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Status Updates posted by Dutch

  1. Aug v5 Sniper, bought! Couldn't be arsed with ordering so drove up to get it. Well chuffed!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Dutch


      I'll be the first to admit, it is a LITTLE over the top, but it made me laugh so thought feck it, I'm getting it!

    3. TacMaster


      I'd get it for the sole purpose of trolling everyone I killed with it :D

    4. two_zero


      didn't notice the flashhider.... wow.. ^^

  2. Anyone bought from ebairsoft? Am having issues...:-/

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. armysurplusandtoys


      not good to hear hope you get it sorted out

    3. Lozart


      I ordered a couple of tracers off them One turned up but the other never did. When I contacted them it was out of stock so they gave me a refund, no argument. Wouldn't use them again though.

    4. Ian_Gere


      I forget what it was that I ordered from them, but it was significantly cheaper than elsewhere, I remember that much! And no probs either, but this was over a year ago...

  3. Anyone know of a UK company that stocks Aug magazines? Looking for a box of 4 mid caps preferrably. Cheers

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Russe11


      King arms mags vary. Their MP5 mags for example are excellent, their Sten mags are a PITA.


    3. jay83


      not sure your on facebook, but i get alot of gear from him, his cheapest about and very nice bloke.





      Seen those mags being sold.


      Hope that helps

    4. Dutch


      Cheers for the link Jay, I rang Kings Arms today and even though the internet said they had some in stock, they actually don't/ I'm finding that out more and more lately...Now I know why people say getting parts for Augs are a right PITA!


  4. Is seriously considering scouring the airsoft land to play my 3 games this weekend so I can get busy buying kit!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B
    3. Dutch


      2 months has never seemed so long! ;)

    4. Russe11


      You get to spend your 2 months looking at shiney guns on web sites and planning loadouts :)

      Time will pass quickly enough.

  5. Trying to get my FIRST airsoft rifle an heart set on a Styer Aug 3 but does any brit company have it in stock...no! Any help finding a store that stocks (in England so its quicker to deliver) would help

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mack


      Thats a wholesale shop, you will have to buy them by the box

    3. Mack
    4. Dutch


      Cheers for the comment and the link Mack. Now I really am in 2 minds! I've found Surplusstore.co.uk and they say that have the A5 in Stock so may just have to drive up there tomorrow an get me one of dem bad boys instead! ;)

  6. First game coming up this Sunday!! Any advice?!?! As an aside, I'm gonna be takin my hits, it's a sport after all an I'm a sportsman!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. M_P


      Wear some decent socks, makes a difference. most importantly have fun :)

    3. Nickona


      Don't be afraid to get dirty.. far too many people get hit out because they don't want thier belt buckle to hit the dirt. Also try and keep track of where enemies are even when they're in cover; Short term memory loss always seem to be an issue with airsofters :) and also be patient.. charging up the middle may work sometimes but you're more likely to have success if no one sees you coming

    4. M_P


      Oh yeah make sure you have some decent footwear, preferably boots with decent ankle support. If there's anything you forget then one of us who's there will have spares.

  7. Is it NOT recommended to re-use bbs after plinking into soft targets in my living room?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      No don't bother man.

    3. two_zero


      only if you think saving 0,0001p on reusing a bb is worth potentially ruining your aeg.


      I do reuse them for springers, shotguns, mines and moscarts thou. dont shoot any reused outdoors at anyone thou, as there might be grit on them

    4. Dutch


      Copy that, cheers for the comments

  8. I got UKARA, Now, lets get spending!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Russe11


      leave a few for the rest of us :D

    3. TomC
    4. cropzy


      Get mine on the 27th. I can't wait!

  9. Only one way to know if you lke it or not, give it a go!

    1. AirsoftTed


      Pfft, try telling your wife/girlfriend that lol!

    2. Airsoft_Mr B
    3. Dutch


      That's probably why I stick to one night stands then! Knew I was doing somink wrong! ha!

  10. First Airsoft game tomorrow. Playing at Ironsight in Andover, Hants. Swing by an shoot the newbie!! ;)

    1. Esoterick


      I will be there provided I don't get lost in the Hampshire countryside.

    2. Airsoft_Mr B
  11. Awesome day at Ironsight,Anover. First ever game, done! Particular highlight was outflanking 6 guys an takin out 4 before a swift retreat! Am wounded and hooked! ;op

  12. came home pissed last night with a coupla mates...Do a bottle of Jack, let my mate plink some rounds with my Berreta, he puts a round into my t.v. D'OH!

    1. Hibernator


      Yeah - we shot out a few light bulbs and mirrors in our drunken student days - luckily nothing like a TV!

    2. Finius


      S'what you get for mucking about with your guns drunk.

  13. Reaquainting myself with my RiFs before tomorrow's games after a 2 month lay off!

    1. DX115FALCON


      Same here. But with IFs. *grumble f*cking law grumble grumble*

    2. Moose87


      me to after like 1 year of not playing


  14. Protective glasses and face mask have arrived from China, first bit's of kit, DONE!

    1. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I'd be careful with Chinese glasses mate...don't go cheap on your eye protection!

    2. Dutch


      They should be ok, CE NN166 Certified and ANSI Compliant ASG ones. Mask is Chinese, Glasses are Taiwanese. ;)


  15. Just got a full refund from ebairsoft. Only over a month after I'd ordered the kit. Will not be risking buying form them again. Just a heads up

    1. Lozart


      They're OK if what you want is actually in stock but yeah, crap if not. RSOV for the win.

  16. Sunday at Ironsight Andover...first time with my own, first RiIFs, excited much!!

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