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  1. Like
    cropzy reacted to Ian_Gere in Advice on CQB Weapon Choice   
    For the love of all that's perforated, don't get a P90...
    ...unless you've got T-Rex arms!
  2. Like
    cropzy reacted to Colonel Kurtz in Advice on CQB Weapon Choice   
    P90 powa! Most comfortable gun for CQB I've ever used and I've tried 4 other guns for CQB lol
    If you can use full-auto at the CQB site your going to and have another £100 then yet again I'll recommend the Tokyo Marui high cycle version (fooking love those guns, and own 2).
    You mention planning to upgrade speed on whatever you get, so unless the joy of tinkering/upgrading is half the fun then this out the box 25 rps might be easier option. TM also do various other HC versions, such as MP5, AUG, A3
  3. Like
    cropzy got a reaction from Happy in Advice on CQB Weapon Choice   
    I can agree, I have an ak with no stock and a skorpion myself.
    They work well.
  4. Like
    cropzy reacted to n1ckh in Stupid player experience   
    Very 1st game I played, lit & threw a pyro BUT my arm caught my rifle and headed towards 3 team players
    'Mooooove' I shouted, they stood there wondering what's going on and the BANG, after we'd picked ourselves up from laughing our tits off, the Marshall was crying and said 'I'll let that go' never done it since
    On an exercise on Salisbury plain, about 6 in the morning, me and my mate having a piss when about 20 paras are running & firing at us, turned out they got lost, thought we were the enemy and attacked us we were in our crackers firing back
    So much for communication lol
  5. Like
    cropzy reacted to ronin677 in Stupid player experience   
    Not airsoft related but real steel instead. On exercise with a new 2nd Lt and he decided to name two of our checkpoints as 'charlie' and 'charlie charlie'. Needless to say there was a lot of confusion and in the end a lot of swearing haha
    He also got our section lost and then turned to me and said "so Corporal, how did WE end up in this mess?" . Royal WE is that Sir?
  6. Like
    cropzy reacted to sp00n in Stupid player experience   
    First time i went to under arm throw my Ohshiboom, it should have only been a short throw, 6ft or so ..... insted i completely totally and utterly failed. for some reason i still cannont explane, i just couldnt let it go and ended up throwing it straight up .... ohh the shame
  7. Like
    cropzy reacted to Mr Monkey Nuts in Stupid player experience   
    Was he screaming the obligatory "take yer fookin hits" at the other players?
    we had similar at a site two fully grown men squaring up to each other over not taking hit hits, till someone pointed out he had no mag in. Things quickly dispersed amongst a sea of tuts and laughter and "Mr No Mag" went home fairly sharpish. He is often still mentioned at breifings.
  8. Like
    cropzy reacted to Colonel Kurtz in Stupid player experience   
    My favourite acts of muppetry are;
    - Swapped the battery at lunch, or at least I removed the battery and left the replacement on top my kit. One the rare times didn't fire a few test shots while heading to the briefing and didn't realise until jumping round a corner to ambush a room full of people from behind (had taken 5 minutes of ninja sneaking to get there). If I hadn't said 'ahh f**k' then they prob wouldn't have noticed me, turned round and given me a peppering.
    - Had a marshal pause the game in our immediate area to force some opp team people to take hits from a pyro the other side of a doorway. While he was doing this I was rummaging in my pockets for speed loader and managed to pull the pin on my timed bfg. It went off in my pocket 'killing' myself and all my teammates waiting to charge through the door about a second after the marshal restarted the game.
    - Shot myself in the leg while standing around. Didn't managed to dodge the big push and still had to serve my time in the trenches.
    My favourite ones witnessed;
    - Guy jumps round a corner and unloads his pistol at me, I fire back hitting him, having not felt anything hit myself. Dude gets a bit angry as he's certain he shot me, and first. The marshal watching said he had only seen gas come out of the pistol. Guy checks the mag and realises he hasn't loaded it with bb, so laughs, takes the hit and reloads the pistol with another mag. Chatting to him during the break it turns out he hadn't loaded any of his pistol mags with bb's, or checked the one he reloaded with and had managed to repeat the incident after re-spawning.
