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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. contacts or brushes in motor starting to fail ???? only a guess but as said dry it out - if not try another motor ?? process of elimination but "could" be motor's brushes worn perhaps - well maybe
  2. Already been said but just confirming..... There is a massive difference between say a JBBG "BullDog" M4 for £80 and a proper G&G carbine @ £117 at say zero one yes you have buy your own battery/charger for G&G but you can imagine how good or rather not so good the supplied battery/chargers are on the really cheap guns or you could get a cheap spring/bolt sniper if you have a big long garden - say £60+ or a cheap Green Gas pistol from £30+ add gas to that (onlybbguns is better of the 3 BB sites - use RC10 for 10% off - no I don't work/get commission but they ain't as bad as JBBG imho) suppose it depends on what you are shooting and how far away the targets/garden you can get away with some stuff a little cheaply but there is a lot of crap on BB sites before you buy anything - work out exactly what you want and your budget then chuck a link up - wish I had done this coz bought loads of crap before I found this place cheapy sniper + pistol that ain't bad for money http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/hg-104-m92f-beretta-hfc-hg-104-m92-gas-pistol.html?keyword=hfc%20104#.VSo9RY7p8i4 http://www.onlybbguns.co.uk/701-bison-bison-russian-bolt-action-airsoft-sniper-rifle-701blue.html?keyword=bison#.VSo9YI7p8i4 sniper - well ya arms will hurt cocking that mofo after a while but an idea you can plink cheaply with some half decent cheap stuff AEG - hmmm well get a G&G, Cyma, JG tbh - the cheaper aeg stuff don't perform too well especially if you try and take it to a site also firing a few shots in your garden is totally different to putting 3k bb's through a gun and abuse it gets running around falling over (a cheap plinky aeg might last ok for a while at home but is way short out on a skirmish site all day)
  3. OK m8 you win game set n match you obviously like pulling apart my posts so much but you fully understand what I am saying plus though I am very fluent in pure bollocks My own personal opinion and it is just my opinion is that you are talking far more bollocks than me you can quote me on that that too as you love quoting so very very much
  4. lol - i get told that everyday btw just buy a Blank RIF here or abroad then Oh no you can't so in effect you do meet the VCRA requirements and seek to break the law - which you appear to care very little for yup that don't sound suspicious then - my very bad yet you go on about about your rights if stopped by the police who are there to uphold the law you know - law: something you seem to be trying to avoid if this still makes very little sense then perhaps ask somebody else to explain this to you - very very slowly
  5. ooops my bad soz forgot to state in there - if it still meets the newly updated 2015 guidelines and also forgot say about you also seeking to remove paint as well as a blank firing IF or RIF??? all perfectly normal and in no way would that sound even the slightest bit suspicious to a copper/judge
  6. be it a RIF or a laptop or a non UK spec Blank firing RIF from France you seek to import one way or another Whatever - you win I'm done on this - you can continue you this on your own
  7. I wasn't saying police would stop you because you got a bag like I said could be going fishing but.... If they stopped you - they would ask/want to know what is in there - well quite likely just being nosey and stating some rights would only raise their suspicions even more so they would investigate further Chances are they "may" not be too bothered about it if that person - even u18 had it in a bag and could tell them some sort of defense crap Being in a bag, being honest up front & open should imply that they were being responsible etc...... Just pointing this out and if any of us were stopped we may need to prove or provide some answers or defense As long as we all don't act like dicks then the chances of us being pulled up are very very slim But it would be very wise to be honest & if possible have some sort of defense ready to ease any further hassle/questioning Think that roughly covers the matter that is a wise thing to have "some" sort of defense and act a little responsibly if possible (in effect - don't be a dick) If you do get stopped then they could ask what you have in bag - out of interest or just being nosey and perhaps it would be wiser to answer any questions than quote some legislation or your rights but if you wanna quote away - then fine, just that may arouse their suspicion more and people can continue the conversation either at roadside for another 20 or 30 mins or down at the station... Being a smart ar$e to a copper is not perhaps a very wise thing if you have nothing to hide and wish to be on your way quickly
  8. Sites don't give a crap about you painting ya gun: "its your gun do what ya feckin' like with it" my site told me (ain't them that painted or sold it to me) if a copper stops you - then they usually have "some" kind of reason, otherwise they would be saying hello to everybody So they in effect are at the very least shall we say "curious" or being feckin nosey Kid on bike with a long bag could be going fishing but if you are drawing attention to yourself then it goes without saying Chances are if you are carrying a big bag I'm sure most police officers would ask the obvious: "whats in the bag" question and if you was less than co-operative then they would have the "suspicion" or "reason" You can quote all the various rights and stuff but just saying how it works in the real world usually Again - don't be a dick and you will probably be fine - unless you are really unlucky to get stopped by some bastid who has had a very bad day already
