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    Spawnah got a reaction from JamesAirsofterAgent in Ed, Let's play a game   
    Are you sure?

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    Spawnah got a reaction from team flex in Ed, Let's play a game   
    Are you sure?

  3. Like
    Spawnah reacted to TacMaster in Opinions on younger kids playing?   
    I couldn't care less if there were U18 players younger than me at skirmishes. As long as they don't turn up in jeans with the latest JBBG special and don't act like a weapons expert because they played Call of Duty, I don't mind.
    That and following the rules correctly and refraining from blind firing, that is
  4. Like
    Spawnah reacted to Lord_Metile in justbbguns / Justbbguns.co.uk / Just bbguns   
    I think that all that needs to be said has been said.
  5. Like
    Spawnah reacted to Airsoft-Ed in Airsoft Action Outrage/Mistake ?   
    Why do people get their titties in such a twist over totally mindless bollocks?

    Is everyone a hard right wing activist that does airsoft or something? The second someone steps out of line, BAN THEM! NAME AND SHAME! MAKE SURE THEY NEVER PLAY THE GAME AGAIN! Jesus wept. Anyone would think they'd brought a baby to a game and used them as a freakin' grenade or something people blow things out of proportion so much.

    Who cares? Can't believe a magazine would ever even post that photo. We've all seen people blind fire, is it really a news worthy occurrence?

    I've been shot point blank at the muzzle before when the person wasn't blind firing, doesn't make it cause any more or less damage. If you go and play without accepting the possibility that something like that might happen, then you need to reevaluate your motives for playing tbh.

    It's a non-issue imo.

    Also, of course you'd have your finger on the trigger for a bang kill...
  6. Like
    Spawnah got a reaction from DX115FALCON in Ed, Let's play a game   
    Are you sure?

  7. Like
    Spawnah reacted to AK47frizzle in Ed, Let's play a game   
    Bow down to your god

  8. Like
    Spawnah reacted to Ian_Gere in JustBBguns.co.uk   
    The moral of this story is clearly that you should always come onto AF-UK and discuss any potential purchases before actually coughing up the money. As has been said, there are numerous threads which cover what wankers justbolloxguns are, and there's a few that are all pretty similar with "bbguns" in the url - there's also SAS Special Airsoft Supplies iirc who are complete rip off merchants.
    There isn't another jbbg thread active right now, so i think it best to leave this one up in General Discussion where it's more likely to be seen by any noobs contemplating buying from them.
  9. Like
    Spawnah reacted to THE FNG in Whats the worst experience with 'Cod Softers'   
    In September, I was paired with a young lad, maybe as young as ten (parents were on site and in the game) and he was brilliant! He listened to me when I was communicating to him, he made a few good suggestions....he even took down a guy with an m60e with a Cyma mp5 hire gun! He lay down cover fire and didn't rush in like an idiot....wasn't even my son and I was still proud haha!!!
    Only had one bad experience with a Codsofter. He had a bright green m4a1 (SRC I beleive) and he wouldn't take his hits....even if it was painfully obvious that he had been hit from only a few feet away. Needless to say, most of the hires were lads on a stag do....the Codsofter suffered afterwards! He became the objective for every mission.
    Marshall: 'Ah right lads, you're aim is to defuse the bomb in under ten minutes'
    Stag members: 'No, we're going to kill that little shit with the green rifle!'
  10. Like
    Spawnah reacted to Baz JJ in Whats the worst experience with 'Cod Softers'   
    Also I am starting to realise that there are many different types of airsofters.
    Airsoft ticks a number of boxes for different people but the Airsoft gun is what binds them together.
    For example, there is a group of airsofters who don't really see it as anything to do with war or the military.
    Its just a game like playing tag. They know nothing about the guns they carry and they are looked upon as a fashion accessory.
    Others like to dress in authentic BDU, others like tactics and so on.
    There is nothing wrong with these different variants, but they can be quite different.
    These groups overlap in places but not totally, so you get splinter groups who want different things.
    I guess what happens is that this evolves so people gravitate to the site that gives them what they want.
    The problem starts when people want to have a serious tactical game but you have people, often kids, running round with orange guns charging everything down. This is often used by the serious regulars as target practice.
    Does it matter providing everybody enjoys themselves and nobody gets hurt ?
  11. Like
    Spawnah reacted to Lozart in Whats the worst experience with 'Cod Softers'   
    They may be a pain in the arse, but at least it's getting people into airsofting....
  12. Like
    Spawnah reacted to Ian_Gere in Whats the worst experience with 'Cod Softers'   
    I had a word with one of those lads a few weeks ago to demonstrate to him that his gun was not capable of firing anywhere near as far as he thought by comparing it to my AKS on the hyperball field. He didn't seem very impressed or pleased. I only did it because every person hanging back where their guns can't even provide covering fire is basically increasing the opposition by one. I had no idea why this obvious noob came across with the confidence usually only obtained through knowing wtf you're on about. Now I get it: he thought gaming had clued him up. Penis.
  13. Like
    Spawnah reacted to Zak Da Mack in Ed, Let's play a game   
    Wait... What's that you say? Ed's been spotted with an AR15 free float rail on his AK??!!

  14. Like
    Spawnah got a reaction from Shinobi in Ed, Let's play a game   
    Are you sure?

  15. Like
    Spawnah got a reaction from proffrink in The Unnerving Truth About JBBG Bulldog BB Pellets   
    I confess to having bought from JBBG in the past I DON'T ANYMORE THOUGH SO DONT KILL ME.. In my defence you must admit the site is pretty aesthetically pleasing and the pictures of the guns are of a very good quality. Luckily for me I've never had any issues with them, but I never will now since I no longer use them.
  16. Like
    Spawnah got a reaction from Esoterick in Ed, Let's play a game   
    Are you sure?

  17. Like
    Spawnah reacted to Airsoft-Ed in Ed, Let's play a game   
    I don't like this game.
  18. Like
    Spawnah reacted to CaptainDumbass in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Okay I said it wasn't the best photo but how the f*** did it flip upside down?!
  19. Like
    Spawnah reacted to Deva in New Player Guides & Info   
    If you're new, please take some time to look around the forums and view pinned topics. There is a lot of useful information. As a starting point..
    Finding a place to play:
    New and looking for somewhere to play? The law and Airsoft:
    Our UK Law Forum The "Violent Crime Reduction Act" in Full Popular UKARA Related Questions Beginners Guides:
    Beginner Guide to Airsoft  
    Ian's Guide to Noobism on a Tight Budget AF-UK App with useful stuff:
    AF-UK App Guides forum containing lots of useful info:
    Guides Forum Chances are simple questions will have been asked before. If you can't find anything on the above links then please search:
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