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Everything posted by Bottledtorment

  1. Does anyone want to swap a G36 magwell (ares) for a Battleaxe G36 to M4 magwell ? me love you long time :)

  2. Is 85.5cm a suitable length for a CQB weapon?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Preferably as small as possible really helps, I know from experience at Halo Mill. I'm quite short though, and a gun that length will most likely still be fine like Lozart said.

    3. Tariq


      I use a 1m long gun in CQB at times, you'll be fine

    4. Russe11


      Any gun can be used in CQB, theres only a few instances where a short gun gives a massive advantage. If you're buying a gun for CQB, go for a short one, if you want to do CQB and have a longish gun already, you'll be fine.

  3. Can't get to a game until the new year. FML.

    1. Lozart



    2. Bottledtorment


      #Wedon'twanthashtagsonourforum :C

  4. AEG P90 has anyone had any experience with them as I want one but don't want to waste money,

  5. Has anyone played at / heard of Combat ready airsoft in Kirk Langley?

  6. M56 DE for £30 slight scratch yay or nay?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rexfan10
    3. jaeproductions


      Yay I've got one it's pretty nice but I'd recommend get either the pistol grip or full stock if you can because the adjustable stock is notoriously wobbly and loose and horrible. Modified mine to be a pistol grip version anyway.

    4. evilfree


      Yeah but everyone forgets you can just tighten up the adjustable stock. You just need a long hex to get down the buffer tube to tighten it.


  7. Need a character that wears a OD plate carrier and is fairly simple for a fancy dress do.

    1. Airsoft-Ed


      Snake from MGS4 :3

    2. Rock-climby-Dave


      ah, the good ol' 'I dont want to dress up, but I'm being forced to and I've already got a plate carrier I can use for something - anything ' routine.


      personally, just throw on a plate carrier, some drop leg gubbins and a hat and hey presto instant 'dress up thing' (it's easy, rather than state what you are when you arrive, get people to guess, then simply tell them they are correct!)

    3. Mike636
  8. It's simple we boycott FireSupport.... If they have no money they have no power.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shinobi
    3. jcheeseright


      oooooor, you can go out and read more than the flawed Yosser article and read the statements from people who are actually in the loop, then you'll realise that at no point was it suggested airsoft guns should be in the same category as air rifles.


    4. Shinobi


      Oh, sorry :/


  9. Is there a way to stop slings strangling you ? I have seen the wraps for plate carrier yokes and I don't know what they are called.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. M_P


      Just get a two point and put it through the shoulder pads. if you get a magpul ms sling it can be used as both a 1 and 2 point and through the shoulders at the same time.

    3. evilfree


      Yeah Ive got a magpul ms2 sling, so may try firing it through the shoulders.

    4. Bottledtorment


      It's a One peice sling and the carrier opens up with velcro on the yokes


  10. Like this it seems http://www.pascaleggert.de/ThorA1.html Scroll down a bit and you see the mag
  11. Tacticool G&G M4 or G&G AK , also tacticool?

    1. TacMaster


      The top tech M4s are epic, very good quality for the money the Gen2s are on for at the moment

  12. Price of the Strike point sight has been lowered

  13. Is anyone interested in buying a Strike Systems red dot sight, It has a Red and green option for the recticle.

  14. So my battery from hong knog came , a month after I cancelled my order as they no longer stocked it and got a refund. I am confused ?!

  15. Is anyone going to brave Skirmish Airsoft Nottingham as I am !

  16. MICH , FAST or PASGT ? KSK kits use any so I havea choice :3

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. jcheeseright


      stay away from the pasgt if you can, they're damned uncomfortable!

    3. M_P


      Of the lot listed I'd go with the fast helmet, you can get decent ones for cheap. The other two look old fashioned and make you look like you hhave a big head lol

    4. Bottledtorment


      (Sarcasm) Not to blow my own trumpet M_P I have a nice big noggin.

      I think I may go with a FAST or a MICH

  17. Does anyone know what helmet the KSK use as all the sources I look at have conflicting info

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      I see three helmet types in that photo. Not PASGT but Mich should be OK. Don't get too hung up on it. KSK like most special ops have a lot of latitude in their rig.

    3. Baz JJ

      Baz JJ

      they use the FAST Jump helmets too


    4. Bottledtorment
  18. Friend is asking £70 for a USED! DE M50 sniper.Ask if he is willing to go at all lower seeing it is in naff condition he says no as it is too good to be a lower price (JBBG ignorance ladies and gentlemen! )

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      He doesn't seem to see that a sniper that is usually £90 is never good . The only reason I wanted it was because I would use it as something to try make a semi-decent sniper.

      He says it is about as good as my Umarex G36 .... I think he is blind or dumb . Maybe both

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Obviously brainwashed by Jambwow. You should bet with him and get him on this website to "prove" that his gun is amazing by asking us

    4. Bottledtorment


      Without a scope mine is as accurate . XD


  19. Has anyone seen the 1911 conversion kit ? It looks bleugh

  20. Mesh goggles (black) Green bungee sling (ASG) Mesh mask lower (ASG) - will be sell / giving to a friend as I hate it.
  21. I'm not saying the chainsaw is beautiful but http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oO7xEGhtgY This is amazing ... (Sheds single tear)
  22. I will remember to wear a bomb disposal suit next time then .
  23. It hurts like a biatch when you tread on it
  24. The choice between mesh and goggles is over whelming help !

    1. AirsoftTed


      I use goggles because they were what I could buy easilly at the time and I'm a bit OTT on making sure nothing gets in my eyes. They do fog alot though so anti fogging spray or wipes are needed. I am leaning in favour of a mesh pair just because fogging is that bad for me.

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