  9. UHM ergh me thinks that might not be completely true....... if the police pull you up me thinks they can and WILL find out what you have in your bag etc.... failing to co-operate with a request.... well that adds to suspicion and so will have reason to search or investigate further....... Ahhhhh - a RIF, now why would Jimmy have a RIF it was gifted by his uncle, ok can we confirm this - bit of hassle and time but they ain't gonna let it drop without establishing "some" facts about how a minor came into this (could even be a stolen RIF) Now can you tell me why you got this in your bag ???? Shooting you say, shooting what and where ????? Oh - that old chestnut eh ? says the copper and seeks more clarification about a bit of private land More checks n stuff and like I said depending on proof/defense I do not know the full final outcome coz I ain't no lawyer But the police can easily check & search any of us especially in the recent alerts and anything but co-operation will only arouse suspicion and then they can and WILL search/request you to acompany them Police ain't perfect but they are there to do a job and should be investigating an u18 carrying around a IF or RIF in my book (heck already said if I got pulled over I'd fully understand them giving me 20 questions about my stuff)
  10. Illegal but tbh who will know or care unless you are a dick A RIF should be aprox 51% - more than half an easy to distinguish colour You should at least start to skirmish a bit which would give you "some" defense By law if your are not ukara'd or defense then you need a IF now you could be "gifted" a RIF as we all know but that does not mean it still 101% ok for a minor to have that...... before anybody jumps in - consider this..... Jimmy is 15yrs old and has been "gifted" a RIF from his brother/father/uncle - all above board perhaps... Now Jimmy decides one day to go up to his mates private farm and do a bit of target shooting He does have the common sense to transport the RIF hidden in a proper gun/airsoft bag rather than an Aldi carrier bag BUT is stopped on his mountain bike by the local police...... Now Jimmy just wtf are you gonna say/prove you ain't some dick looking to shoot anything in their sights say at local park etc..... Why have you got a gun - a realistic imitation firearm when you are under 18, and not known to any airsoft site ???? I'm not a lawyer but with the above example as you might travel to your mates farm I can't just say it will be OK coz by the above example and from legal standpoint it is NOT ok Most of this is down to YOUR DEFENSE or reason for you to have any airsoft weapon if under 18 Yes many players may not be 18+ but they are players or members of a club so they kind have a reason Or some sort of defense to present and prove if challenged Yes you can get away with it - but only if you are not caught - this does not mean it is legal - 2 different things altogether Just because I am over 18 & ukara'd still don't mean much if I conduct myself like some bell end tw*t. even if I have stuff all bagged up I would fully expect to be pulled over and seriously questioned and have to prove I have reasonable reason to have a RIF in my car - this must arise also when people use public transport etc..... For this reason if you get a tug even if being mature and responsible - you should have "some" sort of defense this could enable you to keep out of trouble and probably not have your aeg confiscated or even destroyed (let alone in worst case scenario get dragged down the station faces more investigation/charge etc...) soz but though most won't care too much there is a few hard facts you need to be aware of and if you was legally allowed to own a RIF then you wouldn't be asking this Soz if this isn't the reply you seek but you need to be aware it ISN'T just ok to paint a gun and go shooting in fields with no possible comeback
  11. http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/3581-new-and-looking-for-somewhere-to-play/
  12. Just got some paint on it when you was decorating Don't start another UKARA or VCRA post ffs we only just cleaned up after the last riot in fact more wars start not over politics, religion, oil fields, money but in actual fact it was airsoft that started WWII I reckon..... Germany was pi$$ed when they got their GF or TWG order that they took matters into their own hands I mean invading poland just coz you wasn't happy with a gun was way way OTT so then it all got out of hand and the yanks had to wade in and save us all with their higher fps guns (bastid BFG's they chucked at Japan - PT247 bought up all the US Army surplus stock I think) always better to resolve any issues via email or pm
  13. Technically - shotguns are springers too and I must get a tri-shot one just for the CQB kick of: 'ave sum of thaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttt !!!!!!!!!! but yeah a springer regular rifle would put you at an uphill disadvantage under regular fire Well unless you are THAT GOOD - only need one shot type of thing Even if I was that awesome walking on airsoft water, I doubt if I take my springer Famas (which I'm most deffo not - I need a noobish burst to get my man so to speak) by all means have a go, but think you will soon seek to hire/buy a half decent aeg (reckon by end of first game/round of the day) shotgun - at least they are quicker/easier to cock or a gas pistol can fire off 15-25 rounds (even cheapo semi only non-blowback could return some crap back at them) But yeah I admire your courage & all that (crazy fool you - kidding )
