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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Hold up, looking on zero one it might not be a smart charger. Reviews says it drains battery then charges it up with desired settings but clearly states about maths crap. Blimey - my old nimahs were smart chargers... If you can't get on with it lmk and I'll flog ya one of me smart ones cheap Or they are about £12 on eBay for a vapex smart type I think. Sure I got a z1 smart charger knocking about somewhere. Soz my bad for assuming it must be a smart charger - oops
  2. Welcome or welcome back sir Still a fun place for toys and boys that refuse to grow up
  3. Ps all that maths crap was for working out how to charge on a crappy cheap non-smart charger BTW (Suppose those chargers should be called DUMB ASS CHARGERS) OK I'll get me coat
  4. Oh f*ck it whack it on 1000.... Should be a smart charger so will stop charging when done I got a couple that do 1a or 2a and charged on 1a mostly but that still took a while So doing ya battery at a lower setting will take yonks Also nimah's don't hold their charge for weeks or months on end, so don't be shocked to charge them up this weekend and have little juice if ya go shooting next weekend
  5. Been reading up since this post as my crappy D68 project and also noticed just how long all the v3 triggers are to pull. So far made some progress without half the modding with a pin and f*ck knows what some old posts have said in the past. Some plastic strips 2mm to 3mm thick by 4mm wide & JB Weld is all you need Seems that it may work bloomin' well but still early days But much easier than some friggin' guides I have seen Reckon the placement/places will also hold up well But time will tell, could get very very fine trigger pull with a little modding of cut off or just reduce the pull by half with little else messing about Will see how she fares and maybe post up my findings if it still works over chrimbo say (Saves going to outlaws I guess)
  6. Think there was a FAMAS M4 mag project too If you got time to get into this side of modding You either got too much time or ya hands Or like me really crap at airsoft
  7. Eh ??? TWA website.... Think it's is about £45 full day rental package (Inc hire and game fee plus a some bb's) When you got ya own gun: £20 full day walk on as they say £10 for half day walk on Cheap n cheerful Or get a 2-tone G&G Raider from zero one free 2-tone Will save ya 3+ hire fees, flogg it when upgrade Or fairy power spray to remove 2-tone Look in new players section for Ian's guide to noobism Loads of info about starting out without splashing too much
  8. Might only like daylight Also my 3200 can be a right bitch if angle of gun ain't quite 101% correct Bloody give me TOUT TOUT TOUT I stopped playing with Thomas the Tank Engine years ago (Well OK maybe 2 months ago)
  9. Dunno about TEAM..... I always get told: " Look m8 - you're $hit, there's no U in this TEAM !! " I try to play at Tactical Warefare Airsoft Croydon/Addington area Not ultra serious, more of a chilled noobie place (suits me with my toy guns) If ya real serious then Sandpitt at Dartford (No 2-tones though) Never been maybe one day, but I just go for a pew pew in the woods If hard core Epsom bunker is closing so you might get 1 mad game of MURDER IN THE DARK next week (Mental full on in pitch black)
  10. Thought it was some "hybrid" electric and gas mofo Electric running the gears tappet bb loading Slightly low powered piston striking a valve to fire a gas mag Don't sound like usual sewing machine So something is different in there Probably totally wrong but first thought is a ICS box with a m40 spring hitting a m4 gas mag ? Nice but sticking to old skool for now
  11. Always thought if doing a MOSFET at any time and/or had precocking sector like on L85 /R85.... If you put say a micro switch say magwell or hidden away on stock/RIS, then if she locks up on ya on semi Press da button to clear the lock up Obviously for safety reasons it should be a tiny micro switch in magwell eg: remove mag, hit button which is exactly as firing on full auto but mag is out to gain access to this so after clearing chamber you are dry firing on full auto.... Sort out the jam/lockup/dead zone Replace mag and back ya go locked to semi again Easy to fix semi lockups Jeez I need to get a life And yes it is a bit of work, but to me that would be the perfect way to do it if ya gonna fit a fet which if using more juice it would be a wise consideration if you want to do a really nice job of it all And could replace a normal fet with a burst one Reprogramme to single shot burst mode maybe So leave tappet intact maybe A few different ways - take ya pick or a mixture of them all
  12. Get a w@nked one from bbgunsforless At breakers yard for £15 to £20 Probably plastic gears all stripped on the crap plastic box AK12 £25 fit a normal v3 box works OK Currently on/off project putting a proper v3 in D68 cheap shite g36. Might get her firing nutz to take to Mall Messing n beefing up a shite jbbg is different and time consuming and a rewarding challenge
  13. Vortex hose machine thingy just for $hits n giggles No hop just lots of plastic plumbing pipe and a f*ckload of air / mini compressor Be absolute nutz but set it up as the: FINAL BOSS level when taking enemy base Yeah - like to see Mario or Sonic defeat this final boss "Come get some !!!!"
  14. B500A1 HPA Might look crap and shite orange But boy would wipe the grin off them stuck up sniggering bastids when you let rip
  15. Tan & black cm18 looks nice Well think the black n tan looks better But a 275 barrel - crap mid cap and flash hider looks hmmm a bit g36-ish on a m4 don't look right to me But nice looking gun Suppose a SCAR L ??? UAR takes mags but need modding and still a little wobbly due to stubby magwell Or tan g36 with m4 mag adapter - just to be different Actually why bother fitting M4 mag adapter if you got g36 mags already ??? Tin of Tan Krylon/PlastiKote & the world is ya oyster
  16. Amen my brethren Remember the Good Lord has taught us many things.... Opinions are like ar$eholes - everybody has one
  17. Been done a few times over at Airsoft Mechanics and some others... Yellow &Orange we mainly had. Then I bought jbbg at first Yeah I learnt the hard way, buying JBBG.... Should of just kept me son's old Nerf's
  18. About right... Heck even if I had a TM Krytac HPA mofo I would still be picking holes in it I have my age that entitles me to be a grumpy sod and never truely happy with anything. I gotta pick out and criticise stuff no matter what. Only thing that is nigh on perfect is moi Yeah - the other half thinks I talk way to much bull$hit too BTW you forgot the usual BEST GUN EVVVVAAAAAHHHH bit
  19. I just typed up an epic War & Peace novel Then the dopey pratt's cut through me cable God works in mysterious ways But seems you lot have been spared (For now.......)
  20. F*ckin marvellous, got some bell-end builders doing some work out front, just chopped through me cable. No Fone TV or internet !!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Top class builders we got:

      Bodgit & Scarper

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      How long is the guaramtee ?

      I asked

      Until they are out if sight

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Still no cable :( ah but wtf am I moaning about some of them poor sods been flooded right out. Jeez soz to anybody without a dry home & lost everything

  21. Yup I've done same like many on here
  22. JG G36c cqb for lefties ??? Forgive me if this has been mentioned already Just a good gun with ambidextrous fire select Mp5 mp5k is an option but my own choice would be g36c And £250 to £300 change FFS don't buy a black viper or well d68 - proper stuff from zero one (free 2-tone), Airsoft World, Land Warrior Airsoft, FireSupport, plus others.. Oh and welcome to the " I've been ripped by fatty liar at JBBG club ", you are not alone.... If you have done 3 games in 2 months by your 18th birthday as said, the you should be able to get ukara'd Go to Taiwangun buy JG G36c for £80 and get spring downgraded for free - job done
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