    - A sniper had complained about a particular character not taking hits, was suggested it was the vest and all the gear he was wearing rather than deliberate cheating. So after bit of an emotional discussion with the marshal he removes it all and plays the next games with no top on. Went well and satisfied the complainer who managed to hit him and it be acknowledged, unfortunately for him he managed to trip over into a bush full of nettles, which turns out he had a mild allergy to and went off to hospital with his whole torso swollen and red.
    - A first time rental player asked the marshal how he adjusted the direction bb's coming out of the gun went and was told to point it at the bad-guys and press the trigger. Turns out he'd seen someone adjust their hop-up and gotten confused by their explanation but still very funny to hear.
  9. Like
    cropzy reacted to TheGrover in Stupid player experience   
    The other day it was my turn to be that guy.
    I moved up to cover with a brave rental player at a cqb site. After working out where the bbs were coming at us from, i made a quick plan, we both step out and put some plastic their way to get their heads down so i can move onto a flank.
    As i step out, i put my head about three inches in front of his barrel and was rewarded with a fantastic welt on the back of my jaw.
    There was much swearing
  10. Like
    cropzy reacted to Happy in Stupid player experience   
    A guy on our side lit a pyro and held onto it. He eventually threw it but because he'd held it so long it exploded literally a foot away from him - right in the midst of us so we were all killed since friendly fire counted. We made our opinion of this painfully clear on the way back to respawn - the welts took a week to heal apparently haha
    Word of advice kids: make sure if someone on your team is using pyro that they're not a complete idiot. This guy was lucky he didn't burn his hand.
  11. Like
    cropzy reacted to Samurai in Stupid player experience   
    Long time ago, and actually on a paintball game. There were 3 of us, my mate, a girl - her first game - and me. We are sitting in a cover, making the plan. "On the count of three, we run there." Everybody nods. "1... 2... 3... go". My mate starts running, the girl shoots him in the back from 1m. "What the hell was that?"
    She says "I got scared."

  12. Like
    cropzy reacted to Samurai in Ehobby Asia?   
    Ehobby asia is well known and good.
  13. Like
    cropzy reacted to samhughel in Overwhelmed by the amount of selection, any recommendations?   
    Cheers, I'll have a proper look when I get home and see if they take my fancy
  14. Like
    cropzy reacted to samhughel in Overwhelmed by the amount of selection, any recommendations?   
    By picky are you meaning they will only work with there mags? So more expensive/harder to get hold of?
    The T418 is one I'm looking at after the recommendations.
    The DEVGRU is a tad expensive I would have sacrifice the gbb pistol and some other kit to get that ;/
  15. Like
    cropzy reacted to samhughel in Overwhelmed by the amount of selection, any recommendations?   
    Thanks for the recommendations
    Yeah have been doing the up to £300 is just for the gun obviously ideally I'd prefer lower but I'm not opposed to spending the extra money if I'm going to get a decent bit of kit
  16. Like
    cropzy reacted to samhughel in Overwhelmed by the amount of selection, any recommendations?   
    Hello everyone,
    I know this question is asked a lot around here but I couldn't really find a complete answer saying that these guns are the best at this price point for my scenario, apologies if I missed a post though!
    Lets get to the point, I'll be using this on mostly outdoor fields with a bit of CQB
    Budget around about £300 ish preferably something on the M4 platform Good quality bit of kit by a decent manufacturer lots of potential for accessories i.e. - rails or can upgrade to better rails I've seen a lot of posts around saying get the G&G Combat Machine but as much budget is a bit higher I'm guessing there are better alternatives to start off with?
    A few questions
    Been researching and some decent brands seem to be G&P, ICS, Ares, G&G etc. Are they any good?
    Personally been looking at the Ares Honey badger is this a good choice?
    If I spent an extra £100 - £150 on a gun over something like the combat machine am I getting that much more gun? is it worth the extra money?
    Would it be better getting a slightly cheaper gun then getting my local shop to upgrade the gun so it performs better?