  14. Me thinks very little for a little while... the main thing is LISTEN to ya gun..... She should be greased up nicely - sometime not as well as we would like with proper grease but in general she ain't gonna be running dry either - plus too much grease is not a wise thing either Yes after a couple of months you "could" give a squirt/dab of grease here n there but feel only if you suspect she sounds a bit dry - but tbh if she sounded dry or performance dropped then I would crack her open BUT if it ain't broke don't fix it as they say.... You should not need to worry with a half decent new gun for a while - no point keep opening her up if she don't need it After a day's shooting - clean barrel - well you should of given it a clean maybe lunchtime if ya felt it needed it anyway - clean barrel, empty mags of all bb's - this saves the spring in mag losing its tension btw ensure you have fired the gun on semi to help "park" the gears/spring with least tension and remove battery I guess...... 24hrs later - bang out & clean ya boots of caked in mud ??? Nahhhhhhhhh - sod it they will only be getting muddy again soon (unless you got a really nice pair of boots then you should look after them) dunno if I missed anything out but that is my routine afterwards (unless I'm so knackered and just flake in the chair on my return)
  15. Indeed - these guns are like mini hammer drill gearboxes.... piston smashing into cylinder head, gears spinning faster than a car's engine flat out on M1 motorway (just did some bevel gear rpm maths btw) So it is no massive shock when they sometimes crap out on you/me/us If possible try & see about buying new from a reputable retailer that way should it crap out too soon on ya you got some warranty Often when people go on about about various new upgrades fitted: in my mind fitting "some" new parts goes hand in hand with general wear & tear and if the "stock" part was showing some wear then most would replace that part with a slightly better part eg: stock nozzle + stock cylinder head + worn seal/o-ring on piston head replace those after 6 months when gun loses some of its initial ooooomph and gun will perform well again (maybe spring & AOE - don't worry what this means yet) But if I replace them worn stock parts with some slightly better ones but I don't expect to demand another £50+ than new gun it is just part of the course - if they were still ok-ish I would of probably left it as it was Like putting in a re-con engine in a car - ain't a brand new motor just it hasn't got a borked engine anymore - part of the joys of motoring/airsoft Some upgrades are different - stuff like cosmetics etc..... But annoys me when people expect internal mechanical service/upgrades to be worth so much more (yes some stuff like hi-speed gears/motors are worth a few bob on top of general s/hand value) but new super duper piston, top spec cylinder, tight as frogs ar$e double o-ring nozzle ???? chances are the previous stock stuff was getting worn and performing $hit.. So in effect they had to be replaced - yes why not with better stuff BUT don't friggin' try ya luck trying to add on the full price of them parts ffs at best if you replaced a crappy worn stock nozzle with say a £10 one eg: say 3 bits @ £10 each = £ 30 In my mind then all I might add on is say 3 x £5-ish - the extra price over a stock one fitting - oh leave it out, if you hadn't have used it so much or broke it it would still be ok (was running alright when I left it as saying goes) So I can't see how people can try to charge full price parts plus another £20-£30 fitting = £50 to £60 "upgrades" when in my mind it is just wear & tear plus a slight improvement But STILL a second hand gun Oh well I might as well as keep it - they might say.... Fine I think, if it is a good gun then I would probably consider keeping it (I am mega paranoid but often wonder if gun/car etc.. is so damn bloddy good why are they selling it then ?) Whoooooaaa mega carried away there - ignore most of the above I wrote just me getting on my high horse just confirm with the guy if there is any warranty of a sort - say Argos 14 day or something or look to buy new - especially if there is a good shop local to you - not JBBG btw soz for mega waffle chaps
  16. Agreed, soz if I was pulling it to bits I was just being honest, not ultra high spec but yup certainly better than most of mine to be honest Once she is running and you get the leak compression issue sorted she will make for quite a good one
  17. soz pic 3 showed what I couldn't see should just work me thinks or switch burnt out or broke deffo test switch - it should just make prefect circuit
  18. what about ya: CAA Sportsline M4 ??? and soz but all you have is: Ultimate Gearbox w/full Lonex internals - well yeah it would have coz its Lonex Ultimate Gearbox that is like a £100-£120 gearbox maybe with 16:1 gears (don't think I would shell out that on a box but to each their own) G&G Standard metal hopup - sounds good but probably a left over from an upgrade Unknown barrel make, but is a silver 16 inch silver barrel that unscrews partway to attach a silencer dunno 400mm barrel could be almost anything with an extension or not - can't quite work out but nothing super duper it sounds GFC M4 Reciever body - Gunfire's own brand so probably £40 - £50 tops upgrade or shell to put these left overs in TM motor - uhm ergh so what - it ain't gonna make it shoot like a TM I've found that theirs no compression whatsoever when it comes to firing my magazines, and the trigger locks up fairly often, even when dry firing. Can i assume that the piston head is otherwise F**ked, as problem #1? No compression - could be a bad nozzle/hop problem trigger locks up - could be the semi release problem - you probably releasing it in the "dead zone" it should not lock up up if you keep the trigger a little longer - you could be releasing a tad too early Thing is the gun doesn't sound like it is running properly at all and the stuff installed - the gearbox is probably carrying the biggest attraction - but doubt if I personally would buy one new (yes very nice boxes I'm sure but I can't see me warranting that amount - well not the way I shoot - which is badly, very badly) Give the guy a chance to sort it or get ya 249 back if it was a good 'un
