I could go on but you might be getting the picture like we say the G&G's REALLY are money well spent
  2. Good pistols and extra mags are available at reasonable price (which is one thing you may need if you was gonna get a pistol for main weapon) you get the chance to buy 1 extra mag at a slightly reduced price when buying pistol btw and don't forget the gas but yeah consider pistol & shotgun options maybe for epsom tunnels You got some ideas and options to think about now BUT what I will say...... Do not just rush out and buy something without giving a little post on here to save you buying something you regret - but I think you got the idea now Damn it - wish I stumbled across this place BEFORE I bought my first couple of crappy guns
  3. Well actually you don't have option but lets say your parents or somebody over 18 will purchase it
  4. HFC's are great cheapy pistols (HFC or STTi or dare I say it SRC pistols - they are same make rebranded) I got the 105 in GG (Green Gas) & GC (CO2) versions actually same gun but pop in different mag onlybbguns are perhaps one of the better ones but you gotta be careful what you buy still I dunno if it still works but RC10 used to get you 10% off which meant a 105 pistol £30 = £27 delivered !!!
  5. Paaaahhhh - that is IF THEY CHRONO they are supposed to chrono all guns but the time I went and a few others have been they did not chrono any guns at all so you'd better get something that is shooting 350 is all I'm saying
  6. Russell - yup soz 28a is probably not ideal for cqb with its 455 barrel etc.... OP - I think this might be out of stock but: http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/airsoft-gun/refurbished-airsoft-guns-refurb=101.html?product_id=1024#.VPtN-OEknIU it is JG metal 6mm gearbox and quite ok at refurb price LWA sell dytac's for £90 but not owned one of them I would not buy SRC M4 again honestly it is very hard to find something decent below £100 when for £117 for carbine - get the lite version as it is shorter or £123 Raider S - brilliant M4 for down there from zero one as they do 2-tone for free
  7. Cyma 028a I would take for AK as battery compartment is bigger/easier but that is just me - bigger AK but that is just my take on model deffo Cyma for AK though JG G36 - nuff said as we all agree on that I think M4 though G&G is way to go not a Viper or Well or Bulldog in sight Jeez just noticed you going to Epsom tunnels...... get a torch to find ya way back to safe zone - its feckin' pitch black down there uhmmm it is a bit frantic & full on sometimes down there full face would be wise & perhaps a strike plate for ya back (if you get shot in back at close range down there you will deffo call it)
  8. Shhhhhhhushhhh everybody.... I may have found a buyer for my crap very very low use - all boxed etc..... Genuine reason for sale..... THEY ARE CRAP
  9. 2 x decent batteries would be a start - probably 7.4v lipo's say 1300 to 1600+ (depends on ya gun and how trigger happy you are) change them at lunchtime to ensure stuff like this doesn't catch you out near end of day
  10. in short NO !!!! G&G is what you want - yes they start at £117 but save ya money OR you could buy my crap I have bought in the past from BB websites yup they are that good - hardly used - coz they are crap Seriously - if you was gonna fire in back garden then those guns will be ok - ish But if you take them to a skirmish site - you will get owned and all you will get is the major hump you will be outranged outgunned and out of luck the black viper's have plastic gearbox's and they can't provide anything like 350fps others might be near when they shoot you If you try and fit a bigger battery - all that will do is increase your rate of fire not the velocity or fps PLUS - it will also destroy your plastic gearbox quickly if you attempt to run 11.1v lipo on it (see youtube for funny videos on this if you think I am just trying to scare you) at a scrape you may get by with a £90 or £100 gun but still not gonna be as good as a G&G carbine or Raider this should perform very well and last with easy service/repair if needed or failing that lmk & I will dig out all my crap I bought when I first started
  11. low battery, or motor struggling to compress spring piston snagged on 75% compression if the box has a cut-out window near spring guide shim/motor height out a bit with wear (gears cross or binding from misalignment) Something broke off - tiny fragment of metal - even plastic can jam gears (anti-reversal spring gave up on me once and luckily it didn't jam but piston kept rolling backwards) maybe other stuff but sounds more like piston or gear lock from my first impressions if you have unlocked the box then it would be wise to at very least refit fuse and pistol grip+motor test the hell out of it to see if it can be replicated - especially on semi out on the bench before refitting back into receiver try half compressing spring and fire again to see if motor is struggling or continuing to pull spring from 50 to 75% compressed You would be surprised how an iffy battery/motor with worn brushes can just say "fffforget this $hit" at 75% compression etc... If it doesn't happen again after various thorough testing then it may just have been a one-off and it might not happen again for a while in freak conditions but then it may likely be signs of further investigation needed at some point and sooner or later will need opening up and thoroughly checking everything inside Don't know how confident you feel/are about opening her up - if you are ok then it wouldn't hurt to crack her open and have a lookey whilst about it regrease and check seals blah blah blah.... BUT - only if you feel confident about it coz if not and she appears to be running ok then perhaps put it down to one of those things and see how she goes..... 2 things are certain with airsoft: you will dry fire when you got the jump on some mofo your gun will crap out on you - the one day you forget to bring an old spare or pistol with ya
