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Everything posted by Moose87

  1. If nothing is coming out but its firing fine then its a feeding issue. Have you tried a different magazine?? Could be the first problem. There are multiple issues it could be. If you put a full magine in try to fire and then take the mag out does a bb drop out with the mag?? Have you tried disassembling at al??
  2. also wtf! a 400 fps limit on BA do they not have a minimum engagement or something??
  3. go for a guarder 110, on paper its a touch over 400 and most sites will give you a little room plus if you do lose a few fps in the mix it cant hurt
  4. why not get a really cheap springer?? or a broken gas pistol to fix??
  5. The dissasembly will be relativrly close to a vFC SR-16. So can look at stuff for that.
  6. alot of people find trial and error with different combinations. getting a decent hop unit then playing with the rubbers and nubs to see what works best, these are pretty cheap.
  7. well it wouldnt as hes an officer and so is she, Padre's are commissioned officers. i watched some of Our girl and thought it was crap. propagandist psch about a girl trying to make it in this mans army and prove to them shes worth and earn their respect! Snore same story different war.
  8. Charline the SR-16 is now up for sale! Think a little piece of me just died.

  9. Anyone an electrician or reallu good with house hold electrics?? Naming shower units.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      otherwise they'll blow up, and put them on either end of the cable then connect them , but my understanding is your melted cable comes from the ceiling and through a wall after that, so you were going to pull through the wall so it dangles from the ceiling, connect then push through wall again?

    3. Moose87


      yer your understanding is right. im gonna ask it the local hardware shop as well to see if they can help. its the negative wire on a cable thats melted so i was just gonna cut the whole cable at the otherside of the wall and connect all wires to a new length and push that through and connect. sounds simple enough lol.

    4. AirsoftTed


      Aye that should be grand what you're planning Moose. She said as long as you insulate the connector and it's no where near water you're good to go.

  10. you must have been pulling on it quite hard to get it out then to make that damage, have a look inside before you put it back in to see it doesnt catch on anything and make sure you are putting it in properly
  11. looks like when its being fitting back in the rifle it was either put in wrong or there was something inside catching. it looks like its been forced in by someone pushing and twisting side to side. did you buy it like this or did you do this??
  12. I maybe wrong but it would come under the law as a RIF. So standard airsoft selling rules/laws apply.
  13. is it def a replica or is it deactivated?
  14. you were before me anyway man.
  15. what dates were you in 25 for?? i was also 25 and then 39 when it changed over. what squadron?
  16. had a look and i cant actually find the law which determines the power of airsoft weapons, can only find air weapons which are crazy powerful apparently. anyone know where this law is??
  17. Tac, it might have been specific to that region. Scrumpy!!!!!! a Fellow Ex Sapper!!!! what Reg?
  18. yer i was referring to CCF army not Army cadet force. according to an ACF instructor 40% of their kids are referred to them by the police.
  19. lol, Combined Cadet Force, Army always the best. Air Cadets can always be relied on for a damn good band tho.
  20. ahhh ok, miss understood. is it brand new? if so then i would send it back as its defective. only way to fix it is to replace it i think.
  21. so your saying you put a scope on the gun and the BBs start pulling right? putting an optic on the rail shouldnt adjust the way it fires? what optic are you using? how far to the right? is it noticeable as soon as it leaves the barrel of at distance? generally BBs pulling left or right is a problem with the hop nub not sitting right.
  22. i agree, the motherboard can have a large effect on upgrading, generally people who make an sell computers online put cheap motherboards in. only has a 250w power supply which i dont think is gonna be good enough, you want prob about 500w if your making a half decent gaming pc. in your price range http://www.amazon.co.uk/Freshtech-Gigabyte-Motherboard-Performance-Barracuda/dp/B00IOQVBWI/ref=pd_sim_sbs_computers_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=0PWWJ8A7M09GZSBDP7RH http://www.amazon.co.uk/Freshtech-Computer-Motherboard-Performance-Barracuda/dp/B00IOR14WY/ref=pd_sim_sbs_computers_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=1SVK5X7G4SZ5J4E1CPV9 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Powerful-gaming-Speed-4718u-Core/dp/B00B5CTTJA/ref=pd_sim_sbs_computers_8?ie=UTF8&refRID=1MF121TG9TDDV1S3VMHA#productDetails http://www.amazon.co.uk/High-End-Gaming-Speed-A25892uH-Windows/dp/B00FEF5WFY/ref=sr_1_43?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1410283724&sr=1-43&keywords=gaming+pc#productDetails all better then your original i would say. if you have the money and wanna spend it then its yours. i would say search the kind of graphics card you want, i recommend Geforce as i dont get on with Radeon.
  23. it happens man, my sling failed and my gun hit the floor muzzle first and it looked all fine till i realised it didnt fire anything anymore. i had snapped the cylinder head!
  24. cant find a replacement on their website, might have to see if theres an after market one from a different maker?
  25. so theres nothing when you look into the stock that looks like it would connect to the gun??
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