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Status Updates posted by Bottledtorment

  1. Is anyone going to brave Skirmish Airsoft Nottingham as I am !

  2. MICH , FAST or PASGT ? KSK kits use any so I havea choice :3

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jcheeseright


      stay away from the pasgt if you can, they're damned uncomfortable!

    3. M_P


      Of the lot listed I'd go with the fast helmet, you can get decent ones for cheap. The other two look old fashioned and make you look like you hhave a big head lol

    4. Bottledtorment


      (Sarcasm) Not to blow my own trumpet M_P I have a nice big noggin.

      I think I may go with a FAST or a MICH

  3. Does anyone know what helmet the KSK use as all the sources I look at have conflicting info

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      I see three helmet types in that photo. Not PASGT but Mich should be OK. Don't get too hung up on it. KSK like most special ops have a lot of latitude in their rig.

    3. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      they use the FAST Jump helmets too


    4. Bottledtorment
  4. Friend is asking £70 for a USED! DE M50 sniper.Ask if he is willing to go at all lower seeing it is in naff condition he says no as it is too good to be a lower price (JBBG ignorance ladies and gentlemen! )

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      He doesn't seem to see that a sniper that is usually £90 is never good . The only reason I wanted it was because I would use it as something to try make a semi-decent sniper.

      He says it is about as good as my Umarex G36 .... I think he is blind or dumb . Maybe both

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Obviously brainwashed by Jambwow. You should bet with him and get him on this website to "prove" that his gun is amazing by asking us

    4. Bottledtorment


      Without a scope mine is as accurate . XD


  5. Has anyone seen the 1911 conversion kit ? It looks bleugh

  6. The choice between mesh and goggles is over whelming help !

    1. AirsoftTed


      I use goggles because they were what I could buy easilly at the time and I'm a bit OTT on making sure nothing gets in my eyes. They do fog alot though so anti fogging spray or wipes are needed. I am leaning in favour of a mesh pair just because fogging is that bad for me.

  7. Does anyone know how to switch the stocks on a Umarex G36KV :S

  8. KSK kit is patching together nicely, just need money now . *sobs violently *

  9. G36 performs like a beast XD

  10. Anyone know the best size battery for a Umarex G36KV

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      Also what mAh is best?

    3. proffrink


      One has to try pretty hard to blow up a lipo. It's not people's guns are exploding every few minutes :P

    4. AK47frizzle


      well, you never know.... i run my gun on a 9.6v NiMH and i'm perfectly fine with them. A 9.6v NiMH 1600mAh nunchuck battery if you want to know.

  11. Is anyone planning to go to Skirmish Airsoft Nottingham on the 7Th of September?

  12. Managed to fix the shotgun that broke before i was going to chrono it at the shop :D

  13. Shh wallet , its over they nasty people won't take anymore money . (for now *demonic laugh*)

  14. Just need a Pair of knee pads , UAR , Chest rig and Bolles and I'm sorted :)

    1. AirsoftTed


      What colour Knee pads you after mate? I have a pair of OD viper ones I dont need. Yours for £8 all in!

    2. Bottledtorment


      Did kinda want a pair of Flecktarns to match the rest , Is that with Postage? And would you happen to have any Elbows too ? I may grab both :P

    3. AirsoftTed


      Inc. postage yep! Unfortunately I don't mate, is there anything else your after? I've got a few bits I dont need anymore. Shoot me a PM and I'll see if i can help!

  15. Stupid question best of the Combat machine range ?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      The wombat machine is the best,it shoots small mammals at people though some places have banned it for one reason or another.

    3. Bottledtorment


      URTJ , your are a strange being . ;P


    4. Bottledtorment
  16. Dreading results day tomorrow , I may not return ... :(

    1. Airsoft-Ed


      No point fretting about it now, it won't change anything.

    2. jay83


      it really wont matter in a few years , trust me :)


    3. Suzuki Yamamoto

      Suzuki Yamamoto

      I dropped out after poor GCSE results years ago and currently work with people who studied for years and years to earn the same money as me. Don't fret about too much. Life skills are more important than grades.

  17. Need to design a Sci-fi ish loadout for Flecktarns and a APS UAR. :D

    1. bigshep


      black tactical vest and baseball cap and you could be something out of stargate or some cheap sci fi movie


  18. Slowly but surely I'm pulling funds together for my UAR

  19. Where would one make a thread about a broken spring shotty?

    1. TacMaster


      One simply makes a thread in the 'General' section of the 'Advice and help' part of this forum.

    2. Bottledtorment


      Haha thanks


  20. Just ordered some Flektarn trousers :D

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. TacMaster


      I accept your challenge sir, and I shall start. Egyptian 1956 'Rocks' pattern desert camouflage. Your turn :P

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      For British woodland areas, Flecktarn is the absolute king of camo. It's the next best thing after a hand crafted ghillie suit.


      DPM is a close second, but it's just not as good.

    4. Bottledtorment


      >hand crafted ghillie suit

      Ain't nobody got time fo' dat

  21. Can anyone recommend a decent Bullpup style gun that is easily available in the UK (Damn APS UAR) , Cheap anything under £200 (may go over that depending) , Good parts quality

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      Kaza could you drop me a quick review please i would be very much appreciative of that :)

    3. Kaza66


      Sure mate no problem- will drop you one later today :)

    4. Kaza66
  22. Does anyone know an effective method to get rust of an air rifle barrel ?

    1. ScoobySnacks


      WD40 and scrunched up tin foil!

      Light spray of WD, then rub with the tin foil. It'll remove the rust without damaging the solid metal underneath (aluminium is harder then rust, not as hard as iron/steel)


    2. Bottledtorment


      Fair play thanks mate :)

  23. Future weapons + a can of cider = A million times better than blooming prom :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      My thoughts exactly , plus 3/4 people in my year are w'nkwers. At least in sixth form most idiots will have dropped out :)

    3. two_zero


      I was going to skip it, but decided to go (it was epic btw), my friend did skip it and he regretted it. It doesn't happen often and you never know what you'll miss unless you're there. thats my two pennies worth.

    4. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      ^ So true. I had a great time with some friends I'll never meet again.

  24. Now I'm confused at what I want , shouldn't of had a look at other guns :@

    1. Finius


      The only possible solution is to buy them all.

    2. Bottledtorment


      Well if i win the euro millions they shall all be mine :D


  25. Just bought a 2 litre bottle of Irn-Bru for coursework and other refreshment and it went in under 30 minutes , I'm going to burp so much :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Monty


      irn beetus

    3. Bottledtorment


      I need it , my business teacher is being a arse hole about coursework , can't wait for it to be done . No more GCSE's and then a skirmish on Saturday . I'm not at all Scottish by the way . :P

    4. AirsoftTed


      Bru gets you through.

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