  12. Yeah right - times we have all said that.... bet ya get yet more fancy stuff before Easter - trick is to STOP LOOKING (yeah that is the difficult bit - clicking "add to basket" very very easy to get carried away)
  13. Hate to say it but - yup they kick some M4 a$$ out of the box Even budget Cyma's are built well - AK's are not gonna win on looks or fancy variations but airsoft wise these cyma mofo's are surprisingly good aeg's
  14. Sitting Duck

    UKARA Mystery

    Your site membership number "might" be your ukara number as it is linked/based on your regular skirmish site A site with its own ukara shop is how it is usually done or the site has to get a UKARA retailer involved unsure if the post or email details - would think site keeps paperwork copies and just gets a ukara retailer to confirm all is ok so I think in this modern day world is all done by emails & scans etc.... I don't know for sure - maybe others more involved with law/vcra could confirm
  15. Thing is with me I will pay say £100-ish for a gun from Europe and "take my chances" unless it arrives in 2 dozen bits looking like Airfix kit I know it may need a tweak here n there (not too fussed about spring tbh) I know this may be a very good saving of £50+ maybe even more depending on model and won't bother to send it back I suppose unless I get an Airfix kit But if I buy from a UK place and I am not satisfied with I will return it for a repair/replacement/refund TOO BLOODY RIGHT - if I paid that bit extra for it in UK then I expect/demand good decent prompt UK customer service However - I do understand and support UK retailers, usually its quicker and good for them/us & the economy I suppose They also have to put up with genuine returns, thick as $hit new users who may have played an unknowing part if gun failing as well as people really abusing their new guns plus even the odd try it on scammers trying to return something..... Just in the really cheapo "BB sites" out there - always said one is dire, (I could say a lot lot more but won't) & another one offers better returns/customer service than the main well known one above All comes to price in the end - there is quite a difference in different UK retailers pricing and shipping costs is very easy to save £20 even £50+ on some UK special offers And if price isn't much different to Europe then I'll shop at home In fact All my G&G's have come from about 3 or 4 UK sellers - We seem to get a good deal on them Cyma's & JG usually do seem cheaper overseas though However recently this year I have noticed prices in Europe starting rise a bit and shipping costs too (free shipping now requires 175 to 300 Euro's - jeez) So either they are catching on or maybe I feel a rise in many things may be on the horizon with global currency rates up/down and prices held low for quite a while now that the world is "supposed to be coming out of recession" - yeah not sure about Greece though None of this price structure is really illegal - a seller can charge whatever they feel is correct price for an item they do not have to match any UK or Euro seller's price either... Basic law of economics - supply & demand, yes they may not shift loads of guns, but if you want that model asap and they have it stock at a higher price.... The final say is how is that gun worth to you and how much you are willing to pay for it - end of Otherwise we would have angry mobs outside Tesco's, Sainsburys, Morrisons etc... just coz Asda sell those apples at 49p but hang on Aldi were doing them last week at 39p..... Even the cheap offers are a ploy to get you in there - they bolt you up or charge you more on other items to get their profits back up a bit It is you the consumer that needs to check around and decide on what you buy/don't buy from tom dick harry airsoft I don't really think we get ripped off that badly to be honest - most stuff especially with recent rises in some European stores make me think we ain't doing too bad ATM !!!!! This could change though - we could be in line for some increases especially if the £ goes crap against the Euro - £1 = 1:38 Euro atm (very good) ain't brilliant against the $ - £1 = $1:53 - not brilliant really
  16. Well I can be a bit of a tart sometimes..... Good thing about airsoft, hair tucked up & full face you can go and have fun shooting us chaps then watch us gasp at halftime we got whipped by a girly kidding - good on ya, and wish you well on your sport
  17. Evike & Airsoft GI have numerous guns with MEP or whatever - no discounts or coupons can be used Also worth noting is though we buy the more "budget" range from europe at a good price them same retailers are no cheaper - in fact often more expensive on other stuff like G&G Raider's Dunno why - but no doubt it is all to do with larger volume discounts of sales of say Cyma's but you do wonder... How feckin cheap do these guys get them for ffs and are we being raped & mugged at same time buying cheap AK's over here in UK ??? Poland has 23% VAT btw so it ain't coz of UK VAT but maybe our import duty stings everybody a bit - but still begs the question why ???
