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Everything posted by Lozart

  1. It makes sense to be sceptical but be careful it doesn't descend into paranoia.
  2. I worked with a guy in China who had a Goldeneye crew jacket. Turns out he used to work for Phillips who supplied all the monitors for the control room and his job was to make sure they all got switched on at the start of filming then off again at the end of the day. And people wonder why it costs so much to make a film!
  3. To be fair 3.5 million people defected to the west before they built the wall (or "Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart" to give it it's GDR name).
  4. I have a pair of LK trousers in ATACS iX. Nice kit.
  5. 1911's am the best. Of course, airsoft ones are mostly cack on account of the tiny gas reservoir in the tiny wee single stack mags.
  6. I think it's worth pointing out the UK definition of "violent crime" here https://www.cps.gov.uk/crime-info/violent-crime#:~:text=Violent crime covers a variety,and corrosive substances like acid. This is something that comes up time and again in the UK vs USA debate on guns. The US definition of violent crime is far narrower and more specific https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/crimes/violent-crime#:~:text=In a violent crime%2C a,and impact of violent crimes. Yes, the idea that 39% of violent crimes involve alcohol is a frightening statistic but you need to factor into that how many of those "violent crimes" are street scuffles or just bad language and threats. No actual harm needs to be caused for a common assault charge! Now, granted there is a good argument to say that if weapons (be they firearms or bladed) get involved then the consequence of those drunken arguments will escalate, the fact that they don't escalate shows how few people feel the need to go out tooled up. This is also an interesting read https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/crimeinenglandandwales/yearendingmarch2020 Particularly telling is the percentages vs absolute numbers; in reference to the number of homicides the increase is stated as 10%, unless you exclude the 39 immigrants found dead in a lorry in which case it drops to 3%. The fact that 39 deaths can have that great in impact on the overall increase in deaths shows that actually we have quite a low rate of homicide. The media would present you with a "200% increase in xxx" if the total number went from 1 to 2 so be careful with the statistics. They will always be manipulated to fit the narrative.
  7. Metric, obvs. It's more innit. More. Definitely more. Depends. I knew this one girl...
  8. Good point. Although my preference is for a fuckton of paper ones!
  9. Anyone that has served that I've played with has always been absolutely fine and more often than not an asset to whichever team they're on because they are capable of following instructions and playing the objective. All I ask from anyone is to not be a dick and that applies across the board. I don't give a shit if or where you served, if you start barking orders from the back you can get to fuck. Take your hits and play the objective or fuck off home.
  10. A bit more? I will NEVER forget the experience of being outside one of the stores on the main concourse of The Mall and getting shot in the knuckles from 2 feet away. Fuck my old boots that hurt!
  11. Mechanix Original Insulated. https://www.military1st.co.uk/mg-55-mechanix-wear-the-original-gloves-covert.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiA3smABhCjARIsAKtrg6LkYYriq13xBKe4sUJdWVF19LNyU0EwaHRt4wLv1qNDWGaxM-idJocaArs3EALw_wcB Decent warmth, plenty of dexterity. Not great in the wet though. Alternatively there's the T/S Element version which is wind and waterproof with a fleece lining. The trigger is uninsulated to give you plenty of dexterity https://www.military1st.co.uk/tsel-55-mechanix-wear-t-s-element-gloves-covert.html
  12. If it's proper indoor CQB a la The Mall then it really doesn't matter what you wear. The straight lines don't lend themselves to camo and unless it's pitch black then black still just sticks out (plus if it's pitch black then you won't see the colour anyway). A tan gun certainly won't put you at a disadvantage! If it's CQB more akin to F&O The Base with buildings and outdoors then your camo gear can help but again, once you're inside the buildings it's a moot point.
  13. It comes with a 2.5L bladder but I reckon you could get a 3L in there. There's some on ebay going for about £35 (shipping from Warsaw)
  14. Or maybe this Condor one.... https://www.military1st.co.uk/242-498-condor-hydro-harness-coyote-brown.html?___store=default&refSrc=61494&nosto=nosto-page-product1
  15. The Pentagon Hydration 2 is pretty decent if you can find one in stock somewhere https://www.military1st.co.uk/k16008-50-pentagon-hydration-2-0-backpack-pentacamo.html The straps are pretty comfy and it has a small utility pouch with outer MOLLE. I have one and have run it all day with no comfort issues. It's also pretty low profile so should be good for sneaky shenanigans!
  16. It's why I stopped using cheap shit holsters.
  17. Better pic here, looks like Police from the guy on the right but can't work out the sleeve emblem. Update, downloaded the pic and zoomed in and the sleeve emblem looks to be Secret Service Uniformed Division. Which would certainly make sense!
  18. Yeah, saw this in an article on the Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/gallery/2021/jan/20/washington-on-edge-before-biden-inauguration-in-pictures#img-4 Not sure who they are, could be Capitol Police but so many people have been drafted in from other forces! Might even be DHS or CBP.
  19. Yeah the taper is pretty obvious Seems it's just down to the size then. Bit odd that the cheap one goes in a bit but then stops.
  20. Is the barrel painted or polished on the receiver end? The polished ones are tapered so a normal "TM spec" one won't fit. There's a fair amount of aftermarket barrels out there for G&P taper though.
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