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Mr Monkey Nuts

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Mr Monkey Nuts last won the day on September 26 2016

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  • Guns
    GHK G5
    G&P Keymod Custom
    Mk12 SPR
    TM Glock
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  1. Are all V2 cut of lever made equal? will a SHS or "ultimate" work with an APS GB shell?

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      The correct answer is no they are not all made equal

      People have fitted BTC Spectre's and had to switch/change COL's

      Usual TM compatible bollox - they all sort of work

      Some better than others, some " lift " more, and the stock ones in most china guns are made of same $hit metal they will wear out in about 10k to 20k and semi no longer functions cozthe COL no longer lifts the trolley off the sear :(

      The answer is they "should" work ok and be made of a decent steel or steel(ish) material to last  while

      SHS switches and COL's have worked ok for me in a few different boxes but not rebuilt an APS quick change shell so can't confirm


      TBH - anything new should be fine & if decent strong material it should last a while - don't just use any old crap lying around as it is most likely worn or soon will be, I'd say go for SHS as they are very easy to source

  2. Taiwangun order in with an expired UKARA, lets see how on the ball customs are ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jcheeseright


      'how on the ball customs are'... good luck.


    3. Roundel91


      only one way to find out i guess...

    4. TheFull9


      Stuff gets stuck sometimes even with an in-date UKARA entry. They're pretty on the ball. Hopefully they won't decide your RIF importation attempt is a criminal one..

  3. A great tactic i picked up from some real guys is to have a strip of velcro on the torch to attach it onto your helmet. Its easiily accessible, adjustable and pretty secure. If it gets knocked it falls and doesnt rip your lid off, (not so much airsoft but important in real combat) it can also be removed an placed on a PC or in a pocket. Remeber a torch should rarely be used in a fire fight, it gives your position away and screws up your vison. Keep it only for doing tasks such as objectives, searching, repairing or restocking or treating casualties.
  4. New gearbox stuck in Heathrow Customs for a week now... GRR!

  5. Is this file "out there"? i cant seem to find it anywhere?
  6. Most professional marksmen just call them "longs" and most will associate that their sniping role is an extension of their skill set. They are still infantry when things turn south. Have a read of the book sniper one, it's about a British team of riflemen in Iraq, it's a great read and will break down some preconceptions of modern sniping compared to the ww2 version of sniping Hollywood and COD portrays.
  7. It's actually a Bolt Action Rifle. If you are going to be pedantic, at least be accurate.
  8. What is the current favorite flavor of green gas at the moment? For a tm m870.
  9. Using our own app at the top of the page: 45m/s = 147.64 fps 0.86g at 147.64 fps = 0.87 joules .2g at 350fps = 1.14 joues. ESS ICE meet ANSI 787+ (impact rated) and 31013 military standard, which are both much higher spec than 166.f standards. (Closer to 166.a) http://www.elvex.com/Ballistic-testing-of-safety-glasses.htm
  10. Yes we should. 166F is not considered enough to withstand 350fps at .2g that is clear, documented and tested vigorously by an independent entity who's only bias is safety. To argue otherwise is naive and moronic. Just because they say tactical and have pictures of uber l33oporor8rz does bit make them credible ballistic glasses. It's nothing more than marketing hype.
  11. No but I can sell you some snake oil, good price, pm me.
  12. When it comes to Nuprol, expect everything to be shit, occasionally you may get a pleasant surprise.
  13. Jefftron mosfet APS quick release gearbox shell Guarder sp85 spring 5 dboys short mags Can finally get my mk12 sorted and have an aeg that works.
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