  19. Somebody at the Mall perhaps if they have a techy guy who fixes their hire guns etc ???
  20. Think it is the "Guess the make with boned thread" game my Ares link was ONLY a very rough looking guess at the best is maybe 275-300 inner BUT like we are saying: YOU gotta strip/measure the mofo yourself and all the crap I say is to be taken only as a pinch of salt rough ball-park guide - so don't flame me if you buy the wrong stuff
  21. IF your inner barrel was say 275mm then you would have an outer of ABOUT 11 inches yeah it is hard to 101% be exact as one barrel is usually in mm's (inner) then the friggin' outer is usually in inches (outer) Poxy aeg's just like car tyres - rims's in inches, but width/profile wall in mm's Also I think your M4 has the ris bolted on but though it looks like an Ares I ain't 200% absolute certain...... But if the ris was mounted permanently and securely at top receiver by the couple of allen bolts then you could replace say a 9 or 10 inch plain barrel, small suppressor or chubby type flash hider then mount just a flip up front sight etc............... Please note this is ALL maybe / possible / total guesswork as I don't have YOUR gun in front of ME And further more though I might think it could be Ares I am no expert & getting crap wrong is a very regular part of my daily sad life Most outer barrels are just a smidge longer than the inner but some are say 10mm shorter all depends on make and the flash hider fitted so say if your inner is for eg: 275 then ya outer is "supposed" to be ABOUT that I say suppose coz all measurements are aprox and can vary a bit anyway So you see it really is impossible for anyone to tell you that an outer xxx mm's or xx.x "'s will deffo work You might be able to refit front sight back on but if not and your ris looks fixed on ok then a short suppressor or short thick sound-hog amplifier & flip front sight could look real nice change to ya front end (just my take on a possible consideration) End of the day YOU have to work out your dimensions and see what options you might have if you change that boned threaded outer barrel
  22. Unfortunately Action Hobbies don't seem to stock all the G&G range but... http://www.actionhobbies.co.uk/G-G-GC16-MOD-0-30th-Anniversary-AEG-Airsoft-Rifle-Black_A1OF0N.aspx?nh=163991#.VSMQ6-HqfIU Ok it is not fully loaded with rails but still a bloody good buy of a bloody good gun for £150 if you HAVE to have metal Yes some plastic guns are brittle and crap but G&G's and a few others are very good robust ones in fact I have owned most of the G&G plastic ones and the only metal ones I own are the 2 x types of 30th editions for the money I think there is no better make of starter M4 and these G&G's - even the plastic ones are much more than just starter guns. They are bloody good reliable guns and they are like Ford Transist vans... Very popular but good workhorses and straight forward to maintain/service (Yes a few other vans might be better but might be more expensive to buy/maintain) Hold that G&G and some others if you can and see what YOU feel most comfortable with Me - even if cyma was same price I'd probably still get the metal G&G 30th one even though I already have one in black well maybe a tan one would be nice...... NO I MUST STOP BUYING GUNS, think the family are moaning about stuff like holidays, new clothes, food in cupboards etc....
  23. sounds like it or rather doesn't make no sound at all pull out motor - connect wires and it should jump/spin if not the quite likely trigger wire has pulled off trigger or something - or motor boned but very unlikely, but brushes do go at times could be blown fuse even - deffo check that sod all this crap is a process of elimination in the end hence a good thing to have is a bit of common sense and time - never just "think" oh its probably that and steam in bloody hell - just listen to me - I am still boning guns so don't take everything I say as complete gospel I still have so much to learn myself
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