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  1. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from Ian_Gere in Child protection vest   
    Getting hit in certain areas hurts. None of these areas are the chest or back. Neck, Ears, face, head and hands are where it hurts. In terms of protection a helmet is more worthwhile than a vest as although a hat is usually enough protection from bb's, it doesn't prevent you smacking your head on branches, low beams etc.
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    Russe11 got a reaction from BBrotherwood in Mighty Jingles £100 airsoft Giveaway   
    Enter here: https://promosimple.com/ps/616b
  3. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from two_zero in Child protection vest   
    Getting hit in certain areas hurts. None of these areas are the chest or back. Neck, Ears, face, head and hands are where it hurts. In terms of protection a helmet is more worthwhile than a vest as although a hat is usually enough protection from bb's, it doesn't prevent you smacking your head on branches, low beams etc.
  4. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from Josh95 in Child protection vest   
    To be honest, a vest is not necessary for protection. Baggy clothing will stop bb's just as well. The places that bb's will do damage are the face, ears, neck and hands.
    Do a search on amazon for childs tactical vest, it will bring up several options.
  5. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from DEF in Bluestone 42?   
    I learned recently that Godfrey from Dad's army was actually a bit of a hero. He was badly injured with bayonet wounds to his left arm and groin, shrapel wounds to the legs and head injuries while serving on the Somme. This left him with a left hand he could not use and prone to blackouts. He was discharged on medical grounds from the army in 1916. In 1939 he enlisted again and went out with BEF as a conducting officer showing newspaper reporters around during the phoney war. He returned to England on the last destroyer to leave Boulogne. On his return he was discharged again due to medical reasons. Then he joined the Home Guard reaching the rank of Major.
  6. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from Fugi94 in where to put bb's   
    Put BB's into mags and just carry mags, BB's stay in safe zone. On an all day game, carry a backpack with your lunch and BB's in.
    Carry a full speedloader in a shirt pocket or pistol mag pouch for that 'oh c**p that was my last mag' moment.
  7. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from Fugi94 in What to buy next?   
    True, if the OP likes his vest and hicaps then there is nothing wrong with that. In another thread he does however mention that he has problems carrying spare bb's. If you add a sidearm into the equation, then theres a holster and pistol mags to carry. Reconsidering your load carrying, doesn't have to mean throwing what you have out. It may be that adding a molle belt or drop leg panel might work.
    Maybe a small backpack? Something small that can hold a camelback, spare bb's etc. Leave it in the safe zone for shorter games, carry it with you for longer games. My experience with ww2 airsoft is a bit different, but I carry a small backpack at most games and tend to leave it at the respawn point a lot of the time. When I get shot, I can then reload at the respawn, grab a drink and a snack etc.
  8. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from Ian_Gere in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    I am left eye dominant but right handed. I find that it works quite well to have both eyes open. The eye dominance cancels out my view of the actual sight but the bright dot is still visible. The red dot sight needs to be quite close to my eye for this effect to work though.
  9. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from Ian_Gere in What to buy next?   
    True, if the OP likes his vest and hicaps then there is nothing wrong with that. In another thread he does however mention that he has problems carrying spare bb's. If you add a sidearm into the equation, then theres a holster and pistol mags to carry. Reconsidering your load carrying, doesn't have to mean throwing what you have out. It may be that adding a molle belt or drop leg panel might work.
    Maybe a small backpack? Something small that can hold a camelback, spare bb's etc. Leave it in the safe zone for shorter games, carry it with you for longer games. My experience with ww2 airsoft is a bit different, but I carry a small backpack at most games and tend to leave it at the respawn point a lot of the time. When I get shot, I can then reload at the respawn, grab a drink and a snack etc.
  10. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from Lozart in What to buy next?   
    True, if the OP likes his vest and hicaps then there is nothing wrong with that. In another thread he does however mention that he has problems carrying spare bb's. If you add a sidearm into the equation, then theres a holster and pistol mags to carry. Reconsidering your load carrying, doesn't have to mean throwing what you have out. It may be that adding a molle belt or drop leg panel might work.
    Maybe a small backpack? Something small that can hold a camelback, spare bb's etc. Leave it in the safe zone for shorter games, carry it with you for longer games. My experience with ww2 airsoft is a bit different, but I carry a small backpack at most games and tend to leave it at the respawn point a lot of the time. When I get shot, I can then reload at the respawn, grab a drink and a snack etc.
  11. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from jcheeseright in where to put bb's   
    Put BB's into mags and just carry mags, BB's stay in safe zone. On an all day game, carry a backpack with your lunch and BB's in.
    Carry a full speedloader in a shirt pocket or pistol mag pouch for that 'oh c**p that was my last mag' moment.
  12. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from kungfumonkey in What to buy next?   
    Sounds to me like you need to reconsider your load carrying. Multiple midcap mags tend to be a better idea than high caps and using midcaps you will need to carry more than 3 mags. If you are also having issues carrying spare bb's then it is clear that your vest isn't up to the job. Adding a side arm is not going to make things any easier. You should consider getting something more customisable such as a molle vest/chest rig or similar, alternatively webbing. Think about what you may want to carry in the future and make sure you are able to add the pouches you want.
  13. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from JamesAirsofterAgent in New From Bristol   
    Btw, if anyone from Bristol wants to get involved in WW2 airsoft it would be great to have a small group to go to games together.
    My next planned game will be Feb 28th in Portsmouth and I hope to have my Owen gun so may want to go as Aussie, which means I will have a spare Sten and most of a British Para impression spare
  14. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from The Leprechaun! in Idea exchange on CQB!   
    I tend to find that the best results are achieved by not stopping to think in CQB. Whatever you are going to do, do it fast and with a sense of purpose. Don't hang around the doorway until the people inside know you are getting ready to go though it. Get the hell through that doorway and start shooting people before they can get prepared.
    With practice you will learn where people are likely to be. People who go to a CQB site frequently tend to just learn how to do this and will instinctively stride into the room moving fast and putting bursts into corners.
  15. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from beastmode in Hello from Bristol   
    Bristol airsoft is not an ideal place to start airsofting. It can be a bit frustrating if the marshalls don't keep the teams balanced. Last time I was there, there were new marshalls and they were a bit useless. Our team got pinned down at our spawn and I got shot point blank in the top of the head whilst standing on some stairs waiting for a lull in the shooting to get to the respawn point. When it's good it's great fun there but when you are trying to get UKARA sorted, it's best to start at Black ops, where the standard of marshalling is more consistent. Man up and brave the weather!
  16. Like
    Russe11 reacted to SuicidalBarrelRoll in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
  17. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from Esoterick in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Spam, Oatcakes and Anzac Biscuits. Basic Aussie Rations for a 2 day game this weekend.
    Anzac biscuits=only biscuit solid enough to use as a melee weapon
    They were designed as a biscuit that would survive the mail from Australia to Europe during WW1 and although they taste quite nice (like a coconut hobnob), they are very tough but that just prevents you eating them all before lunchtime. I discovered before my last WW2 game that I could get them at my local Sainsbury's
    As a bonus, buying them helps support the RSL (Aussie version of the British Legion).
  18. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from two_zero in If you had £550, what gun would you buy?   
    For that budget, I would do exactly what I'm doing at the moment. Taking a cheap gun that I know shoots extremely well, the ASG Sten MkII and paying someone £300 to build the internals into the gun of my dreams.

