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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. Welcome. Where have you played ?
  2. In that case, I guess its not Filmsim. Probably not pure milsim either though. Lots of flavours...
  3. Just starting to develop the plot now as props need to be made and bought for the Okto Eight game, even though its three months away. Everybody wants to be SOF of course, but the rebels are well funded from overseas interests who want to see the government topple. Its not just going to be Airsoft fighting. Got some actors playing certain roles to inject some realism and some very interesting mission challenges and "toys" to play with. Does that make it filmsim ?
  4. Ive got the Type 56 from Real Sword. The 56 is an old school Chinese army weapon that they copied from the Russian AK47 design. They have turned up in nearly every dirty war and rebellion in the last 30 years. Its a lovely classic weapon and has a fold out bayonet. Cant see it being a realistic DMR.
  5. Personally, I think you were in the right. If he was inside the MED, then he should have either switched to another less powerful weapon (which he didn't have) or signaled for another of his team to engage you. However, you don't say how close he was. Some games have a surrender rule if players engage at very close range. If he was only a metre or two away and couldn't miss, then it could be debated. However, he didn't say surrender.
  6. Having tried conventional skirmishes, it was the type of game that I decided I wanted to move into. Something a bit more immersive than skirmishing but a bit less than a full on 48 hour marathon like the big players do. Talking to some of the heavy duty simmers, they spend a small fortune on real steel authentic loadouts and take it all deadly seriously. Not really my scene as a weekend hobby. It took me a couple of false attempts to find an organiser that was on the same wavelength. I made the mistake of talking to skirmish sites who needed to churn the handle to keep their income coming in and their idea of a milsim was not quite what I had in mind. Also, I didn't want to run it as an organiser as I think I know my limitations. The Okto guys know how to build props, scenes and have access to sites etc. The only problem is that Im now busy writing the plots, sub plots and helping run the behind the scenes, I wont get a chance to play on one of the teams. Might be able to get involved i.e. a bit part as an extra etc over the course of the weekend though !
  7. Fifty five quid for three hours, jeeze. Most skirmish sites charge about £25 for the day on the periphery of London, Our September milsim just off J20 M25 provides 16 hours of action for £60.
  8. Two weeks left at the initial price of £35. Going up on 20th June.
  9. The milsim organisation Im involved with allow 420fps on 0.2s for a single shot DMR. Otherwise its 350fps.
  10. I think it depends on the site. Some might allow it, some definitely wouldn't. I use a Cold Steel knife and as you say, its just a tap.
  11. One of the other main differences that occurs to me, between skirmish games and milsim games is the regen rules. The milsim tries to instal some real fear of losing your game "life", so that players are more mindful when engaging the enemy and its therefore more realistic. Ive played in skirmishes where players just throw themselves at the enemy, die in a hail of BBs, run back 50m, touch a tree and they are back in the game. Life is cheap In milsims, there are normally medic rules, so if you get shot, you need another of your team to apply a bandage or something similar, to allow you to rejoin the game. If they don't get to you, then you bleed out and are considered Killed In Action or KIA. Some games take it further and the games Im involved in, use a morphine autojet to give you another chance at staying in the game. You can regen in milsims but it normally takes longer and you are often kept out of the game long enough so you cant rush back and leap straight back into the fight to help the mates you just died alongside. Some games also make you change ID/callsign when you die and regen.
  12. COPIED FROM THE OKTO EIGHT MILSIM FB PAGE People have requested a SITREP on the situation, so here's a quick timeline briefing to bring you people up to speed. 22nd March - MOLDISTAN TEETERS ON THE EDGE The Moldistani Minister of Trade is killed when soldiers of the government Moldistan Defence Force (MDF) try to rescue him from his rebel captors. It is alleged that the MDF are being helped by special forces from the west. 4th April - A foreign intruder breaks into the government owned Gorazh Titanium mine and escapes into the night. 22nd April - TERRORIST OR PEOPLES HERO Colonel Lukashenka, the head of the rebel force, known as the Peoples Front of Moldistan (MPF) is interviewed by a British defence journalist. He claims that the government officials are corrupt and are selling Titanium to the highest bidder and lining their own pockets whilst the people of Moldistan are kept in poverty and abused if they protest. 30th May - MOLDISTAN IS NOT STOCKPILING WEAPONS Accusations on social media that Moldistan is stockpiling weapons inside the Gorazh Titanium mine are disproved by a media investigation. 30th May - Colonel Lukashenka of the MPF makes a public appeal for rebel fighters from all countries to come to Moldistan to help his group to stop the corrupt government. He makes allegations directed at the country president, of both corruption and atrocities against the ordinary people of Moldistan.