  18. Don't get me wrong - good quality parts are miles better than most stock parts Good SHS gears, better cylinders than cheap brass types, double o-ring cylinder heads etc.... Most of the time they will fit together very well and operate real smoothly But on occasions the tappet plate/nozzle/hop up bucking may not quite make a perfect seal and you can lose fps - on the expected performance - like Ian the AK man said about different nozzles etc... The bitch bit is with a brand new build if bits are not quite a perfect fit you can't compare old nozzle length/tappet etc..... So it became a bit of a bitch trying other parts and double checking stuff for Mr Monkey Nutz But usually most good TM parts work very well together and may only need a little check and tweak when assembling (all part of the "fun") and is where your skills and patience can be tested Getting a working box and adding a few upgrades is relatively straight forward - pah I can do that I'm sure it will all be fine sir - if you run into problems there are some very experienced people on here (not me - I'm thick as 2 planks) The link is a very good read though from some very clever mofo who knows a LOT more than I ever will about high rof
  19. If you can work out the max diameter you can use inside front end of gun.... I would try to get an appropriate silencer tracer. Main reason - spend all that money on hop/tracer, go to a night skirmish main M4 goes tits up after first round.... Hop/tracer you are kind of screwed to start swapping over hops in the dark or just unscrew silencer tracer unit & refit to other spare aeg - back in the game to light them up
  20. 18:1 to 14:1 = aprox further 28% increase in rof I say aprox btw, might be a tiny bit less due to very slight increase in tension/gearing so say 25% if you stay on 7.4v you will should be fine if using 9.9v life then it may get closer with an additional quarter increase eg: 25rof on 18:1 top speed then 14:1 could be over 31rps again there is a "possible risk" of PE at higher speeds is all I am saying The reason for just using a decent "normal box" is Mr Monkey Nutz had a nightmare with his QD box build from scratch, tappet/nozzle losing pressure etc.... That was all
  21. I was taking no gearbox and being built from scratch Whilst he buys up lots of bits n hope they all work together OK.... Was saying get a decent working one and just a small tweak here n there will do same job Yes I went way way overboard but everybody says high speed gears n high torque I'd way to go... Nope the link demonstrates it is not a must particularly if keeping fps to UK specs... Sounds daft but really can get great performance without all the extra high speed gears putting more stress on motor which isn't designed for higher gearing or pulling higher springs... High speed and stock gears do produce good results as link shows
  22. If anybody is actually interested....... Just done some quick rough tests on 2 guns that I think are over volume'd 1st gun is deffo way over volume'd it should be hitting about 300+ but is hitting 240 !!! (this increases a fair bit to 280 with a longer barrel but this is too long so under volume'd) 2nd gun I strongly suspect the port is marginally incorrect - hitting nearly 300 but likely to hit 345 Also I think though over volume may push out heavier bb's better perhaps on gas guns/pistols this does not quite seem to be the case on AEG's - I'll explain...... 1st gun - seriously over volumed - barrel needs to be about 120mm longer I reckon by my maths (deffo seen higher fps on longer - but too long barrels so a little under expected fps) 240fps on 0.20's average So I thought I might see a slight increase or same on heavier bb's rather than usual drop (sounds reasonable if ya pushing out too much air for 0.2 but might be good for .25 or .30's) NOPE both guns did not show any close performance at all on using .25's or .30's 240 on 0.20's 215 on 0.25's 190 on 0.30's aprox 25 fps drop each 0.05g increase 2nd gun - I suspect needs a barrel maybe about 80mm longer for the current port position (haven't tried slightly longer barrels but I have a gut feeling the port is a bit out) 300 on 0.20's 270 on 0.25's 240 on 0.30's aprox 30fps drop for each 0.05g increase - but starting figure is higher if that means owt So the above crap kind of blows the idea that an over volume'd aeg will push out heavier bb's much much more effectively and maybe close to 0.20 performance...... (well it might if you whack in a heavier M120 spring on first gun but not tried that and probably won't atm) Also by studying the output figures it might come to light on the performance lost factor THIS IS JUST A ROUGH AS OLD BOOTS FIRST GUESS THOUGH...... Gun 1 has a barrel aprox 120mm too short I strongly reckon - take half of that 120 figure = 60 add 60 to 240 then that would equate to about the right amount expected 300fps sounds a lot but this is well n over volumed and the seals are or was very good (it is a CM FireHawk with a 120mm barrel and a port for about 250mm) Gun 2 has a barrel