A plea from Colonel Lukashenka of the Moldistan Peoples Front.
"The citizens of Moldistan need your help.
The dictator government of President Gretsky is suppressing the will of the men, women and children of our country. The government was never fairly elected and took control by force. We in Moldistan are not allowed a democratic election to choose a leader on merit alone.
Not only are the government using the natural resources of our country to bolster their personal offshore bank accounts, they are murdering anybody who opposes them.
We have proof of whole families being murdered just for providing my men with food and shelter.
The Peoples Front of Moldistan are the only thing that stops Gretsky from destroying our beloved country. Without us, he will have the ordinary people starving in unheated hovels while he surrounds himself with girls, drugs and unparalleled luxury.
Comrades, this is not socialism. It is capitalism hiding behind a veneer of socialism. Gretsky and his dogs live like kings, while the real kings, the people of Moldistan live like dogs.
My comrades and I urgently need your help. Come to Moldistan to take arms alongside us - Let us fight Gretsky together, shoulder to shoulder.
Join the MPF NOW !!!