  13. Quite a few sites do night games. Are they skirmish or milsim though ?
  14. I wouldnt get too hung up on the ranks and saluting bit - its a very small minority that do it - I mentioned it to show the variation and shades of grey in what people call milsim. I think the comment about lone wolfing is very valid and probably one of the prime differences between milsims and skirmishes. In a skirmish I played, a sniper from the other team was giving a few of us from our team a hard time. I tried to get some of the other players to work with me to pin him down by using a bit of teamwork and supporting fire. Nobody was interested and all just did their own thing. Result - the sniper got each of us, one at a time. In a milsim, you would generally not be in a 30-50 strong team, all running round doing your own thing. You would be broken down into smaller squads and teams and you would fight and work together in your little team as is done in real life. I think its more rewarding and you tend to get to know your team mates, either from preparation beforehand or during the game. I suppose you might get that if you skirmish in your own Airsoft team, but if you play alone or with just one friend, etc, milsims can be a way of getting a bit more team spirit. In terms of taking orders, little Napoleons are strongly discouraged. Normally a form of Chinese parliament, as Nick called it, is used. If somebody is elected as a squad leader for example, that can be rotated around, so everybody can have a go (if they want to, of course) at leading a team of 4-5 players over the course of the day or weekend.
  15. You can still access Facebook - only joking.. Thats what I mean - a lot of misnomers about milsims. I dont like sleeping in a battlefield where you are allowed to sleep in your tent, but you may get attacked at any time. Sporadic fighting, yes, but you have to stalk and hunt and the ambushes are good. A handful of BBs - 600 in mid cap mags so you have to change mags when fighting, More ammo back at base or in hidden arms caches. Calling in air support or a mortar attack. Hunting snipers as a squad. You dont really get a chance to try these things in a normal skirmish. The day battles allow you to have a nice bath to relieve the aches and pains and sleep in a soft bed.
  16. Theres one not far from me that keep themselves pretty low key on the net and is largely word of mouth. They have a selection board and promotions. You work your way up the ranks - it struck me as a bit creepy so I gave it a wide berth.
  17. Personally I agree and its not my thing, but there are lots of hardened simmers who do just that and go back for more. I think the attraction of some flavour of milsim is the camaraderie of working in a team against a common enemy, using either real steel or restricted ammo limits and having to think your way out of problems using strategy and tactics - not just blatting away. Little generic things like using loadouts to identify each other rather than armbands, greater use of radios and playing with cool toys like big pyros, mortars and props make milsims a little more interesting IMHO. In terms of length, some claiming to be milsim are less than an hour before they have a break. Some are 8 hours, some go overnight and some are 24/36 hours.
  18. I saw this question in another post and it made me wonder how many AFUK members aren't familiar with this type of game. Also, I find that many people have misconceptions. Wikipedia says QUOTE MilSim is an abbreviation of military simulation, and refers to military simulations conducted by civilians for entertainment purposes. MilSim most often falls into two different categories: reenactment and simulation. Reenactments focus on a particular event in history and aim to provide the most accurate representation of the time period, events, and outcomes of the historical event. Simulation, however, may only focus on a particular time period and representation of which course a particular situation may have taken in history. In most cases a simulation event includes fictitious characters, groups, and political situations. UNQUOTE Of course, there is also Filmsim and people often mix the two terms. Its very hard to find a binding definition anywhere. In my experience, there are a lot of shades of grey with milsimming. Extremes are those companies which treat players as real soldiers - exact loadouts are required for the era, players have to sleep rough for 36 hours (or not at all); some even have ranks, basic training and use saluting. At the other end of the spectrum is something one level away from a skirmish - a day theme where there is some ongoing connection between the games even though they have breaks between games and still use a safe zone. I guess the message is that there is no one such thing as a milsim - instead, lots of different flavours. If it interests you as an alternative to skirmishing, my advice would be to read the small print and understand what flavour you're buying !
  19. Cant help but you might want to try the Milsim Airsoft Central group on Facebook. Sounds like their thing.
  20. Welcome. Isnt Airsoft just hunting humans in a non lethal way lol
  21. Its a bit like asking, what is the best car to get me to work each day . Ive got most of the common optics. Love em all for different reasons.
  22. Its a common type. I have one. It shoots at a good fps but like most snipers, needs upgrades to improve accuracy and consistency. No such thing as a cheap good sniper rifle.
  23. Its not the actual camp and is representative of the kind of thing which will be built. A decent organiser wouldn't put a grave next to a tent. If you look back on the Okto Eight page on Facebook, you will see a photo of a tent and hand cart. That was the picture of a previous milsim from the same organiser.
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