I think of about 80mm too short - take 50% of that 80 = 40 add 40 to 300 and I really think it should been hitting about 340+ fps (crappy SRC with a 275mm barrel and a port I cut on full cylinder that I reckon was more for a 363 aprox) I haven't tested this second gun a lot or with any other different barrel lengths But there ya go - 2 guns over volume'd and serious drop in performance from it (rough estimate though as to performance lost but I do think hop/tappet/nozzle is sealing good before you think its that) Also - Ithink my calculation of 12mm might be a litle too low I think the more accurate figure is about 15mm to 16mm as the O-ring on piston can sit quite far back on some Suffice to say correcting the AOE can vary - usually it is about 4mm-ish but recently had a box that needed 7mm - no $hitting 7 bloomin mm ffs !!! (in the end I put a 5mm spacer behind piston head - checking central alingment to piston & a thin sorbo/washer on cylinder head) So yeah - ignore the 12mm & go with say 15mm off the port measurement chaps - my bad
  23. The general idea is to take a cylinder and within say 5 seconds have a fairly good idea what length barrel will work with this cylinder and its port location all without needing a calculator or a pen/pencil I think the above guidelines do work out very well considering for general factory standard 0.20g bb's bear in mind that the general norm also states that max max barrel on a normal 16 tooth setup is between 455 on large AK's but not much more as 500mm barrels are not really efficient on 16 teeth setups hence why SR25/L85 barrels and SVD go for the extra 3 teeth giving them an aprox 100mm extra barrel length of 550 yes some SVD's have a 590 or 610 and yes you can fit a 500 barrel to a standard 16 tooth setup box but many posts say this is not quite as fully effective/reliable as you are right on the limits I refer to my quote that the stroke is 50mm x 10 = 500mm but remember the fact that piston speed is only just starting move from 0mph and first few mm before compression begins (probably why most tech's - (I am not btw) state 455mm barrels for normal gearbox's is rule of thumb)
  24. most cylinders are 23.8 - radius of 11.9mmm think the differences in between 6.08 & 6.01 barrels - even though most might stay @ 6.03 is more like 1% but i said 1.5% to cover most variables (if you said 6.02 to 6.08 then 1% difference in diameter or 0.5% in radius before we start the maths) However the difference in barrel and even in standard & bore up cylinder and there 0.5% or 1% or wtf 1.5% is really very very little in relation to an incorrect ported cylinder being used eg: a 3/4 cylinder (363mm barrel type of cylinder) used with say a 225mm barrel = massive over volume of air and a drop in fps for user Not all air can be full expelled anyway eg: silent piston/cylinder heads also even though the volume of air is measured up to port for the first few mm there is next to no compression generated much like even with max stroke of piston - the first few mm's when piston is released the speed of the piston moving is very very little as it gathers momentum and starts to become effective compressing air in cylinder Furthermore - the max amount of stroke on a normal cylinder after AOE is really more like 50mm this figure is derived from the first tooth on sector gear aligned on piston in 12 o'clock position then 16 teeth later...... 16 x 3mm pitch on the teeth = 48mm add on another half a tooth where the gear drives on a tiny bit further and slips to release piston = 50mm AOE is done but normally AOE is a max of 4 to 5mm required so that would equate to 55mm on non AOE but is widely accepted that AOE should be performed in AEG's the above rough calculation also works on L85/SR25/SVD AEG's with 19 tooth pistons as well Normal Cylinder 71mm - has max stroke after AOE of 50mm SR25/L85 has a 82mm - has max stroke after AOE of 59mm (3 teeth more) but lets say 60mm which kind of equates again to a 455 - 500 absolute max on standard cylinders and I guess 550 to 600 on the few longer cylinder AEG's (unless you are using a 15 tooth piston & spacer in ya L85) for normal 0.20g bb's the accepted 1.5 to 1.6 barrel/cylinder ratio applies on heavier bb's like I said this is thought to need be higher due to a heavier mass being propelled down barrel But - unless I am mistaken with barrel differences being like 1.5% different aprox and even with a bore up kit it can't change that inner volume that much either..... Cylinders have an external diameter of 1 inch or 25.4mm - or won't fit inside the box easily 25.4mm - 23.8mm internal leaves a wall of 0.8mm..... can't see a bore up having a much bigger internal diameter more than say 24.2mm or it wouldn't be very strong (can't measure as I don't have a bore up cylinder myself but if the above figure is correct-ish then that is just 1% increase diameter max)
  25. lol- no worries - it is normally me doing that as it is what I do best (or majored in if we talking in US english)
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