    If you could give me some recommendations that would be great!
    TL;DR - Overwhelmed by the amount of selection, have a budget of £300, any recommendations?
  17. Like
    cropzy reacted to Ian_Gere in Gun picture thread   
    Thanks! Mr. B pm'd me to let me know they were back in stock at PB too.
    The top handguard for these is compatible with the real steel ones, but I'm not sure about the lower ones. But if that is CYMA tactical furniture then you should be able to Dremmel a real steel one into the right shape to fit the SRC receiver. Normally there is a metal fitting which TM compatible/clone furniture fits into, but it looks like the SRC is different.
    Jip McTavish is your man for RS furniture.
  18. Like
    cropzy got a reaction from Ian_Gere in Gun picture thread   
    SRC ak47S (folding stock model with CYMA furniture, folding stock has snapped easily fixed).
    Dust cover not for sale haha I just bought it yesterday but you can get them for £11 here http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airosft-receiver/golden-eagle-ak-47-74-railed-dust-cover.htm#.VQwY046sV8E
    Wanting a wood kit for it and a wood stock too but I don't know what to get.
    I want it to be a tactical and a traditional when I want.
  19. Like
    cropzy reacted to Undieing_Lust in Do NOT buy from Flapjack   
    Thanks for all the support guys.
  20. Like
    cropzy reacted to BigAl in Tactical training for anyone.   
    Even if they did, so what. You got something to hide.
    The original post is bit dodgy for two different reasons either.
    1. His first post and sailing close to being a commercial for a business.
    2. Do you want to go to a foreign country to learn from strangers on the word of a stranger on the net?
    If you you want this sort of thing there are plenty of well established companies out there already offering it.
  21. Like
    cropzy reacted to Adam3088 in UKARA Mystery   
    ...because UKARA is the most easily obtained recognized defence?
    Even customs recognize it, so why would it be surprising that most people think UKARA is the go-to defence?
    99.9% of people aren't going to read the small print on their car insurance, so I wouldn't expect them to go reading the VCRA either.
  22. Like
    cropzy got a reaction from RabidNinja64 in *Sigh* Not exactly airsoft, but still a dumbass move to make!   
    What the actual fuck.
    Like these guys are asking fo0r co19 on their asses.
    How can people be this dumb?
  23. Like
    cropzy reacted to Colonel Kurtz in Noob looking for some tips!   
    use hire guns until you get ukara, then any gun made by Tokyo Marui will fill the 'buy once and good'
  24. Like
    cropzy reacted to Lozart in Do NOT buy from Flapjack   
    Can we get all his sales threads here locked? Seems this bloke is a serial scammer. He's got several items for sale now.
  25. Like
    cropzy reacted to Sitting Duck in Do NOT buy from Flapjack   
    YUP - f*cking carrier bags was my gun delivery
    one end came off showing the front barrel but RM must have plopped it back on
    well safe and good way to avoid suspicion ffs
    yeah that sounds like same seller to me A++ & all that crap
    wooo hoooo - my one thousand post - talking about dodgy sellers - just great
    SOZ - but if this creates crap again - to hell with it.....
    c'mon we need to put in place a min of say 250 posts or something
    (one forum I was on different hobby, had to have a min 1k posts to sell on PS3Hax Forum)
    There was times some peeps have come on to sell but have been able to prove/supply good ebay feedback
    Otherwise - well you can guess the possible results
    Yes it is buyer's responsibility to check blah blah blah...but
    if no min requirements - even a few basic ones like even 100 posts ffs
    this will show they are on here and may be able to contact them to resolve issues
    Otherwise this forum is washing it hands and "could" be seen to turn a blind eye to it
    Buyers responsibility & all that - yeah but ffs at least make it a little more difficult for some sellers
    Soz mods - not having a go but think perhaps we need to have a vote/poll on this and go with results
    let majority decide if a min post count might help
    Anyone not of that level can either provide valid reference or something
    Or we can just let anybody join up and sell bodged up pieces of crap not fitting to the description
    Yeah what a great 1,00th post ffs
    soz if any of this offends but feel I had to say it
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