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    ak2m4 reacted to Rogerborg in Star Wars: The Clone Wars   
    Ha-ha, made him laugh.
  2. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Rogerborg in AI500 2022   
    I'd guess that mall site is into five figures for a weekend, with the usual hair-splitting over whether it's in-use and non-derelict for purposes of paying rates or not.
    I'd be looking at bare minimum £200 per marshal for the weekend, so maybe £2000 for those who showed up.  That's where I'd want the money to have gone, and it seems that's exactly where they skimped and saved.  Of course, it's entirely possible that their marshal team (such as it was) were doing it at mates-rates or were mugged off into volunteered their time.  Anyone know?
    Liability insurance, phew, no idea.  I mean, if they had any. At least they wouldn't need weather cancellation cover.
    Running events this size is a thankless, grinding task, and I can see why Sharon there got a bit tetchy. There's a Facebook thread about bookings where she says "email me, DO NOT reply to this post", and of course, it's full of replies.
    But it's not like she's doing this as a charity gig, right?  This is money for what are ostensibly professional services, not the kitty for some local club.
    Imagine you'd paid £100 for weekend entry to some amusement park that was overrun with ferals jumping the queues and spitting in your chips, and that this was a known problem that went on weekend after weekend.  Do you think the site could shrug it off by saying "Blame the other customers, nothing to do with us."
  3. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from nappa in Riffle   
    @nappa Invicta Battlefield is pretty close CQB to Dartford
  4. Haha
    ak2m4 reacted to RostokMcSpoons in 35k Brushless motor in a Double Eagle M904G   
    The Warheads are £85+ aren't they?  I'll be better off spending that money on fixing my other guns... so I'll leave mine alone - having a toasty motor will save me a few quid on those chemical hand-warmers through the winter
  5. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Fatboy40 in 35k Brushless motor in a Double Eagle M904G   
    What i_need_help57 said on Reddit is probably the most accurate reply to you so far, in that a motor that powerful will probably give you more negatives than positives in what in all honesty is a rifle made to a cheap price point (the gears, piston, ETU / controller).
    The stock Chaoli branded motors are undoubtedly dirt cheap and using ferrite magnets, so really inefficient and we've absolutely no idea who many turns there are on them. Even the Warhead Base models are quite expensive, and have will have huge amounts of torque compared to the stock Chaoli, so maybe start with a...
    ... and ask @ak2m4 for some advice? 👍
  6. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Cannonfodder in Importing from HK and Preferred Manufacturers   
    According to a quick google search these rumours are false. He was simply following covid rules by staying in quarantine for a couple of days after returning from a foreign trip. 
    Well at least that's one less thing to delay imports
  7. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Skullchewer in What are you listening to?   
    They played at Bloodstock this year too.
    Two of my favourite bands, back to back, at my favourite festival.
    It was a great day.
    That's some good taste right there.
  8. CoolAF
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Skullchewer in What are you listening to?   
    As soon as I clicked on this thread this song came up on my playlist
  9. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to RostokMcSpoons in What are you listening to?   
    Class music there, @ak2m4
    I was playing along to that on my geeeeetar (via ChordU.com) at lunchtime.

    My playlist is a melange of prog rock... Porcupine Tree, Genesis, Rush, Marillion, and classic indie stuff from the 80s onwards.   
    But dearest to my heart... Cardiacs.   Normal people hate 'em.
  10. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Asomodai in What are you listening to?   
    So I have kept this mostly quiet but I am a bit of a musician. At the moment I am listening to a lot of MOL. 
    It's like if Deafheaven actually kept trying to improve on their first couple of albums sound rather then get cleaner and lighter. I love the mix of Minor and Major keys. Feeling depressed only to feel hopeful one riff later. 
    Their album Diorama was last years most criminally underrated album in the metal world. 

