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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. 1. Who do you want to communicate with - you need to make sure you have the same frequencies they do !! 2. Baofeng radios are designed for hams and some sort of licensing is required by you or the site, in order for you to use them legally. 3. PMR446 licence free radios are the simplest solution. There are many on the market. All have some controls but they are no harder to use than a mobile phone. Make sure the external mic/speaker jack is compatible with whatever headset/PTT you want to buy. A lot of milsimmers seem to use the Kenwood and Motorola 2-pin. I've got Motorola 1-pin and other types. It doesn't really matter much. There are lots of posts on here about radios if you spend some time searching. Personally, I like ones that scan and which have a rotary volume knob - FWIW
  2. Ah OK mate. No problem. Didnt recognise you with your clothes on.
  3. Angled foregrip. The EoTech doesnt have any magnification. The photo shows a magnifier behind it so you get a magnified view through the EoTech.
  4. Also one of the great things about these type of games is if you come on your own, you are assigned to a fireteam of four or five players and they try to put solo players in with other single players, so everybody is in the same boat, so to speak. By the time the weekend is over, you and your team will have quite a bond.
  5. You asked a question. You are thinking of inviting strangers/friends of friends etc to your private airsofting event. If they hurt themselves, you have a liability and duty of care. There are some clever legal vultures out there. As a previous poster said, if they are suddenly stopped from working by the injury and their mortgage lender is threatening to take their home away, friendships and bonhomie go out the window. Personally I wouldn't do it. Its easier to take your friends and their friends to either a private function on an established site or just go airsofting on a skirmish and play together within the game.
  6. Its a mix of milsim and filmsim with a healthy dose of role-play. 8 hours max, relatively relaxed pace, no route marches. A high power radio is provided per squad for Coalition and MDF forces. MPF will use their own PMR446 radios or mobiles if they want to - not compulsory. The onus is to get into character and dress the part. For example, If you are playing as a Moldistan rebel, it wouldn't make sense to be wearing US patches. Thats why there is a rebel freestyle team, MDF government team and a Coalition US/UK SOF team.
  7. A plea from Colonel Lukashenka of the Moldistan Peoples Front. "The citizens of Moldistan need your help. The dictator government of President Gretsky is suppressing the will of the men, women and children of our country. The government was never fairly elected and took control by force. We in Moldistan are not allowed a democratic election to choose a leader on merit alone. Not only are the government using the natural resources of our country to bolster their personal offshore bank accounts, they are murdering anybody who opposes them. We have proof of whole families being murdered just for providing my men with food and shelter. The Peoples Front of Moldistan are the only thing that stops Gretsky from destroying our beloved country. Without us, he will have the ordinary people starving in unheated hovels while he surrounds himself with girls, drugs and unparalleled luxury. Comrades, this is not socialism. It is capitalism hiding behind a veneer of socialism. Gretsky and his dogs live like kings, while the real kings, the people of Moldistan live like dogs. My comrades and I urgently need your help. Come to Moldistan to take arms alongside us - Let us fight Gretsky together, shoulder to shoulder. Join the MPF NOW !!!
  8. Yes its a standard PMR446 radio compatible with other PMR446. Can be used with a headset using Motorola single pin plug. Doesnt scan though which can be useful if you are trying to monitor others.
  9. A surveillance photo showing the secondary entrance to the mine. Are those tracks just being used for ore trucks ?
  10. No. Has their Facebook page been taken down ? can't find it any longer.
  11. Who knows. A lot of changes recently at that site.
  12. Perhaps they have a site licence to use them ? These licences are normally issued for specific geographical areas by Ofcom. Why dont you ask them ? i assume we are talking about Bunker39 ?
  13. They've got an open day today. I think the limit is 328fps. I don't know any other indoor sites in Essex. Bunker 39 have an outdoor one and may accept under 16s without a parent playing. Might be worth some messages on Facebook.
  14. A photograph posted to the internet 2 days ago by an anonymous source traced to South Africa who claimed it was taken recently inside the Gorazh National Mine - doesn't look like the Mine is just being used to extract Titanium does it ? What is the Moldistan government playing at and why are they so keen to keep the rebels out of the mine ?
  15. Im still waiting fir this to turn up in stock at the UK retailers.
  16. Gorazh National Mine in Moldistan. A corrupt government is mining Titanium and lining their own pockets by privately selling the valuable commodity to a foreign government. The Moldistan Peoples Front, horrified at the corruption and mistreatment of their own countrymen, have risen against the government forces. Living deep in the forest, they are doing their best to sabotage government attempts to get the mine into production. The MPF need your help !! Join in on 20th and 21st September. Note: photograph is for storyline and illustration purposes only and does not represent the site. The milsim will be held at a large woodland site near Kings Langley in Herts.
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