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Sitting Duck

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Everything posted by Sitting Duck

  1. Sparing a thought for the people of Enniskillen 29 years ago today 08-11-1987 screw the US Elections.... after hearing "She moved through the fair" & the tragic events on Remembrance Sunday an outstanding but haunting masterpiece was created.... and it is a belter but here it is live - brrrr sends chills down my spine recorded track or live ps - not getting into politics or rights/wrongs but a kicking tune with a sad story woven into its creation peace x x x
  2. 10% off LWA using code WINTER10 valid until 8th Nov (good comedy night (us election)

    1. Infanteer
    2. Sacarathe


      But it's all out of stock!

  3. 20% of Gate Mosfets at their online store: prepare4battle

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      http://gatee.eu/online-store/online-store-2 free ship on 50 Euro orders. I still DIY or rate Fire-Storm for great cheap non AB mosfets but know others like Gate mosfets - valid until Dec 6th btw
    2. ak2m4


      nice spot, thanks

  4. Best wishes to all younger players getting their GCSE's today, Duck Jnr did very well - better than moi which now equates to kids thinking they know it all even more. Bless 'em they still have so much still to learn

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      The year they make it harder is the year I take my GCSEs. Who else did sh*t but still can afford airsoft gear?

    3. Lozart


      "The year they make it harder"? Please. O levels for the win.

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Uni of Life: continually learning from our never ending mistakes. No prizes or certificates and only completed when you croak - oh what a bundle of joy I am today :)

  5. Carl compilation: http://imgur.com/gallery/p3Kww damn it I waste way too much time on there

  6. JBBG have a new pro line in stock: http://imgur.com/gallery/1fwlP

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Governor


      Are you going to the NAE?

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Nah - bit far, like my own comforts plus if I go away that long she will probably change the locks... (Chris Tarrant's "Dave from Epsom")

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Don't understand women, I go out on Friday - come home on Sunday & somebody has given her the hump ? I think it can't be me as I ain't been here - pure class

  7. Jeez, I grew up with Henry but just found out he is going into rehab: http://i.imgur.com/9kmxv.gifv

    1. ak2m4


      very good :-)

  8. WTF is going on in Germany, stabbings, shooting, then another stabbing & now IED http://www.skynews.com.au/news/world/europe/2016/07/25/one-killed-in-german-explosion.html

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RhysH-WolfOne


      im not being funny or anything, but it just goes to show what could potentially happen in the UK if we relax our immigration laws like they did.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Yes it is a concern as to where/what next - but my thoughts are with the poor innocents caught up in the aftermath of this crazy $hit. I'm not getting into EU or migration or other political stuff on here - my thoughts are with the families who are suffering. Why - just f*cking why ???

    4. RhysH-WolfOne


      very true. sometimes i dont get why we cany all just try and get along, but then again, look at what has happened in the past when we did all try and get together, it would probarbly get exploited and thrown back in our faces.

  9. Alpha Eco Wire 16awg - 6716 to be exact..... yeah better than stock and a touch better than silver low resistance 2.03mm external - actual wire is just under 1.4mm width or csa thingy hmmmm might have got the 14awg 6717 @ 2.44mm ext but could have been a bit tight or difficult to shape in pistol grips on motor etc..... the Alpha Eco wire 16awg - thin insulation but very firm - lot less flexible than my my insane mofo silicone wire I have used - 2.65mm ext & 1.65mm Unsure if all rebuilds will use this Alpha wire but will use it for sure in any G&G rebuilds - about £23:50 on fleabay shipped Also some pure silicone to try out the AoE mod: http://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/43-longrange-aegs/9062-guide-cylinder-head-damper-remold-bye-bye-sorbo.html don't know how great it will turn out or if it will last - but had sorbo shred in high speed builds even with neoprene protecting it
  10. Well - said to myself & family I'd give up smoking if Brexit won. Damn it, now I'm a vaper but may see if they do a Vape Pipe or something, family know how ultra cranky I got last time I tried to give up smoking

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      multiply that little number by 3 and your are nearly there. Been on cancer sticks for way way too long

    3. Lord_Metile


      Good luck. Don't let everyone else tempt you.

    4. clumpyedge


      I've been vaping for a year and a half and bar what people say about it being gay or hipster its the best thing I've ever done.

