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Everything posted by Moose87

  1. the m100 shouldnt put it over 350 but if it does then it will only be by a few fps which most sites wouldnt worry about.
  2. i think it looks good, maybe abit of cam on the stock and you should be fine.
  3. thinking of getting a H nub for my hop up, what do people use?

    1. Mack


      got one myself this week, havnt the space to test it yet though

  4. seems like hes sold a few things recently i think just keep on at him, it could be a simple misunderstanding. if you dont here anything soon then contact admins to have his sales locked but i dont think hes a rip off bloke.
  5. well which gun did you buy as hes got a few for sale??
  6. Happy beard day fellow bearded brothers.

    1. b1n0gHo5t


      May the beard be with you

  7. i run the cyma glock as a back up, works well at short range for those minutes you are in need.
  8. as en Ex Royal Engineer there are a few of the more technical trades that can get you to be more in the actual engineering side, where you end up designing things and having them created, it is more Construction based but there is telecommunications and Design. plus if you make it to Lance Corporal then you can apply to the professional body and become a certified engineer with EngTech after your name for life.
  9. easiest way to lock a V2 GB to semi??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moose87


      alot of sites insist on mechanically locked to semi

    3. jcheeseright


      easiest way is to trim the selector plate on the side of the gearbox.

      remove the tab that moves the cut off lever and it cannot go to auto :)

    4. Moose87


      good thinking cheers

  10. if your good with electronics then why not start a electronics repair business in your area, i know a friend who did this whilst serving in the army and turned over 40k in his first year!!! people are always breaking shit and if your know what your doing its easy to figure out a repair.
  11. blasters are known for being pretty good, blaster devils are even better. but yer im in agreement it shouldnt effect the amount you get in a mag. i have never had a jam using blasters. must be a duff batch.
  12. Yer best to have a screwdriver in the back. I place the front bit (nozzle end) on first then the back, give the spring guide a small push forward for it to slot in easier. Then play with gears and the trigger.
  13. Well make sure the piston is forward and the gear that moves it is correctly placed. The trigger spring is in properly. Then when putting the other half on use a small screw driver to push the tops of the gears into place from the outside.
  14. Is there anything specific? Or is it just getting the other side of the case on??
  15. It gets easier the more times you do it. What type of gearbox do you have?? If you dont know which version then what gun is it?
  16. Yer sounds like a BB feeding issue. Check the hop out. Try with different mags to make.sure its not just that mag.
  17. a classic m1911, it just looks cool and hard core.
  18. oh and any nunchuck or crane stock battery types will fit in the gun. not sure what the connection type on the gun will be, either small or large tamiya. i would hazard a guess at small tamiya but cant say for certain
  19. dont buy the charger from there its a rip off!!! same charger on component shop where alot of people get batteries from is £7.50, chargers like that dont cut off so you have to remember to take them off after about like 3 hours. better off with this one, a simple smart charger. just plug it all in and it all charge the batteries and then go on to trickle mode once they are done to stop them over charging. http://www.componentshop.co.uk/600ma-smart-charger-for-7-2-8-4-9-6v-battery-packs.html
  20. the gun is pretty good and reliable, the magazine you have chosen will work with it. you dont need the speed loader in my opinion they are mainly for filling mid caps or low caps not high caps as they have a bit to pour BBs in. the BBs you have chosen are cheap as they are 5.94mm most people would use 6mm BBs as they leave less gap in the barrel
  21. bloody ice bucket challenge

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Hibernator


      Yeah - not knocking it for raising money. I just think that most of the people doing it now have no idea that is what it's supposed to be about!

    3. Moose87


      well i think it has helped, even if 100 people in the world are more informed then they were then its a better world for it.

    4. jay83


      Thats true moose, i didnt know it had raised 30million thats amazing

  22. http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-internal-electronics/ares-amoeba-efcs-ecu-gearbox-complete-rear-wired.htm#.U_mi5GOwL-s with mosfets patrol base make their own gearboxes as well. http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-internal-electronics/v2-complete-full-8mm-bushing-gearbox-front-wired.htm#.U_mjCWOwL-s
  23. whats actually wrong with the gearbox? a new gearbox can be like from 70 quid and yes you can get them with mosfets pre installed.
  24. part of the reason im attempting to distance myself from the military, im proud of what i did and my service but theres to many C bombs in and ex and makes me embarrassed to be associated some times.
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