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Esoterick last won the day on January 10 2016

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  1. Reducing the amount of hop applied will increase FPS, not lower it. First time I chronoed an upgraded VSR it was firing at around 510 FPS on 0.2g. Realised the hop was on the lowest setting so dialled it in and it went down to around 490 fps. It would make most guns unusable past around 20-30 metres anyway.
  2. One of my mates is a sneaky bugger and has caused a few teams to nearly get into big fights over repeated so called friendly fire. Only for a marshal to intervene and suggest that maybe they clear the area better because that isn't friendly fire... At least in those cases the players weren't deciding it didn't count, but got salty when they respawned for the 3rd time only to get shot in the back as they pushed up again lol. I've had to explain a few times to people on my team that the reason I can tell there is an enemy player nearby is because you can clearly hear them shooting. I wouldn't want someone with such dubious awareness to be making judgement calls on whether or not a hit they took was a ricochet. If you aren't sure if you have been hit, you've been hit.
  3. It was selling, not buying but I've just sold a load of RIFs there today and it was a good experience. I contacted them via WhatsApp and discussed prices and was happy with the prices agreed. To be honest I was a little concerned that I would get there and have to renegotiate prices on everything over any tiny discrepancy in condition, but this fortunately wasn't the case. The only change in price was a GBBR that turned out not to function properly when tested and I thought it was fair enough that they wouldn't offer me the stated price when it needed work doing to fix it. It took all the hassle out of bulk selling kit and I thought the prices were sensible given they need to maintain a margin to resell things for a profit. I'd definitely recommend them if you want stuff shifting without messing about with private sales.
  4. One of the most frustrating things is seeing players you have flanked not take hits because they assume they are ricochets. Best to take the hit if you aren't sure.
  5. It's reassuring used airsoft don't seem to have any obvious way of reporting dodgy adverts...
  6. This advert is also either making the buyer pay a hidden fee for using PayPal, or breaking their terms of service if the advert is implying to pay cash or bank transfer for collection. PayPal has a no surcharge policy in their terms of service, not that it would really be enforceable. It seems pretty weak to not just factor the PayPal fees into your sales price and it's what most people do.
  7. It always reminds me of a TM MP5 I bought not knowing it had been fiddled with. A local tech sorted a wiring issue and fitted a new hop rubber, said it shot really well. Chronoed it at a game and never used it... next time I tried lo and behold it wouldn't fire more than 20 metres, if it even fed... If it was stock I'd never have had all the issues I did with the "upgrades"
  8. £100 for the p226 is sensible provided the mag holds gas, otherwise you might need to price it a bit lower as they are 25-30 quid each. Not sure about the rest
  9. The other option would be a gas airsoft pistol as there are better sub £100 options available, but then you have the cost of gas. The ASG Mk23 in two tone is £68 on Patrol Base, and although I've never used one they seem to be well regarded. I'd assume it has the same super long trigger pull that the Tokyo Marui one I own does though.... There's a few guns in this price range, but I can't vouch for which ones are good and WE seem to have rebranded 28 times since I last bought anything lol.
  10. I wonder if you would be better off buying a cheap air rifle. Not shot any for years but I'd imagine a sub £100 .177 air rifle is better to shoot than most airsoft guns for that price.
  11. A big factor would be who did the work IMO. You wouldn’t be likely to get anywhere close to that though either way. The problem with messing with recoils is you could make a gun that’s known to be reliable stock much less reliable. ideally it’s done by someone with a good rep and you can get the receipts to prove it also it’s a niche market as people can buy a new recoil and get a few bits like the hop done to get a well performing gun for a few hundred
  12. I still reckon you have dirt in the barrel/hop rubber or need to replace the hop rubber. I wouldn't bother experimenting with BB weights until you check this. If anything you will experience even worse performance by just upping your BB weight. I find the isopropyl wipes used for injections cut in half along the fold work really well for cleaning barrels when threaded through a cleaning rod. You can get boxes of them online for a few quid.
  13. That's likely to be more down to your hop up and BB weight. Decent pistols have the same range as AEGs - roughly 50 metres. People can probably offer more accurate advice if you specify what your current SMG is and what weight BBs you use as you might be able to get more range out of it without really spending much money. That said some guns do just have bad hop units. I'd also look at cleaning the barrel and taking out the hop rubber to check for signs of wear/damage, if it's dirty they can be cleaned with warm soapy water. Also I really rate the Cyma M14s if you are looking for a good value battle rifle style gun.
  14. "I've had everything replaced feal ques" 🙃
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