    Sten on the Top, Owen gun Below.

    Some of the work so far.
    For full details: http://www.ww2airsoft.org.uk/php/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=18577
    Can't wait. It will be a 1 of a kind and if it shoots as well as the Sten, it will Kick Ass
  19. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from JamesAirsofterAgent in Guns that NEED to be made   
    Yes and it was so good the British used it in Malasia. You could strip it, chuck the bits in a bucket of mud and reassemble it and it would shoot.
    From Wikipedia:
    Official trials were organised, and the John Lysaght factory made three versions in 9 mm, .38-200 and .45 ACP.Sten and Thompson submachine guns were used as benchmarks. As part of the testing, all of the guns were immersed in mud and covered with sand to simulate the harshest environments in which they would be used. The Owen was the only gun that still operated after the treatment.
    The Owen was later used by Australian troops in the Korean and Vietnam Wars,[4] particularly the scouts in infantry sections. It remained a standard weapon of the Australian Army until the mid-1960s, when it was replaced by the F1 submachine gun. The gun was also used in Malaya by British troops, and was among their favourites for jungle fighting.
  20. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from JamesAirsofterAgent in Guns that NEED to be made   
    Owen SMG

    Perhaps not the best looking gun ever made, but reputedly one of the best jungle fighting weapons of WW2.
  21. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from JamesAirsofterAgent in Guns that NEED to be made   
    Decent Lee Enfield spring powered for under £300
    Webley revolver
    M1 carbine AEG
    Lewis gun
  22. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from Monty in Webley!!!!!   
    It has appeared on ebairsoft

  23. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from JamesAirsofterAgent in Favourite gun.   
    Funniest airsoft review ever:

  24. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from straffham in Webley!!!!!   
    It has appeared on ebairsoft

  25. Like
    Russe11 got a reaction from two_zero in Favourite gun.   
    I am also a big fan of the Sten

    It's not the best gun in the world or anything but it did the job and was so simple to construct. It's pretty much the embodiment of British ingenuity. If your army loses all it's equipment in France, the Sten is the perfect sub machinegun to replace lost gear quickly. It's also a perfect weapon for resistance fighters due to it's simplicity and ability to use the same ammo as an MP40.
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