  11. Soz - fair do's on that one then.... a m8 of mine replaced his fence after some storm damage with quality panels - not cheapy Wickes/B&Q budget crap he was away one weekend, his chav neighbour painted his chav side with dark green slopping it all on with a thick brush m8 comes back to see a load of green streaky runs on his own side coz of some thicko chav lets say my m8 was beyond livid to say the least coz of the chav twat next door spray painting is best or get somebody to help ya do it like this bloke did Sund da Flor, Paint Da Fence, Wax on - Wax off Daniel sun
  12. could get the other fence panels painted first though
  13. I see what you are saying and tend to agree with some/most of it 101% I use a mosfet in most and was really referring to a full 1k auto burst in mainly one go generating more heat/wear/friction plus the sustained impact at head of box in one go like a resonance hammering away - this is my theory but think sustained impact may increase wear/risk dsg's don't stand up well but they are operating at crazy speeds but all the same they are firing many bb's in one burst so hammering your ammo or going through 1k quickly (depends on how you play/use a hose machine but was talking in general that dumping bb's quickly like dsg's do don't last forever) Yes semi does create wear also - didn't think of trigger contacts the stress of stationary semi fire compared to continuous auto is greater and places stress on wire/fet/trigger contacts I see now. plus the trolley stop gets annoyingly pecked away at by trolley returning on semi which can break on some poor boxes (v2's titchy square lugs mainly as v3's have industrial trigger stop by design) Think best way to ensure gun lasts with minimal wear is to just hang it on wall I guess Fact of the matter is - these poxy guns will crap out the more you use them in the end So no matter how you play/fire - just use them and enjoy them whilst they are running well
  14. OMG - the gun is shagged now plop a small o-ring on and you can squish it into place some have a tiny grub screw to lock it into exact place for any autistic players out there (I'm one of them btw) actually I have wondered does a flash hider alter the effects of the bb exiting at all eg: bare barrel - no flash or suppressor just bare outer barrel vs a usual flash hider very likely absolutely jack $hit difference but just wondered if it had any slight difference in aerodynamics or crap as bb hits the air outside the barrel - does it smoothly allow it to start its flight outside the barrel - or does it make f*ck all difference most likely reason being I have a couple of guns with no flash hider on at all - yeah I think way way too much
  15. can do 4k+ on electric box mag in one go - if gearbox would survive (I wouldn't chance it - not that stupid or reached the walk on water level of teching yet - still merely paddling without falling over head first)
  16. fired off very quickly 1k full auto generates more heat/friction and the impact or resonance of hitting the cylinder head is worse lots of semi spamming in short time places stress on mosfet/wiring - well definately mosfet as semi spamming is a test that many fake/clone mosfets just die doing. Over time the trigger stop in gearbox can break but that is over long time sustained semi use and box would have to fairly crap to begin with brill armoury I think does a 1min 30rps test = 1,800 shots fired in 60 secs to shut some polarstar user up on his vid (dry firing) but a badly built shimmed box will not like that due to extra stress from poor build - his builds are very finely assembled but yeah a 1k continuous full auto test is very likely to create more wear/heat than say 1k on semi I would say
  17. 10% off G&G @ Zero One until midnight today

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheFull9


      Nothing's worth giving Total Scum any of your hard earned.

    3. b1n0gHo5t


      Yaay 10% off..oh wait firehawk went out of stock juust before the weekend XD

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I love the bit when that happens - yet they say more in our showroom - yeah well f*cking put it up for online sales then

  18. Going well - upsetting others on the www. I'm a natural I guess :D

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      natural pratt, but hey at least I'm good at something - lol

  19. 10% off G&G's @ Zero One until midnight tonight

  20. gas pistol no worky without gas filled mag gas blowback or non blowback - they work without having to recock each shot on Glock's - the G18 has the full auto function the G17 or G19 does not have full auto on WE blowback models The cheapy m92 or mk23's are semi only but do not need any cocking at all to fire each shot ya pull trigger - the hammer hits the valve giving a squirt of gas to propel a bb out the hammer/trigger reset ready to fire another bb - so you can fire all 22-25 bb's one after another with just ya little pinky no recocking needed at all gun empty - refill mag with bb's again - should get 2 mags of bb's ( 2 x 22-25 bb's use) from a filling of gas - maybe more on non blowbacks
  21. cheers proffink, I didn't have a feckin' scooby doo what that all meant until you cleared that up.... I just pull the trigger = one action maybe if my aim was kinda on target - thought that was the 2nd action squealing like a girl as I beat a hasty retreat - yup that's my 3rd action
  22. ASG / Armalite's 85 or 120rnd mid caps: They are very popular midcaps and work in most guns (M4's I mean - taking the pi$$ if you expect them to work in AK's) 10 x 120/140 rnd mags for about £50 is worth a shot easy to flogg on in case your gun doesn't like them Ok grey or tan plastic mags but wtf do ya expect for the price do work very well for most people - but like many mags there is always a few guns that may not like them though think in general most M4's will love them
  23. Hmmmm uhmmm erghhh yeah I guess it can be done but tbh if when/brushes wear out - that is when you raid the old lame stock ferrite motors (always wondered why brushes had such thin copper strands carrying the current to them but truth be told the whole of the motor's terminal is live anyway but did wonder if a thicker copper lead/strand would help conduct more juice to actual brushes - after running the wires in 16awg with as few joins as possible to reduce any possible resistance) if people wanna go nutz they can recut the communator after a couple of brush replacements rebuild frankentorque motors with neodym magnets: http://www.firestormsystems.com/shop/gearbox-parts/custom-n52-aeg-motor-magnets.html nice basic non-ab mosfets btw: http://www.firestormsystems.com/shop/electronics/mosfet-switch.html anyway back on track - yes suppose you could rebuild and customise/repair motors but tbh - often I'd just buy another £20 to £30 neodym and be done with it I spend way too much time tinkering than getting out and playing
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