    BlackGaze forever. 
    So confusing they named the song after also another fantastic band that is very much missed. 
  11. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Madhouse in Importing from HK and Preferred Manufacturers   
    Tell me about it. A few more weeks 'till my UKARA's sorted and I dread to think what a RIF's gonna cost by then! Of course that's if there's any stock...
  12. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Rogerborg in Importing from HK and Preferred Manufacturers   
    Mmm, with inflation and exchange rates and supply chains, I wouldn't find excuses to avoid or delay purchases.
  13. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Rogerborg in Border Force Impounded RIF...   
    But that doesn't alter the fact that they were just sent the exact same information that they already had, possibly plus the word "airsoft".
    So I'm left wondering: if they didn't check the UKARA the first time they had it, did they check it the second?
    In other words, maybe just saying "Yeah, airsoft and that" is sufficient to get it through, with or without a (real or imaginary) UKARA or site membership number.
    Pure speculation, but I'm coming down on the side of not having a UKARA number or other defence put on the packaging now.
  14. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Rogerborg in Border Force Impounded RIF...   
    Yes. Same offence, same defence.  One subtlety is that a defence (against prosecution) isn't the same as a license (to actually permit it).
    Border Force have historically treated a defence as a licence (that's the language from one of their own internal documents that came to light a few years back), but at any point, they could change their minds say "OK, we're not sending the rozzers round, but neither are we going to allow imports. At all."
    Enjoy whatever we can, while we can, is how I see it.
  15. Thanks
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Pollynator_bravo2 in Low FPS on recent project   
    that's what some people call a 4/5 cylinder or 70%, ideally for 240mm you should go with a 3/4 cylinder
  16. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Rogerborg in Border Force Impounded RIF...   
    I'm sorry to hear it, but not surprised.  We know that Border Force got a bunch of recruitment and training prior to the changes at the start of 2022, and the imposition of duty on all EU and global imports, regardless of declared value.
    I FOI'd Border Force a few years back to ask how many UKARA checks they made, and they claimed not to hold that information as each agent keeps their own records.  Could be thousands, could be none at all.
    And the thing is, UKARA is a scheme paid for by UK retailers, and I've never understood why it's used to assist imports.
    I'm in two minds about whether having a UKARA number on the packaging is actually a net negative now - it might just make it easier for Border Force to spot the firearm-shaped-toys.
  17. Sad
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Rogerborg in Importing from HK and Preferred Manufacturers   
    Such a shame, HK was the go to place.  So many bargains, so many online stores and as someone said $2 to £1 - it's now $1.09 to £1 and shipping has pretty much doubled.  There's some gloomy times ahead for the airsoft industry, most new stock coming into the country is going to be hit hard.  Lot of panicking Chinese suppliers have been messaging me in the past couple of weeks, almost desperate to make sales but yet unable to reduce their prices.  Pegging their own currency to the USD maybe great in some circumstances but now it's causing it's own issue.   Dang it.
  18. Like
    ak2m4 got a reaction from Rogerborg in Border Force Impounded RIF...   
    Sucks it got caught but it happens.  Who was the courier?
    From my own experience having the UKARA number displayed does f**k all since they seem to be doing random selection checks where the item is sent away to their testing/holding depot.  I had a whole box of chrono's take 4 month stuck in customs where they said there were no instructions for these electrical items since they were being resold.  When they finally arrived after 20 or so emails back and forth sure enough the instructions were in the box.
  19. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to concretesnail in What's this switch called?   
    Thank you, I'm sure they are four pin, I'll check and get a measurement at the same time. 
  20. Sad
    ak2m4 got a reaction from -davo- in Importing from HK and Preferred Manufacturers   
    Such a shame, HK was the go to place.  So many bargains, so many online stores and as someone said $2 to £1 - it's now $1.09 to £1 and shipping has pretty much doubled.  There's some gloomy times ahead for the airsoft industry, most new stock coming into the country is going to be hit hard.  Lot of panicking Chinese suppliers have been messaging me in the past couple of weeks, almost desperate to make sales but yet unable to reduce their prices.  Pegging their own currency to the USD maybe great in some circumstances but now it's causing it's own issue.   Dang it.
  21. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to BigStew in Importing from HK and Preferred Manufacturers   
    2004, the high point was $2 to £1 I bought so much stuff.
  22. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Samurai in Low FPS on recent project   
    Harsh truth is that you can keep shovelling money into it or you can give it to an airsoft tech who understands the details of how things work and will fix it for you.
  23. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to MadMole in How old is to old   
    58 here. With age comes wisdom. You dont need to run around like a teenager when you can out strategy them
    We play shoot em ups on the PC every Tuesday, us oldies, our sons and grandkids, they thrash us every week with their better reactions. So we took the youngsters to play airsoft. They were slaughtered!!, unfit, no tactics, not used to carrying a weight (a rifle is not like a mouse or game controller). In short it was a bit of a shock to them and great merryment was had by the dads
  24. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to truckinthumper in How old is to old   
    Yup, I am 53 and always the oldest POS out there.... LOL 

    I refuse to act my age. fuck you yungins
  25. Like
    ak2m4 reacted to Rogerborg in no NAF discussion??   
    Why would they, when it's packed to capacity every year?
    I'm very much of the opinion that everyone should know (or be able to find out) what to expect, and if that's not what they're after, just find something else to do that weekend and let those who enjoy it enjoy it.  There would have to be some sort of monumental life-altering cock-up to surprise me now.
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