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Everything posted by Lozart

  1. I like you, you're funny! OK, but what make is your "other M4"?
  2. Pain in the arse with shipping and tax and stuff but... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-Blackhawk-Bts-Double-Pistol-Mag-Pouch-W-Talon-flex-52PMK2BK-Pack-Of-5-/125046265785?_trksid=p2349526.m4383.l4275.c1
  3. https://www.facebook.com/red1airsoftwoodland/
  4. Gold plated connectors for a low voltage signal wire that is literally on or off are a waste of money.
  5. Reminds me of a line from Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy: Arthur "It's times like these I wish I had listened to my mother when I was younger" Ford "Why, what did she say?" Arthur "I DON'T KNOW, I DIDN'T LISTEN!"
  6. The Blackhawk SF gear is like golden rocking horse poo! What I have worked out though is that if you get a plain green LBV88 from AliExpress and take the shoulder yoke off it you should be able to knock together a reasonable facsimile! https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32839093386.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.0.0.2545lP4ZlP4ZJw&gps-id=pcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller&scm=1007.33416.274820.0&scm_id=1007.33416.274820.0&scm-url=1007.33416.274820.0&pvid=d514ce5d-bdcd-4502-b7c6-df977682fc5c&_t=gps-id:pcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller,scm-url:1007.33416.274820.0,pvid:d514ce5d-bdcd-4502-b7c6-df977682fc5c,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238108%231977&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"65191492064"%2C"sceneId"%3A"23416"}&pdp_npi=3%40dis!GBP!22.37!22.37!!!!!%40211b442016788065729262741e7685!65191492064!rec!UK!759559025
  7. Gun nerd shit: https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Tears_of_the_Sun#M4A1 Spectacularly detailed guide to the loadouts in the film: https://mundoairsofter.com/en/kit-list-tears-of-the-sun/
  8. I have the GSP550. Lovely set of cans (oo-er).
  9. Front sight on the MP5 is a fixed blade. All adjustments are made on the rear drum (same as the real thing).
  10. More than likely the original gears were 18:1 but 16:1 shouldn't be an issue as long as you use the whole set. Absolutely buy a chrono if you're going to be working on your own guns though. Way back when I was rebuilding my first gun (an ancient TM M4A1 that is still going strong albeit with less original parts than Triggers broom) I managed to get SUCH a good airseal that even an M90 spring put it over the 328FPS limit for The Mall! It actually has an M85 in there now.
  11. You could try a "silent" piston and cylinder head https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/cylinder-heads/xt-v2-v3-cylinder-piston-head-aluminium-silent Does your Predator have any kind of "blowback" function? One that cycles the fake bolt cover?
  12. The noise on an electric gun mostly comes from the gearbox plus most airsoft suppressors are just empty tubes. There's plenty of airsoft tracer suppressors though, have a google and I'm sure you'll find them. The trick will be to make sure you get one that will fit inside the handguard on your predator.
  13. Last week at F&O the Base, running Gods Plaid and a DPM Peacekeeper MK1 I picked up from Ebay! Lovely rig, nice and light and holds pretty much everything I could want it to (including M14 mags).
  14. Too true! Lowest bidder and all that. I think he was more miffed that I had a pair of Lowa Zephyrs and he didn't! He was saying that pre-deployment nobody could get hold of gucci kit because airsofters had bought it all!
  15. For some reason I now have this in my head as your loadout
  16. IIRC Direct Action Gear is an offshoot of Helikon for their "high end" products. All I'd say with regards to WAS is that friends of mine that have served have said that it's better than what they were issued with.
  17. Weight loss (and the subsequent regaining of it) has made an enormous difference to my knees etc. I need to get back down to a sensible weight though, back to nearly 18 stone!
  18. Hey there fellow creaky knee 'softer! I literally feel your pain so I would say that while a battle belt and a chest rig will distribute weight differently belt kit is widely regarded as better distribution for your body as a whole. By moving the load from your shoulders down to your hips it helps with mobility etc. That being said I tend to run almost exclusively with chest rigs. I have both a WAS 901 and a couple of Mayflower copies (UW IV and V) so in terms of reducing your overall load I'd stay clear of the 901. It's quite a bit heavier than either of the Mayflower rigs, plus it's just MOLLE so you need to factor in the weight of all the pouches you'll want to add. The UW IV is good if you only want to carry 4 mags and a few bits, the V is probably easier to load up with everything bar the kitchen sink (you'll need a rucksack for that). I'd suggest that maybe keep the belt for your pistol and pistol mags and shift the rifle mags etc to a chest rig just to help spread things out a bit but the basic issue is just trying to cut down on the overall load. Additionally, if you've only just started getting knee pain, maybe go see an osteopath and see if there's any exercises that could help alleviate the issue. My knee pain comes from years of cycling when I was younger which has pulled the knee cap out of line. There's exercises for it though and if I remember to do them regularly it does really help minimise the discomfort! Good footwear cannot be overemphasised either.
  19. Cleaning. Everyone knows you need Bollinger for lubrication.
  20. You can see quite a bit of it in recent footage on the news. The Ruskies had a bit of a penchant for WAS...
  21. Hi there, the only adjustment you will have is on the rear drum sight. There's a screw on the top at the rear for elevation and one on the side for windage. Or like you say, wait until you get your reflex and zero that instead.
  22. Nothing really. They're not very original with their designs (some of them are just different enough to avoid being sued) but it's perfectly reasonable kit for the money.
  23. I'd say that won't work as the DE one has a battery hatch in the rear of the upper receiver. That said, you might be able to get the hinge pin out and swap the actual stock part over. Can he not just run it with the stock folded?
  24. Many years ago I was dating a young lady with some German ancestry. I was warned that her grandfather was coming for dinner and would always order German wine partly so he could mention he he used to fly over the region during his time with the Luftwaffe. My mention of how my grandad flew over the same area did not go down well. I may have said he was dropping bombs at the time...
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