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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. Im probably going on the Saturday. The wife has a Land Rover habit so we are going to look at the military vehicles and Im shopping for our up and coming milsim in September.
  2. CO2 are good but can be a bit hot for skirmishing - just check the fps. Gas pistols tend to be more common in skirmishes but aren't so good in cold weather. I like pistols and have a few different makes. TM are good and WE are not bad and more affordable.
  3. Try Pro Airsoft Supplies - they seem to have pretty good stock levels at the mom
  4. Just to remind those of you not aware, the War and Peace weekend will be held weekend after next in Kent. Not strictly airsoft, but airsoft weapons are sometimes used for the re-enactments and it is a BIG weekend with lots to see.
  5. If any of you want to meet up, theres always the milsim at Watford on 20/21st September ? you can camp or go to the premier inn, as you wish..
  6. I did my UKARA via Pro Airsoft and they were fine. Took the paperwork in there. My grouch was with the site who took ages to "process my form" and send it back to me after the fee had been paid. The experience left me rather anti UKARA.
  7. Okto Eight Milsim is shaping nicely. Lots of toys to make the game interesting; 20mm rifle, landmines, now working on a laser target designator. Going to be amazeballs..

  8. Welcome to the forum. The rule of thumb is that you have too many guns when your partner says you do or when you have no more room to keep them. Airsoft gun ownership equilibrium is achieved at the point of threats of divorce less one gun. lol
  9. Airsoft Game Anti-Personnel Pyro Land Mines. Photo shows one detected and marked with a P-MEK kit.
  10. Okto Eight Milsim weekender on 20/21 Sept at junction of M1/M25 motorways
  11. Everybody says that on here and when you say why don't you get the splat R4, its a good starter gun, they ask whats wrong with the AK72.5 because they have set their heart on it. So, come on, what sort of airsoft gun do you want? £400 is a good budget so most will be open to you..
  12. Welcome to the light ! well sometimes...
  13. Fancy some land mine action in the game ? Click on thumbnail..
  14. Yes Ive been looking at those as some of the guys at the milsim were looking for cheap headsets to plug into our radios. Let us know if they are any good.
  15. Not greatly impressed with the ASG mags I have. The paint finish is really poor. Prefer PMAGs mid caps
  16. BD - which Z Tactical product are you using and how many times roughly do you think you've skirmished with it ? They look good and aren't a bad price, but Ive held back because guys on the milsim groups keep talking about quality control issues with internal wiring !
  17. I use the Baofeng UV5R which is an earlier model but similar internally. Yes they do use the Kenwood 2 pin. I don't use the Bowman. The Z Tactical is a reasonable price and probably best in its price range. However, it does have something of a mixed reputation for reliability and some players have reported having to replace them quite quickly. No personal experience though. Unfortunately, the next models up are professional kit and a very big jump in price and too rich for my blood. Im not the radio police, but just be aware that although you can legally buy the Baofeng in the UK, you cant use them legally unless you have something like a private business licence. They are too powerful for PMR446 frequencies. I use standard PMR446 radios for skirmishing and use the Baofeng for milsimming where the operators have licence cover. For example, the Okto Eight Milsim guys who are running the September milsim at the M25 site have a licence that allows players to use up to 5W power on their private frequencies.
  18. Agreed, the rebel force in the milsim could do with four such freedom fighters to take on the dictator and his fascist army !
  19. Not dealt with them, but I see it like this. I work hard for my money - spending it is supposed to be a pleasure. If I don't enjoy the transaction because the supplier is rude or makes me do all the work, I wont buy from them again. Doesn't matter how good they are or how wonderful their products are.
  20. Welcome from another AWA player
  21. You can pitch your tent and leave it in there. The players personal tents are kept out of the game.
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