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Mr Monkey Nuts

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Posts posted by Mr Monkey Nuts

  1. Even at 2.5j it's still not going to cause a traumatic brain injury. Although will sting.

    Remember concusion is the brain bouncing off the inside of the skull, caused by but not specific to the direct impact to the external skull.


    BFG well yes I will concede that one. Hence the underarm as far as you can see rules.

    Although a plastic shell lid without any internal foam to absorb the impact will likely not help prevent injury at all, just dissipate it to somewhere else.

  2. No gas mags should be stored full, it's one of those stupid airsoft myths that have no basis.


    Seals under pressure will fail significantly quicker than a seal under no pressure.

    The back pressure closing the valve puts pressure on the seal deforming it, the longer it's deformed the more likely to stay deformed or even tear. And the same if not more importantly for the Base seal.

    Leaving the mag empty but lubricated with a tiny drop of oil will prevent mags leaking. And prolonged the life of the mag.


    Anecdotally since using this method, I have never had any leaks from any of my 4 g5 mags or in any of my 3 TM mags which used to leak like a biatch.


    I think it was one of the bosses from patrol Base who wrote a proper spiel, I will try to dig it out.

  3. I just picked one of these up. I don't like carrying a big obvious military looking bag in public and my last cheap holdall fell to bits. This is pretty robust, hold a plate carrier, belt and several layers of clothing, with everything I could need for a whole weekend I suspect. the 40 is about right for a normal day trip. If I Split the reciever of my 14" m4 it fits in the bag discreetly, but struggles to hold my 18" mk12. Its waterproof, robust, discreet and has shoulder straps!, winner winner chicken dinner.



  4. But the original proposal was a full ban which would have killed off Airsoft or anything remotely like it.


    But it didn't did it? I can walk out of any air rifle shop this afternoon with a .177 RIF Pistol or rifle, whith nothing more than an id and a credit card often for less than £100.

    I can walk out of any paint balling shop with a realistic looking marker, ok may not be milspec but still realistic to the eyes of the layperson.


    ASG Dan Wesson for example, .177 No defence, reason or rational required to buy today as long as its face to face.

    .6mm from airsoft retailer, same gun, same box, same factory, only difference is low power shells and a farction of a larger barrel diameter.

    Visually identical, Both RIFs.


    Only Airsoft seem to acknowledge that the vcra even exists, and we get so worked up over frankly insignificant things that it makes a joke of the community.

    The whole UKARA was original devised so a select few retailers could exercise their dominance and control over the sport, its changed and moulded over the years but to say the game would not exist or airsoft guns would be outlawed without it is frankly moronic.


    The very big issue that the game came under the spotlight for, was selling guns to kids. that is the primary aim of ukara and if they concentrated on just not selling to kids like the airgun community does; then the whole ordeal would be so much more effective and imho boost the sport.


    (im not saying kids cant shoot airsoft guns, but all ukara was interested in was banning them from buying them)

  5. Thats fine, if they are hiding behind a tree holding a gun and wearing camo then by all means shoot them in the face, but if all you can see is their head how do you know they are any of that?


    [story Time]

    I was playing a quite large open woodland skirmish site where a dog walker managed to get herself on the boarder of the "warzone", she panicked when 30 people are pointing guns at her; she froze, and was shot at, it was only when someone noticed her dog, that ceasefire was called and people stopped shooting her. She had no eye pro, no camo, no guns and wasnt hiding, yet people were so tunnel vision about "SHOOT ALL THE THINGZ!!1!" they never stopped to think whether they should be shooting at all.

    She was quickly escorted off the field to the safe zone where everything was explained and fortunately she understood. But its not inconceivable that she could have just hidden and its not inconceivable that her or her dog could have been injured.


    We all love the "realism". Dressing up, playing with RIFs, medic rules, gun hit rules, grenade rules, but when it comes ROE we chose to ignore them and just shoot sh*t. its a very paintball attitude.


    Im not saying don't shoot anyone in the head, I'm saying think about who you are shooting at, If all you can see is a head you don't know who they are.

  6. No because a little bit will extend past the start of the barrel into the hop unit.

    But it's not the end of the world. an inch here or there would not make a jot of difference. Personally I have a habit of dunking my muzzle in the dirt so keeping the barrel slightly recessed is a good think imo.

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