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Everything posted by jay83

  1. Good to have you onboard mate this hobby your age is not a bad thing but a good thing. That worthing site is ok but as a company there more paintball style games. If your like most your wana do the more long Milsim games but should be good start place. Check out the sandpit when your ready its a day Milsim every 2 weeks
  2. hangover cures please?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Esoterick


      I find drinking loads of coke helps.

    3. DEF


      stay drunk?


    4. Del Monty

      Del Monty

      Bacon sandwich, thought that was obvious...


  3. think going to give boogie regulators a go

    1. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Heard nowt but good stuff about em so give em a go :) As long as you keep moving they shouldn't fog up apparently

    2. SgtTalbert
  4. Anyone use any decent shoulder pads that run coms cable and hydration through ?

  5. We gas they have one for summer one for winter, both work really nice
  6. I have one of these and they fire great with groupings at 30m of 8inches mine is firing around 300fps. Alarm bells ring when your fps changes that much then you start having problems. Your guna need to take it out check it over make sure the barell is clean the hop and nub are both there in right place doing there job ect because you should not need to change the G&G barrel and bucking as the ones the top tech come with are amazing. Something has got to of moved inside in the wrong place, i bet its something very minor.
  7. Yes mate, those MAG magazines are great and there one of the only mags that work in our guns as the 416 has a different magell to m4's. Buy some 0.28g ammo as well and set your hop to almost full and the ammo goes miles, the hop up on the g&g top tech is amazing. Let me know how ya get on with the mags
  8. Prob jus the spring is to powerful or not powerfull enough when feeding in the mag. Different mags should sort that , coz its a 416 alot of m4 mags wont work you got be carefull
  9. Brand called MAG are the best, you can get them at www.armysurplusandtoys.co.uk for £55 and if you use army10 you get 10% off the guy who owns them is on here, great service great mags great prices
  10. I have one of these they like 0.28g ammo most and the range is amazing, zeroing at 30 metres is fine
  12. GUYS WHERE CAN I GET ONE OF THESE FROM? Patrol base is out of stock and they dont email back. http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft/golden-eagle-416-m27-style-m4-stock-black.htm

    1. clumpyedge


      look like only patrolbase unless you wanna order from hongkong or america

    2. M_P


      Ask rc dave on here, he works there

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      only fitted to top quality guns:




      hmmm... might break it - wait oh its broke already - lol

  13. i have a clone and mine works great
  14. Best Hydration bladder at decent price?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. b1n0gHo5t


      be careful with em...i've not got the taste of ass outta my Water bladder..really just cant seem to get on with them

    3. jay83


      Ya i had cheap ones and its like all airsoft stuff buy cheap buy twice or sometimes 3-4 times lol. Cheap ones leak like f*ck so just wana decent one now. Might try Gelert like Jcheeseright said

    4. cavninja


      Can't beat camelbak, got mine from patrol base for about £35, had one in Afghan, certainly do the job!

  15. Do people even use Ukara anymore? Seems like such bullshit. Id just change it mate. My only thing in this review id like to see is an actual picture of the whole gun.
  16. The more of your own stuff you get the more drawn in your get to this hobby the more stuff your then in turn want and it just grows and grows. Then your find your taking it more serious and as you get Airsoft mates maybe a team together it just gets more and more fun. Glad you enjoyed it. My team will be in September , might see you there.
  17. That kind of attitude is the way a winner thinks, someone always thinking into the situation how it could of improved and always striving for better. Me and they guy i run my team with are the same everything we do is trying to tweak it slightly make it even more effective ect. Why i wana get a helmet cam so i can see if its like i remember lol
  18. P90 make me sick in my mouth, dont trust someone with a moustache or a p90
  19. You hit the nail on the head
  20. Its like anything, so sites friendly so not so. Just travel about a bit until you find a well run site, the standard is getting better and better in the Uk. Have a look for local teams as well in that area to join they can then help you with kit loadout ect. Have fun mate most important thing Regards Jay
  21. Anyone wana do a Milsim on the 31st of August feel free to come along with us and join the bad team ( Jafar ) NO Multicam!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. clumpyedge


      thats on the 30th? im on NATO so be ready for some sniper action

    3. jay83


      awesome, you going the night before for camping and BBQ? I heard Nato won last time so us (10 members) and another team been taken into the Jafar side to spice it up. Should be fun, the map looks well good.

    4. clumpyedge


      unfortunately im driving down the morning of the game so will have to leave at about 5am! im working the day before so i dont have any other option!

      be good to play agaisnt and for some good teams :)

  22. airsoft systems mid caps work in G&G TR 18 ( 416) ??

    1. Qlimax


      buy G&G mid caps lid, I've just got some they MINT

  23. jay83


    I have one of them a 7.4 lipo nun chuck is good too go mine fires 340 fps , but dont think the fps is the distance it shoots my G&G fires 300fps with same range
  24. jay83


    dont bother buying a hot the fps gun, no point just save ya self loads hassle and buy a gun thats safe and legal. Also means the gun will die alot quicker
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